Midnight Falling - Wilbur x Jared

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A/N: I don't know, guys, the inspiration struck and I got to work.
. . . 
I hadn’t dreamt about her in months. And I thought the nightmare’s had stopped. Yet, here I was, lying on my cold mattress, drowning in unshed tears.
Any normal person would’ve been over her, especially when a year had already passed.
I sighed, sitting up.
My throat hurt. I needed water… and maybe a shot or two.
I made my way to the kitchen and found a glass. Using the sink, I filled it up. I placed the empty cup on the counter, hearing an unsatisfying clink.

Knock, Knock, Knock.

Who the fuck is at my door at three in the god damn morning? Better not be Tommy.
I groaned, trudging to the door and flinging it open.
The sight there surprised me. A man staring at the ground and a baby in his arms, that was it.
I stared. “Jared?”
He nodded.
“What’re you doing here?”
He looked up. I could see the tears in his eyes. “I know we didn’t really get off on the right foot, but I need your help.”
I frowned, glancing around the empty hall. “Sure. Do you… want to come in?”
He nodded. “Yes please.”
. . .
We sat on the couch, the baby perched in his lap.
“So,” I started, “what’s up?”
“I left Sally. We broke up maybe an hour ago. She came home drunk again and I… got angry. I couldn’t handle it anymore. I took Jaime and left.”
“And you came here?”
“I didn’t know where else to go. And coming here was a long shot, anyway. I was lucky you hadn’t moved. See, Sally doesn't let me go out, let alone speak to people. You were the only person I could think of.”
“And who is Jaime?” I let the baby grab my hand.
“Jaime is one of the reasons Sally broke up with you. She was about a month pregnant. And, no, Jaime isn’t yours, she’s mine. We hooked up a lot when you two were together. I didn’t know you two were together until maybe a week before she left you. So, for that, I’m sorry. If I had known, I wouldn’t-” his voice cracked.
“It’s not your fault. You couldn’t have known. And, Sally and I never… did anything. I want to save myself for the person that I know is right for me.” The baby - Jaime - cooed before yawning. “How old is she?”
“Five months.”
“I think… I think we should figure this out in the morning. We’ll both be less exhausted and our minds will be somewhat clear. You can take my room with Jaime. I’ll sleep on the couch. I’ll get you something for your headache.”
“How did you know I had a headache?”
I shrugged. “Just a guess. Go on in. First room on the right.”
. . .
I awoke very uncomfortably on the couch. My feet hung over the edge. I sat up, stretching and yawning. My back cracked.
I sighed, standing and making my way to the kitchen. My glass still sat on the counter, so I filled it up and downed the whole thing.
I heard a baby sobbing, suddenly, and jumped.
“Oh, right,” I sighed again, making my way to my bedroom to check on my guests.
Baby Jaime laid on the bed crying and throwing her hands around.
Jared lay next to her, fast asleep and snoring. I noticed the bags under his eyes that I hadn’t seen last night. He’d had Nyquil and probably wasn’t meaning to sleep through Jaime’s crying.
I could wake him up… or I can take Jaime with me.
I sighed, scooping up the baby and bringing her to the kitchen.
I didn’t have any bottles for her and I highly doubted she could drink from a cup. What to do, what to do?
She latched her hands around my neck and her crying stopped. Huh, I guess she wasn’t hungry.
We made our way to the living room, where I found a blanket.
I spread the blanket out as best I could with one hand and laid her on it. She pushed herself up, sitting and clapping. I smiled. “Good job, Jaime. Stay here for just a moment.”
I found some plastic cups in a cabinet and set them in front of her. This was the best I could do for toys.
I turned to face the stove and set to work.
I wasn’t the best at cooking, but I knew how to follow directions. I got out the hotcake mix.
Just as I poured the first hotcake into the pan, there was a crack and Jaime’s crying.
I whirled towards her, fearing the worst. She sat in the same spot, crying and reaching towards one of her cups. A green one she must have thrown.
I breathed out in relief, bringing the cup back to her.
I finished the hotcakes and served myself. I covered the remaining hotcakes and scooped Jaime into my arms. Jared wasn’t awake, yet, and I planned to let him sleep as long as he needed.
My neighbour Lidia had a baby, I remembered.
I slipped on a pair of house slippers and made my way down the hall to her apartment.
I knocked. She answered almost immediately. “Oh! William, hello. Can I-” she eyed the baby in my arms “- help you?”
“Uhm, yeah. Do you have, maybe, a bottle I can use? A friend is staying over last minute and didn’t bring anything.”
“Oh, of course. One moment.” She turned away, leaving the door cracked. A minute later, she returned, passing me a clean bottle. “Here you go. Good luck!”
Back in my apartment, I left Jaime on the floor in her spot.
I wasn’t sure what a five-month-old could drink. I opted to give her a mixture of milk and water.
She gulped it down, coughing a bit.
She giggled up at me.
. . .
An hour later, when I was sure her stomach had settled and I had cleaned up the kitchen, I held her in my arms. I wasn't entirely sure what to do now. Jared was still asleep. I didn’t mind. Based on what he’d told me, he probably took care of Jaime. He definitely needed the sleep.
I plugged my phone into a speaker, keeping the volume relatively low, and played music.
Jaime cooed at me, reaching up.
I pulled her up, holding her against my hip. I began to rock back and forth, swaying to the beat and humming to the music.
Jaime and I danced in the kitchen for a half an hour before Jared made his way out of my room.
He smiled at us. “Morning.”
“Finally, gosh,” I rolled my eyes playfully. “Good morning, Sleepy Head.”
He came forward, taking Jaime from me. “Hello, baby.” He looked at me. “Thank you. Was she good?”
I nodded. “Yeah. She’s adorable.”
“Thank you, truly. We’ll be out of your hair as soon as we can.”
I frowned. “Stay as long as you need. You said you don't have anyone else. Where are you planning to go?”
“Well, I was going to go to my parents’ house. Yours was just closer. My parents don’t know about Jaime. I’m not sure how they’ll take it.”
“You can stay here, again, for as long as you need. You’re not ‘in my hair.’ It’s actually quite lonely living here.”
He smiled softly, rocking Jaime. “Well, if you truly don’t mind. I’d like to stay until I can get a job and an apartment for us.”
“Yeah, of course.”
“Would you… mind driving us to Sally’s? I’d like to get some of our things from there.”
“Yeah, we can go now.”
. . .
