Chapter 1

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"Brother... Are you alright? You have been acting strange lately... " They both had just gotten home from walking around town. Saki had been thinking about her brother, Tsukasa.

He hasn't been acting like his usual cheery and out going self lately, she had been worried for him because of that. She decided to invite him on a stroll with her usual friends she hangs out with. being the amazing brother he is, of course he had accepted the invite.

She had been observing him the entire time they'd been out, he wasn't as excited as she had expected him to be. Usually he's always happy to go out with his little sister and her friends, Honami, Shiho, and Ichika, but by the blank face he had, she clearly could tell something was bothering him that day.

"Of course I'm okay Saki, Why wouldn't I be?" He said it with his 'usual' cheery voice, but Saki was his sister, she could tell that something wasn't right.

"Brother... Are you sure? For the past couple of days you haven't looked very well, you haven't really been talking as much as you usually do... " She's trying to push forward a little bit to see if she could get anything out of her brother, alas she hadn't been able to get him to talk to her.

"Really Saki, I am perfectly fine! You really do not have to worry about your big brother, so please believe me when I say that I am perfectly okay." His voice sounds off. He was never a good liar, especially to his younger sister. Saki felt hurt that he wouldn't talk to her, they are siblings after all, she always was here to talk to him if he wasn't okay, but she just left it as that.

"Okay... But please Tsukasa, if you really need to talk to me about anything, please, I'm always free to listen to you." She has to let him know that she is there for him. He's always been there for her and all her troubles, so she wants to always be there for him too.

"Okay then, I'll be in my room if you need me, Do not fret to come and talk to me if you feel you need to." She clarified, before leaving to go to her bedroom.

Tsukasa goes to lay in his bed after he and her had been through talking. It is true that he'd been worried for quite awhile, the truth is he'd been worried there was something wrong with him.

Laying there thinking about the conversation he had, his mind started to wondered off to his troupe member, and one of his best friends, Rui Kamishiro. Lately he had been thinking about Rui in not just a friend way, in a "Romantic" way, as you put it.

He thought of holding hands with him, hugging him, kissing him. It's embarrassing to recall such memories such as these, especially since they are about his best friend! He felt terrible. He shouldn't be having thoughts such as these, especially between another guy and himself!

Not to mention that it's Rui, His best friend!

What would Rui think? He'd probably think it'd be disgusting right? He can imagine it now, Rui finding out and calling him disgusting and not wanting to talk or be his friend anymore! That'd be awful.... Rui wouldn't do that though, right? Rui may be kinda weird... But he's not like that... Not mean...

He's disgusting, Tsukasa has to have something wrong with him. He shouldn't have these thoughts, he needs to get over them, and quickly too. He turns in his bed and began to tear up, could he really like Rui? That's wrong right, what would his parents think? What would everyone think?


Since it's Saturday the next morning, they had no need to get ready for school. Tsukasa had texted the group that he would not be going today, he had lied that he hasn't been feeling well, so maybe they could leave him out for today.

He sees that Rui is online in the chat, he must have not gotten any sleep that night, he probably was working on another invention like he usually does. "That's alright Tsukasa, make sure you get enough rest then... The next show can wait, your health matters as well."

Rui's response was appreciated, it's amazing to know that he does care for him. That makes him feel warm inside. "Thank you Rui! Make sure you get enough rest! Your health is also important!"


Rui had always used that smiley face for when someone tells him to take care of himself... It's neat.

Getting up, he went to go to the kitchen to make food for him and his sister. His parents had already left earlier, they were always busy and never had time to really ever speak to him. That was fine though, he would always be fine from that. It was always like that when he was younger anyways.

"Brother are you feeling alright today?" Saki was in the kitchen already waiting to talk to him.

"Of course Saki! Now, what are we wanting for breakfast today? Your pick." He smiles at her, hoping to switch the subject as soon as possible.

"No" Saki says in a more serious octave. "Brother please talk to me, I know there is something bothering you right now, and since I'm your sister I wanna help you!" She exclaimed.

"If it's something that you really don't want to tell or talk to me about, it's fine, I really get it, but please at least tell me if it's that serious or not! If you trust me enough you can tell me, I will always help you no matter what."

"No matter what?" He repeats to her, verifying what she said. "No matter what."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2023 ⏰

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