We pulled up in front of the crappy one-story house to see a horrible sight. A dwindling fire blazed on the front lawn. There were police and firefighters. Sally was being cuffed, screaming and cursing.
Jaime was pushed into my arms as Jared rushed forwards, asking what was happening.
Apparently, near six in the morning, they had been called. Sally was dragging things out front and lighting them on fire. The firefighters were putting it out.
Sally let out another scream. “Fuck you, Jared!” Her head was shoved into a police car.
The officer laid a hand on his shoulder. “You know her?”
Jared nodded. “She came home drunk last night, just like she does every night. I guess I just couldn’t take it anymore and I snapped. I never laid a hand on her, but I told her some terrible things and took Jaime.”
“Who is Jaime?”
“Our kid,” he gestured to me and Jaime. I waved.
“Who is that man?”
“A friend. I stayed at his place last night.”
The officer sighed. “Well, I’d assume she was beyond angry. It looked as though all the things she was burning belonged to a baby. There was a crib. I saw piles of clothes, too. Probably yours.”
He gasped, covering his mouth.
I strode forward, pulling him into me with my free hand and letting him cry into my shoulder. He clung to me, trying to calm down.
The officer gently wrestled Jaime from my arms, allowing me to turn fully towards Jared and hold him.
He sobbed, gasping for air. “W-what am I sup-posed to do?”
I hushed him, rubbing my hand up and down his back. “It’s okay. I promise. I’m here to help.”
“I-I can’t as-ask that of- of you.”
“You can. I already told you I’d help. We can go to the mall tomorrow and find some things for the both of you.”
“Are- are you sure?”
“Yes, I’m sure. You’re not a bother. I’m glad to help.”
He pulled away, sniffling and wiping at his eyes. I took Jaime back from the officer. “Can we go?”
She nodded. “Let me get both of your numbers, though.”
. . .
The next day was similar to the one before, just without the fire and crying. Jared and I ate leftover hotcakes while Jaime played on the floor.
At ten o’clock, we made our way to a shopping outlet.
“And, you’re absolutely sure this is fine? I don’t have much money on my card, so we won’t get much.”
I nodded, knowing I’d offer my own card anyway. “Where to first?”
“There’s a baby store not far from here, we can start there.”
In the store, Jared let Jaime help pick out a few things, mostly onesies and pacifiers. I noticed he’d only grabbed two onesies, a pack of diapers, and one pacifier.
I frowned, eyeing the label on the clothes: 3-6 months. “I’m going to find a restroom. I’ll meet you at the next store.”
He shrugged. “Okay. We’ll head a little ways down the street. There’s another store down there I’d like to check out.”
I stepped away, hiding behind an aisle and waiting for him to leave. As soon as he was out of my sight, I explored the store, picking out every cute thing I saw in Jaime’s size. I found a few cute blankets and grabbed a few more pacifiers, each of varying designs. I also saw some teething toys and grabbed some more diapers.
I dropped my basket, stuffed past the brim and overflowing, onto the counter beside the register.
The lady working stared wide-eyed. “Weren’t you just here? With your friend?”
I nodded. “He’s going through a rough time and doesn’t have much money, so I figured I’d spoil them.”
She smiled. “Good on you.”
I paid and struggled out to my car. I made sure everything fit in the trunk. It did. There was plenty more room for other things as well.
I found Jared wandering around the other baby store. He had a basket. Inside was a package of bottles and a jar of formula.
He noticed me approaching and groaned. He shoved what he was holding in my face. “Smell. I can’t decide!”
I gagged. Whatever this was smelled like bubble gum. “Gross, what?”
He sighed. “I need baby shampoo for her. I can’t decide.”
We spent twenty minutes smelling soaps until, eventually, I found one I liked.
“Ooh, peachy,” I smiled, passing it to Jared. He took his turn to smell and smiled.
“This is perfect.” He added it to his basket and walked away, leaving me to trail behind. “I think I’m going to get her a car seat. So far, we’ve been in your car a lot and it’s illegal for her to not be in one. Plus, they’re cheaper than cribs. She can sleep on the bed with you. Or the couch with me.”
I frowned. “No, you’re taking the bed.”
He sighed, shaking his head. “You’ve already done so much and we barely know each other. The least I could do is let you have your bed back.”
“No, it’s fine. The couch is comfortable.”
He just looked at me, scanning my face, before deflating a bit. “Fine.”
I hopped in glee. “What car seat are we getting?”
“Not sure. Probably the same as her old one, if they still have it- oh! There!”
He paid, sighing as he handed over a bit of cash and his card.
Outside, he let me carry the box with the car seat. “Let’s head back to your flat.”
“What? What about you?”
“What about me?”
“You didn’t get anything for yourself, Jared.”
“I’ll be fine. Jaime is more important than me. I’m glad she has what little I got her.”
“You need to be taken care of, too, though.”
“I’ve not got much money left. I could barely buy a pair of shorts. Let’s just go.”
I let Jared use my keys to open and install the car seat into the backseat while I added his single bag to the many in the trunk; the many he still hadn’t seen.
He buckled Jaime in with a satisfying click and climbed into the front seat.
In my head, I had a plan. We were going for lunch and then I’d take him to a clothes store and help him pick out a few things for himself. He didn’t know.
. . .
“What the- William, where are we?”
“Oh, please, it’s Wil or Wilbur. And, we’re eating lunch. My treat.”
He scanned my face again and smiled. “Thank you.”
Jaime was given a booster seat and some crayons. Her menu was meant to be coloured on.
I noticed that Jared helped Jaime pick what she wanted and ordered the cheapest thing for himself. He felt guilty.
When we’d finished eating, I ordered a chocolate shake for Jared and I and a small bowl of vanilla ice cream for Jaime. We laughed together and had fun, cooing and purring at Jaime.
. . .
Jared must have noticed that none of the streets looked familiar, because he sat straighter and looked around, frowning. “William, where are we going?”
“Shopping. We’ve not gotten anything for you. And it’s Wil or Wilbur.”
He sighed. “I already told you that I don’t have the money for that.”
I let one hand drift from the wheel to his forearm. “I do. You can use my card with absolutely no limit.”
He sniffed, shifting in his seat. “I couldn’t do that. You’re already doing so much.”
I frowned, pulling to the side of the road and facing him. “Jared. If I have to tell you that it’s fine one more time, I swear to god I will throw you out of the moving car and keep Jaime for myself.”
He looked petrified.
“Plus, I’m basically a millionaire. Helping you get a new wardrobe won’t do barely anything. And you don’t only have to get clothes. Every other necessity is included.”
He broke down, reaching across the centre console and hugging me around the neck. “Thank you, Wil. You are an angel in disguise. I promise I will pay you back as soon as I get a job.”
“No need, Jared. This is a gift from me to you.”
He cried harder. We sat there holding each other for fifteen minutes before he pulled away and wiped his red face.
. . .
Jared had been here for a week, so far. During that week, I’d gone ghost on all social media. Not purposefully, of course. I rarely texted my friends and hadn’t streamed. That was fine, though. It’s only been a week.
We sat on opposite ends of the couch, watching Hamilton while Jaime napped. Apparently, he’d never seen it before.
He huffed out hard, turning to face me. “William?”
I faced him, too. “It’s Wil.”
“Right, yeah. I just- thank you. Really. I don’t think I could ever say it enough. Thank you so much for what you’ve done for us.”
“Jared,” I smiled, “it’s more than alright. I would do this again any day, okay? We’re friends now.”
He smiled, fiddling with his fingers. “I’m glad. Thank you.” He turned back to the movie and we watched it silently.
After a moment, I frowned. “Jared.”
He hummed.
“You want to say something. I can tell. What is it?”
He sighed, turning back towards me. “It’s fine. I’ve already asked so much of you. I’ll figure it out.”
“No, tell me. Ask me, please.”
He held my eye contact before giving in. “I found a place that’s hiring. It’s a crappy little office building. Their receptionist is quitting because she’s meant to go into labour in a few weeks. I’m set for an interview next Thursday. Would you mind… watching Jaime while I’m out?”
“Of course! I love Jaime. I would love nothing more than to take care of her for the day.”
“You truly are the best. Thank you so much.”
. . .
Thursday rolled around and I still had barely had time for social media or my friends. Jared had left around nine, dressed in one of my suits. I watched as Jaime played on the floor, which I’d quickly gotten used to vacuuming daily. She put anything she could get her hands on in her mouth.
My phone buzzed beside me, ringing seconds later. I frowned, picking it up. Who was calling me?
The screen lit up with a contact name: Crow Father.
I answered. “Hello?”
“Oh, my goodness, Wil!”
“Yes, hi, hello. What’s up?”
“You’ve been ignoring everyone for two weeks and haven’t so much as liked a post on Twitter, either. Are you alright?”
I thought for a moment. Wow, he was right. I laughed lightly. “My apologies, Phil. I’ve been super busy. Haven’t had much time on my hands.”
He sighed. “Sorry, mate, we’re just worried. Tommy was freaking out. You hadn’t answered any of his texts. He was about ready to get a train ticket to yours. D’you mind if I ask what’s got you so busy?”
“Ah, well, I’ll have to ask my new roommates if I can tell you. I think it’d be easier to explain in person, though. We should figure out a time for us to drop by.”
“Literally whenever. Kristen and I are never busy. Just shoot me a text beforehand.”
I nodded. “Right. Okay.” I watched as Jaime crawled towards the kitchen. “Have to go, Phil. Bye!” I hung up before he responded and followed Jaime into the kitchen.
She sat on her knees, cooing at the fridge. I smiled, grabbing the Cheerios from on top. “You want these, little missy?”
She giggled, reaching up.
I set the box on the counter and scooped her into my arms. The high chair I’d ordered had arrived a few days ago and we’d spent three hours trying to put it together. I buckled her in, sliding the clean tray over her lap. I poured a few Cheerios on the plastic.
She squealed, stuffing one in her mouth.
I left her for a few moments, fetching my guitar from my room. I rolled her chair to the centre of the kitchen and sat perched facing her on the counter. I laid the guitar on my lap and rearranged my fingers. I strummed a chord, causing Jaime to coo again.
I smiled, humming a bit. “Jaime, it’s just you and me in the wreckage of the world.” I sang Remember You from Adventure Time, replacing Marceline with Jaime.
She finished her Cheerios and leaned back, relaxing. Within the next hour, as I played my guitar, she fell asleep.
I smiled softly, scooting off the counter and laying my guitar where I’d been sitting. I pressed the button on the back of her chair, allowing her to lean back. I didn’t want to wake her trying to move her, so I opted for that.
I sat back on the counter, playing the chords of Your New Boyfriend as soft as I could manage.
Another hour passed - it was now four - and the door slammed open, revealing a soaking wet Jared, shivering.
I gasped, jumping off the counter and running towards him. “What the hell happened?”
He shook as I pulled him into my arms. “S-some assh-hole pushed m-me… into the-the f-fountain outside the of-fice.”
“Oh, you poor thing,” I whispered. I bent down and picked him up bridal style, carrying him to the bedroom.
“W-what are you do-oing, W-wil?”
“Shhh,” I hushed him. “Taking you to my room. You’re going to take a warm bath and then we’ll all curl up and watch a movie. Can’t have you catching a cold, now, can we?”
He stayed silent as I sat him on the toilet and ran the warm water.
“Can I help you undress?”
He nodded, reaching for the hem of his shirt.
I left him in only his boxers and a full, warm bath. “Wash up really well, please. I’ll be right outside. Call me when you’re done and I’ll bring you some clothes.”
He nodded.
Jaime had woken back up. We sat on the bed, playing with some of her toys when Jared called for me near forty minutes later. I didn’t blame him; he’d had a long day.
I brought the clothes I’d gathered for him.
“Thank you, Wil.” His voice was much less shaky, now.
Behind the door, I smiled, retracting my hand. “No problem. Can I come in?”
“One moment. Okay. Yeah, come in.”
I opened the door fully just as he was pulling his borrowed hoodie over his shoulders. His head popped through the hole and he smiled, looking at me with dripping hair.
I smiled back, grabbing the towel from the counter and throwing it over his head. “C’mere.” He let me towel his hair.
He followed me back into the room, scooping Jaime into his arms and hugging her. “Hi, baby! Hi!”
She giggled, squeezing his cheeks between her palms.
I smiled at the pair, laying on the bed and picking up the remote. “What movie do we want to watch?”
Jared sat, putting Jaime between us. “Dunno. Ooh, actually, how about The Greatest Showman? Jaime likes that movie.”
“Works for me.” I opened Disney and played the movie before throwing a thick blanket across us.
Forty-five minutes in, Jaime fell asleep. I smiled down at her sleeping form, curled into my side. I picked her up, laying her in the crib I’d ordered with her high chair. I covered her with her blanket.
Now that Jaime wasn’t between us, watching the movie was awkward. I sat as close to the edge of the bed as I could in an attempt to not make Jared uncomfortable.
After almost falling off twice, I gave up, scooting further onto the bed.
Jared glanced at me, shifting until he was pressed up against me. “You’re warm, Wil.”
“Thanks?” I let my arm drape around his shoulders and pull him closer.
He buried his face into my chest, getting comfortable. “This is nice. Sally never cuddled me.”
“Me neither. Guess we’re both just a bit touch starved, huh?”
He nodded, consciousness fading.
Soon enough, both of us were asleep, clinging to each other.
. . .
I woke up much more comfortable than I had been for weeks.
Jared had his arms around my chest and his nose wedged into my neck. His legs were tangled between mine and the blanket.
I smiled. This is nice.
I let one of my hands rest in his hair.
He groaned, pressing his face deeper into my neck. “Morning, Wil.”
“Morning, Jare,” I yawned.
“Jare? I like that.”
“Mmm,” I turned closer to him. “Go back to sleep. It’s too early to be awake.”
His light snores started again. Jaime started crying.
Jared groaned again, throwing his hands in the air. He began to pull away, but I pulled him back. “I got her.” I sat up.
“No, she’s my kid-”
“Jared. I said I got her.”
He sighed, relaxing again. “Fine. Hurry up.”
I nodded, hurrying to the kitchen and making her a bottle.
Jared was awake, rocking a crying Jaime in his arms.
I sighed. “I thought I said I got it?”
“I know, but…”
“Let me take her.” He handed Jaime over and I stuck the nipple of the bottle in her mouth. She cooed, sucking and holding the bottle.
“C’mon,” Jared led me back to the bed. “Back to sleep we go.”
We laid back down, Jaime back in Jareds arms. I pulled them both into me. We fell asleep.
. . .
I woke up alone at ten.
I could hear Jared singing softly in the kitchen.
I smiled, approaching him from behind. “Morning, Jare.”
“Morning. I made you coffee.” He turned to greet me.
“Oh, did you?” I accepted the mug, sipping it. “Mmm, perfect. Thank you.”
“No problem. You wanna go out for brunch?”
“Sure. Can we drop by my friend Phil’s afterwards? He called me yesterday. I didn’t tell him much, but he did invite us over anytime we were available.”
“Sounds great. Let’s pack Jaime a day bag.”
“Yep. I’ll do it. You get dressed and lay something out for me.”
We set to work. I changed Jaime’s diaper and began packing her bag, making sure to grab diapers and a pack of wipes. I also grabbed some formula, a pacifier, and two bottles.
I heard the bedroom door open. “Okay. Your turn.”
Jared wore a plain blue t-shirt, a thick hoodie tied around his waist, dark jeans, and a pair of socks. He carried clothes for Jaime, who was playing on the floor beside me.
I took my turn in the bedroom, throwing on the clothes he’d chosen for me: a grey tee, a black zip-up hoodie, light skinny jeans and pink fuzzy socks.
I found Jared and Jaime waiting by the door, keys in hand, when I was dressed. He smiled in greeting, passing Jaime over, who’d reached for me immediately.
I let him lead us downstairs to the car.
. . .
I’d chosen a French cafe called La Madeleine’s.
“This place is pretty,” Jared smiled.
“George took me here once. Said he’d seen it online, but he didn’t like it much. The menus are here. Look through it and tell me what you want. I’ll order for us.” I offered a plastic menu.
He handed it back, shaking his head. “You choose. I trust you’ll pick something I’ll like.”
Slowly, I put the menu back in its place. “O…kay? Right. Go pick a table, then.”
He nodded, taking Jaime with him.
I had no clue what to get for them. I stood for at least five minutes staring at the menu before something caught my eye.
“Hello, sir, what can I get for you, today?” The cashier greeted me as I approached her.
“Ah, I’ll get a french toast plate and a hot chocolate. Can I add an extra slice of toast to that?”
“Of course. Anything else?”
I nodded. “Grilled cheese, hold the avocado. And a small milk, please.”
“Great. Will that be it?”
“Cool! Your total is twenty nine seventy four. Cash or card?”
After paying, I found Jaime and Jared sitting at a booth in the corner. Both of them smiled upon seeing me. I smiled back, sitting across from them.
“They’ll bring it out shortly.”
Jared nodded. “Thank you.”
Not seven minutes later, they brought out our plates. The girl who’d taken our order stood holding a tray with three plates and two drinks. “Grilled cheese, no avocado?”
I pointed at Jared. She set it in front of him. “French toast.” I raised my hand.
She gave us our drinks and left behind the counter.
Jared smiled across the table. “You remembered.”
“Remembered? Remembered what?”
“I’m allergic to avocados. I only told you once.”
I shrugged. “That’s enough to remember. I don't want to kill you.”
“Sorry. This is new to me. Sally never remembered things like that.”
I frowned. “She’s not a great person.”
He nodded. “Yeah, but you are. I’m thankful for that. For you.”
My face burned in embarrassment. “It’s just common courtesy, Jare.”
“I know, but it’s still new to me. So, thank you.”
. . .
Back in the car, I rang Phil and put him on speaker.
“‘Ello mate,” he answered.
“What’s up, Phil?”
“Nothin’ much. Kristin’s just gotten back from the store. What’re you up to?”
“Just finished brunch. Would you mind if me and my roommates stopped by?”
“Course not. Door is always open. See you soon, then?”
“Twenty minutes.”
“Great. Bye, mate. Drive safe.”
“Yup.” I hung up, turning to smile at Jared. “Ready?”
He nodded, licking his lips and smiling back. “As I’ll ever be.”
. . .
“Alright. Here we are.” I sighed, unbuckling.
Jared did the same. “Should I be nervous?”
I shook my head. “Nah. Phil and Kristin are the sweetest. There’s no need to be nervous.”
We climbed out of the car. I opened the back door and unclipped Jaime. I propped her on my hip and led the two up to the front door.
I knocked gently. The door swung open shortly after, revealing Kristin’s smiling face.
“Wil! Come on in, all of you!”
Jared blinked, taken aback. “H-hello, ma’am.”
“Hi! You must be one of Wil’s roommates. Please, sit.”
She led us to the living room and flopped into a cushion on the love seat. Jared, Jaime and I sat together on the larger couch.
Kristin smiled at me. “Is this a niece of yours, Wil? Or…?”
Jared sat up. “She’s mine. Wil has been such a great help to me these past weeks. Uhm, I’m Jared, by the way.” He leaned forwards, offering his hand.
Kristin shook it. “I’m Kristin. Phil’s in the bathroom. He’ll be down shortly.”
Jared nodded, tilting his head. “I didn’t expect you to be American. Your accent is lovely.”
She blushed, smiling. “Thank you. What’s her name?”
“Her name is Jaime.”
“How pretty. Can I ask how you ended up as Wil’s roommate?”
“It’s kind of a long story. Basically, Sally cheated on Wil almost two years ago with me. I had no idea. She’s a terrible person and mother. A few weeks ago, she came home drunk again and I just couldn’t handle it any longer. I took Jaime and left. Sally was super overbearing. I wasn’t allowed to go out and I raised Jaime. I’d only been to Wil’s once and I didn’t even know if he still lived there. I’m glad he did. Anyway, I planned to stay with Wil and leave for my parents' the next morning. He insisted we stay and, now, here we are, I guess.”
“Wow. That sounds heavy. How’re you feeling, then?”
“Kinda overwhelmed. It’s a lot to process, but I’m glad Wil is here for us. He’s surprisingly good with Jaime.”
Upon hearing her name, Jaime giggled, bouncing and clapping. I put her on the floor. Jared unzipped the bag slung over his shoulder and pulled out a small blanket and a few toys. He set them on the floor with Jaime, who immediately began playing with them.
Just then, Phil clambered down the stairs. “Hi! Hello! Sorry! Was in the bathroom and got distracted on my phone afterwards. Tommy just sent me, like, thirty TikToks.”
I smiled. “Yah, I know how that is. Come join us, Phil.”
He nodded, sinking into the cushion beside Kristin and wrapping an arm around her shoulders. “Who’s this?”
“Jared and his daughter Jaime. My new roommates.”
Jared leapt immediately back into the story, explaining again how we’d come to this situation.
Phil’s brows creased together. “How awful. Is there anything we can do to help?”
Jared shook his head. “No. Thank you, though. Wil’s been plenty of help. He absolutely insisted on buying clothes for me and has paid for everything we’ve done. He won’t let me pay him back, either.”
I nodded. “You don’t need to, Jare. I’m basically a millionaire.”
He huffed, crossing his arms. “I went to an interview yesterday. Hopefully they’ll accept me and I can pay you back. I will, I promise.”
“I won’t accept.”
He smiled, relaxing his shoulders. “Wil, you’re too sweet to me. How many times do I have to thank you?”
“I've already told you to stop thanking me.” I leaned forward a bit, challenging him.
He rolled his eyes.
Kristin giggled, grabbing a remote. “Shall we watch something? A movie, perhaps?”
Phil took the remote from her, smirking. “We’re watching ‘Is It Cake?’”
Kristin rolled her eyes, but let him put on the show.
We watched for about an hour before Jared got up to make Jaime a bottle.
He sat back down, holding Jaime. Another fifteen minutes passed and he handed her to me. I accepted her with no hesitation and pulled her into my chest. Jared smiled, leaning into me. “Thank you,” he whispered.
“No problem.” I shifted a bit until I was more comfortable.
I heard a soft chuckle and glanced at Phil. He smiled at me.
He shook his head. “Nothing.” He turned his attention back to the tv.
. . .
Jared had fallen asleep on my shoulder and Jaime napped in my arms.
Kristin had just turned the tv off and gotten up. She giggled down at me. “Need some help?”
“No. A blanket would be nice, though.”
She nodded, heading off.
Phil sat forward, giving that same soft smile. “They must mean a lot to you.”
“They do. I mean, at first, they didn’t. They were strangers and I was being kind. I guess I got attached quickly. Waking up with Jaime and making breakfast has become routine. Gosh, it’s so weird to think they’ve only been here for two weeks. I don’t think I could imagine living without them anymore.”
He grinned wider. “Wholesome. Are you going to stream again soon? Or maybe even open social media?”
“Yeah, I’ve just been busy. It’s kinda slipped my mind. I suppose I should give some kind of explanation.”
He nodded. “It’ll keep the fans at bay, but you don’t have to say anything personal.”
“I know and I won’t. Even with his permission. I kind of want this new little life I have with these two to be completely off-camera. I don’t know how long it’s going to last and I want to cherish that. Jared said he wants to move into his own place as soon as he can.”
“Oh. And you told him he could stay?”
“For as long as he needed.”
“Hmmm, well, maybe he wants a sense of independence. He’s been stuck under Sally for over a year. You can always remind him or invite him back.”
Kristin came back and draped a blanket over us. Jaime gurgled, waking up and yawning.
“Awww!” Kristin purred. She reached for the baby. “May I?”
“Yah, sure. Don’t drop her, please.”
Kristin gave me an unimpressed look before leaning down and taking Jaime from me. She walked out of the room.
It was just then I realised how tired I was. I yawned, too, sinking down and readjusting until Jared leaned against my chest. Raising a baby - even if she wasn’t mine and it wasn’t up to me to raise her - was hard. I feel sympathy for all parents. Well, all the not crappy parents.
Phil smiled, standing to follow his wife. “Slow your fall, Wil. Not too hard, mate.”
I frowned at him. “What in the hell does that mean?”
“Ah, mate,” he smiled softly at me. “You’ll get it soon.” He left.
. . .
I woke up sometime later to soft talking.
I let my eyes crack open.
Kristin was curled up on the couch while Jaime played on the floor. Jared sat between my legs, sitting up from where he’d been laying; I couldn’t see his face. He and Kristin held a steady conversation.
I stayed immobile and listened to their conversation.
“And what do you think of Wil? Like, honestly. I know he was awake the first time I asked, but I want to know,” Kristin asked.
Jared laughed quietly. “He’s sweet, I promise. Very good to us. To me. He’s a good person and I don’t understand how Sally could do something like that to him.”
“I heard bits and pieces of their relationship from Wil. You were with her, too? And neither of you knew of the other?”
The couch shivered as he shook his head. “Mhmm. I’d rather not speak about that, though. I can tell you more about my life with him if you’d like, but no more Sally talk.”
“Okay. Tell me, then. What do you like about Wil?”
They sat in silence for a moment.
“Yesterday, I had a job interview. Wil got up with me and Jaime. Let me borrow one of his nice suits. He watched Jaime from when I left at nine to when I got back at four. At the office, someone had knocked me into the fountain, so I was freezing. He dropped everything to take care of me. He carried me to the bathroom and ran a warm bath for me, got me clothes, and held me through the night. Truly I’ve never felt more safe. If I hadn’t known him for only a few weeks and if I wasn’t such a bother, I’d say he might love us like family.”
“He does. I can see it in the way he acts towards you. Wil gets attached very easily, but I’ve never seen him this docile and away from the internet. I think he’s focusing on the two of you because, unconsciously, he knows he might lose you. He doesn’t want that. He’s happier with you and Jaime around.”
“Good. I’ve just always felt like a bother. Like maybe he’d regret opening his front door at three in the morning. Maybe he’d regret wasting his money on us.”
“Oh, honey,” Kristin cooed, “Wil would never regret that. If he’s spent the money, then to him, it’s not a waste. And I’ve already told you just how much he loves you two. He will never regret letting you into his heart and life. Have a little self-confidence, Jared.”
He sniffed. “I try to, but it’s hard. With Sally, it was hard to keep little more than my sanity. She always put me down with harsh words. Telling me how terrible my dressing was or how unhealthy my eating habits were or how bad of a boyfriend I was. I guess after so long, those things became normal and it’s hard to be proud of myself.”
I turned my head, opening my eyes and watching a few tears slip down his cheeks. “Jare,” I whispered, holding out my arms.
He flinched before letting himself fall into me and crying into my chest.
I hushed him and let my fingers run through his hair.
It took ten minutes before he calmed down, thanking me.
I hugged him close. “Stop thanking me, Jared. I already told you it’s no problem. Everything Sally told you about yourself was wrong, okay? I promise.”
“It’s just hard when I’ve grown so used to hearing and thinking these things.”
“Well, I’m going to get you used to hearing positive things about yourself. Starting now: you are a great father and you’re beautiful and you have an amazing sense of style. I am so grateful for you and Jaime. I suppose maybe I should be the one thanking you for coming into my life.”
He smiled, burying his face deeper into my chest. “Your welcome, Wil. Thank-”
“Ah! Nope! No thanking me for at least a week.”
He giggled. “Okay, geez.”
. . .
It was a few days later. Jared and I sat on the couch in my apartment while Jaime played on the floor. Some weird cartoon played on the tv.
Jared shifted in his seat, turning to me. “Wil?”
I hummed.
“What do you do for your job? You haven’t really left or done anything that seemed very worklike since we’ve gotten here. We’re not keeping you from your job, right?”
I shook my head. “Oh, god no. My job is sort of optional. Both of them, really.”
“Neat. What do you do?”
“I’m a streamer. And I’m in a band. I probably should get back on, though. My fans are probably freaking out. D’you wanna help me make a tweet?”
“What? Really?”
“I mean, yeah. I’ve been off social media for almost three weeks. I owe them some sort of explanation.”
“Oh, right. How can I help with that, though?”
“Help me decide what to tweet.” I pulled out my phone, scooting closer to him.
He leaned against me and read over my shoulder as I pulled up Twitter. “Wow.”
I nodded, scrolling past some tweets before I saw one addressing my absence. Is anyone else concerned about @WilburSoot ‘s sudden disappearance?
It had more than two thousand likes and most of the replies were in agreement, though a few argued ‘we shouldn’t worry too much, it's probably personal.’
I glanced at Jared, who was now clinging to my arm. “Can I post a picture of us? I won’t tag you if you don’t want me to.”
“Uhmm, sure. I don’t actually have Twitter. Or many other Social Media’s.”
I opened a new tweet. Sorry I’ve been gone. Had some personal things to deal with. Got a few roommates, though.
I opened my camera app and held the phone away from my body. “Smile, Jare.”
His hands gripped tighter around my bicep and he hid in my shoulder. I laughed, snapping the picture.
I showed it to him.
I was staring down at him, a soft look on my face. He peaked one eye from my shoulder and gave an awkward half smile.
“I like it,” he said.
“Me, too,” I smiled, reopening Twitter and responding to my first tweet with the picture.
Both already had thousands of likes and replies.
I noticed Tommy’s reply almost immediately and liked it. Welcome back, king. I wasn’t, like, worried or anything. Nope. Not me. Not at all.
“Who is that, Wil?”
“Oh, that’s Tommy. He’s basically my little brother. He was definitely worried, by the way.”
He giggled. “That’s adorable.”
“Do you want to meet him? We can invite him over.”
He nodded. “Sure. I’d love to.”
“Cool. I’ll send him a text and make plans.”
. . .
Two days later, at 9:47 in the morning, a loud pounding echoed through the small house.
I jumped, rolling off the side of the couch. “What the hell?”
I pulled my phone off the coffee table.
Realising the time, I leapt to my feet and ran to the door. I flung it open. “Tommy!”
“Wil!” He smiled, hugging me. “What took so long? And why do you look like you’ve just rolled out of bed?”
“I have. My alarm didn’t go off, so we kind of overslept. I’ll have to go see if they’re awake. Make yourself comfortable on the couch.”
“Right,” He nodded, shoving past me and flopping on the couch.
I made my way to Jared's room and pushed open the door quietly. He slept soundly on the bed, curled up under the covers.
Jaime laid in her crib. She was also still asleep.
I sat on the edge of the bed and ran my fingers along Jared’s cheek, cooing his name softly. “Jare. Jare, it’s time to get up. We overslept. Tommy’s here.”
His eyes fluttered open and he groaned. “Wil? What time is it?”
“Almost ten.”
He reached up and clutched my hand, which still rested on his face. “Your hands are warm, Wil. Can we cuddle, please? I need a hug.”
“Tommy is here, so we have to go entertain him, but if you’re still tired in five minutes, we can cuddle on the couch. I’m going to let Jaime sleep until she wakes up on her own. Put some clothes on.”
“Fine, fine. Can I borrow a hoodie?”
“Yep. See you in the living room.”
Tom and I shared a light conversation on the couch. Seven minutes later, Jared waltzed from the bedroom dressed in sweats and one of my hoodies. “Hello.”
Tommy gave an awkward smile, pressing his lips together. “‘Ello, mate. I’m Tom.”
“I’m Jared,” he sank into the cushion between us and leaned against me. “How are you?”
“Fine. You?”
“Tired, but alive.”
I reached around his shoulder, pulling him closer to me.
He smiled. “Nevermind. Tired and going back to sleep.” He let his eyes drift closed.
“Yeah, anyways,” I rubbed my hand up and down his arm. “This is Jared. Jaime is still asleep. I got roommates.”
“I see that,” Tom frowned. “You only have one room. Where the hell do your roommates sleep?”
“Jared and Jaime have my room. I sleep on the couch.”
“Wil, you’re huge. There’s no way you fit.”
“True, but I’ve gotten used to it. I don’t mind.” I shrugged.
Jared shifted, looking up at me. “You know, I wouldn’t mind if you slept in there with us. I was comfortable when we were watching that movie.”
I felt my face burn slightly and turned away. “Right, yeah, whatever, maybe. Anyways, what do you want to do today?”
“We can go to the park, maybe. Jaime likes the grass.”
Tom shrugged. “Doesn’t matter to me. I just wanted to make sure you weren’t dead. Or hurt. Or in danger.”
I rolled my eyes. “Asshole. We can go when Jaime wakes up. Hopefully that’s soon; otherwise, I’ll have to wake her and that never goes well. She’ll be cranky. She might like Tommy, though. She liked Phil and Kristen a lot.”
“What’s Jaime like?”
“Chaos,” Jared groaned. “Pure chaos. Cranky and very picky. Smart, though. Absolutely adorable. I love her so much.”
“As you should,” I smiled. “I love her, too, though. She’s the sweetest.” I nudged Jared away from me. “I’m gonna go check on her. I’ll be back.”
He sat up, yawning. “Fine. Make sure she’s dressed please.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know.”
I made my way silently back to the bedroom. I creaked open the door.
Jaime was sat up in her crib, suckling on the corner of her blanket. She cooed when she saw me. “Bah, bah, bah, bah!”
“Good morning, hunny,” I smiled, scooping her into my arms. “Wanna go see daddy?”
“Alrighty, then,” I sat her on the bed. “Stay there. Can I change your diaper?”
She squealed, flopping onto her back.
I changed her diaper and changed her into a pink onesie. “Ready?”
Outside the door, I set her on the floor and let her hold my fingers. I wrapped my hands gently around hers and helped her walk to the living room.
Jared smiled when we entered. “Good morning, baby!”
Tommy turned around. “Hel- what-?” He looked confused.
“What’s wrong?”
“Erm, I just- the way you spoke about her I assumed Jaime was a girlfriend, an adult at the very least.”
Jaime squatted, wiggling from my hands and crawling across the living room to find her toys.
“Huh. I guess I didn’t notice those.”
I joined them on the couch. Jared leaned back against me. “Hotcakes later?”
“Sure. Uhmm, Tom,” I started a new conversation, “what’ve you been up to lately?”
He shrugged. “Not much. Recorded a few videos and a vlog. Ranboo’s invited me to his flat for a few days. I think he’s going to paint my nails. Then we’re going to Build-a-Bear and Lego. I think he mentioned a new Boba Tea place, too.”
I smiled. Tom was so oblivious. “Sounds nice. Is Bill going, too?”
“Ah, no, I don’t think so. I think he’s with Toby this week. Just me and Ranboo.”
. . .
Two hours later, we made it to the park.
We sat on a blanket under a tree. Jaime played in the grass nearby.
“No! That’s crazy. Strawberry is definitely better!” Tom exclaimed.
Jared sat straight, waving his arms around. “No, it’s peach! What kind of psycho likes strawberry, anyways?”
“I do! Besides, I’ve never had another flavour.”
“And why is that?”
“Ranboo likes strawberry. And… I don’t know, I just feel bad getting something else. Plus, it makes me happy when he brings me strawberry things. I don’t want to ruin that by finding another flavour I like.”
“Awww,” he purred. “That’s so cute!”
Tommy’s face turned pink and he turned away. “It’s not! Shut up!”
“It is! I want a relationship like the two of you have,” Jared continued to tease him.
I leaned over to whisper in his ear. “He doesn’t know that he likes Ranboo and he doesn’t know that Ranboo likes him.”
“Oh, I would’ve never been able to tell.”
“What’re you whispering about?” Tommy crossed his arms.
“Nothing important. He was asking about lunch.” A quiet ringing interrupted the conversation.
Jared answered his phone. “Hello?” A pause. “Yes! Yes, this is him!” Another pause. “Oh, yes of course! Monday?” He nodded. “Mhmm. Yes, yes. See you then, thank you!” He hung up, a huge smile resting on his face.
He bit his lip, looking at me.
I cocked my head. “What?”
He squealed, jumping on me and wrapping his arms around my neck. “I got it! I got the job!”
I laughed, holding his waist and hugging him back. “That’s amazing!”
“I’ll have to find someone to watch Jaime during the day so we can both work. Maybe a daycare.”
“I think there’s one a few blocks from the apartment. We can look into it. I don’t mind watching Jaime, though.”
“I know, but I feel bad. It’s not your job. Plus, I don’t want us keeping you from your real job.”
“She won’t, but if you really want to put her in a daycare, we can.”
He nodded.
. . .
We stayed at the park for a few hours, getting lunch near one and making our way back to our blanket. Eventually, Jaime decided it was time to go home. We dropped Tommy at the train station and went back to the apartment.
It was only seven thirty, but we were all tired.
I carried Jaime to her crib and tucked her in while Jared changed. I changed in the bedroom bathroom and started back towards the couch.
“Wil?” Jared yawned from the bed.
I leaned against the doorframe. “Hmmm?”
He reached out his hands. “Come on. I told you you could stay here. Hold me to it.”
I smiled softly before closing the door completely and collapsing on the opposite side of the bed. “Mmmm,” I sighed. “This is much more comfy than I remember.”
Jared sighed into a laugh. “Well, yeah. You’ve been sleeping on a couch for three weeks. I’d think so.”
I rolled over to face him. “Fair.” I yawned.
He smiled. “I’m going to sleep. It’s been a long day.”
I nodded slowly. “Yeah.” I opened my arms. “Cuddles?”
He smiled again. “Please.” He scooted over until he laid in my arms.
“Platonic cuddles are the best.”
We laid in silence for a minute. Just as I began to drift off, I heard him whisper. “What if I don’t want this to be platonic?”
Oh fuck.
. . .
Last night, I’d chosen not to respond, but I’d stayed awake until almost two thinking about what he’d said.
I’d come to my conclusion as I made breakfast and watched a recommended YouTube video: Best Wilbur Soot Moments.
One of the clips was me talking about how I get attached and fall in love quickly.
‘Slow your fall, Wil. Not too quickly, mate.’ This is what Phil had meant. Oh fuck, I was in so deep.
And I didn’t mind.
I smiled to myself as I whisked the eggs. I closed the video and instead shuffled my favourite playlist. I hummed along softly.
I heard a tired groan from behind me. Jared slumped against the counter. “How am I still tired?”
I poured the whisked eggs into the pan. “You just need to wake up a little. Coffee?”
He nodded. “Yes please.”
I poured him a mug of what I’d made earlier and stirred in vanilla creamer.
“Thanks, Wil- Oh, my god! I love this song!” He stood up, completely ignoring the coffee and sang along to the music. “Woke up on the right side of the bed. What’s up with this Prince song inside my head?”
I sang, too, taking his extended hand in mine and spinning him around. “Hands up if you’re down to get down tonight.”
He bounced around on his toes, pulling me around with him.
As the song came to a close, I pulled him into me. He smiled, wrapping his arms around my neck, still singing along. I held his waist.
He blinked his eyes open. His face was pink from jumping and dancing.
I let out a breathy laugh. “What if I don’t want this to be platonic, either?”
He sucked in a quick breath, then frowned. “What’s that smell?”
My eyes grew wide and I pulled away, quickly shutting off the stove and pulling the pan onto a cool burner. “Oh, fuck. Shit, shit, shit.” I groaned, scraping the half-raw half-burnt eggs into the trash can.
He giggled. “We were distracted. It’s okay. Let’s just order something. It’s on me.”
I sighed and began rinsing the pan. “Sure. Order something on my phone.”
“Nope. I said it’s on me.”
I left the water running and turned towards him. He pulled out his phone.
I took it from him and held it above my head.
“Wil!” He whined. He stood on his toes and reached up. “Give it back!”
“No! I burnt the eggs, I’ll pay for breakfast.”
He frowned. “No! It’s my turn!” His frown turned into a mischievous smile. He leaned up and kissed my cheek.
I froze, turning red.
Unconsciously, I felt him pulling my arm down and taking the phone back. After a moment of stunned silence, my brain restarted.
I took long strides to where he’d fled into the living room. “Not fair!”
He giggled, bouncing around and keeping the couch between us. “You can’t catch me!”
“I can!” I ran around one side and he ran around the other. We played this game of chase for a few minutes before I formulated a plan.
I frowned towards the door and let myself relax. “What is that?”
He turned to look and I took my chance. I dashed up behind him and grabbed him around the waist. He squealed as I lifted him off the ground.
I spun us around before setting him on his feet. I planted a kiss on his cheek and whispered, “Payback.”
He set his phone on the counter and turned to fully face me. “I have an idea.”
I nodded.
“Let’s see if Lidia can watch Jaime for a few hours and we can go get lunch. Just the two of us.”
I smiled. “Yeah, I’d like that.”
. . .
An hour and a half later, Jared and I were sat at a table in a fancy little brunch café.
He smiled at me from across the table and sipped his drink. “Uhmm, based on what you said this morning, is it safe to call this a date?”
“Yeah. Yeah it is,” I smiled back. “Not the best, but I hope it’ll do?”
“This is more than enough.” He licked his lips. “Can I ask… what is your sexuality?”
“Unlabeled, I suppose. I’ve never really thought about it too much. What about you?”
He shrugged. “Bi. I’ve known since I was, like, fourteen.”
Unlike most first dates, we didn’t spend time getting to know each other. There were few things we didn’t already know about each other. Somehow, though, we never lost conversation, even through our small meal.
We made our way back to the apartment, hand in hand. It wasn’t too late in the day, but we didn’t want to leave Jaime with Lidia for too long.
We stopped out front and he giggled, leaning into my chest. “I’ve dropped you home, now, Wil. I had a wonderful time. Thank you.”
I smiled, rolling my eyes sarcastically. “Thank you, Jare. Shall we do this again?”
He giggled, stepping down the hall. “Thanks for playing along. Go inside. I’ll be right back with Jaime.”
I did, making sure to fold the blanket left on the couch.
I heard Jaime’s cooing behind me and turned to see her walking, hands gripping Jared’s middle fingers. He smiled at me. “She’s so close! She’ll be walking soon! This is so exciting!”
Jaime flopped to her knees and crawled away.
Jared leaned against me on the couch. “Movie?”
“Mhmm. Maybe Spiderman?”
“Andrew Garfield?”
. . .
Jared started working. I took Jaime to a daycare near ten am on days I needed to stream and started back up on my own job. Jaime took her first steps on some inconspicuous Wednesday. She’d been beyond excited that her daddy had gotten home from work.
Every Saturday, we dropped Jaime off at daycare and went out on a date. By our third date, we made it official between ourselves.
Phil and Kristin invited us back over for dinner. Tommy and Ranboo were meant to be there as well.
Jaime stood by Jared, gripping his pinky finger. I knocked on the door. It opened seconds later.
Kristin smiled at us and gasped at Jaime. She scooped her up. “Oh, my goodness, hi!”
We followed them in and sat on the loveseat.
Tommy was asleep on Ranboo’s shoulder on the couch. Ranboo smiled bashfully. “He, uhm, he had a long day. Recorded two vlogs and then met me at the station so we could get here.” He eyed Jaime. “This is Jaime, then?”
“Yeah. Tom told you about her?” I asked.
“Mhmm. He stayed at mine for a few days after he met her and Jared.”
I licked my lips. “Are… are you and Tommy dating?”
His face dropped. “I wish, but no. Frankly, I’m too scared to ask. And he’s straight. I don’t want to feel that rejection.”
“Aww,” Jared purred, “Don’t be scared, Ranboo. I think Tommy likes you, too. Maybe he just doesn’t know how to show it.”
“Maybe, but I don’t want to risk what we already have.”
Jared leaned into me. “Whatever makes you most comfortable. Good luck, though.”
Phil came from the kitchen and Jaime trailed behind. “Hey, mates. Food will be done shortly if you wanna come sit at the table.”
We followed him into the dining room. Jared sat between me and Jaime.
Just as he convinced Jaime to sit still, Kritsin brought out plates of food. Phil helped to set the table and passed around plates.
We made plates and began to eat.
“So,” Phil started, “What’ve you all been up to?”
Jared spoke first. “I got a job! I can finally start paying Wil back. We put Jaime in daycare.” He shot me a pointed look. “But Wil only takes her on days that he streams, which was not the plan.”
Kristin giggled. “Sounds like Wil.”
I faked a frown. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
She laughed again before looking at Tommy. “What about you, hun? What’ve you been up to?”
He yawned, resting his cheek in his palm and placing his elbow on the table. “Not sleeping, that’s for sure.”
“Aww, why not?”
He shrugged. “Been going through some stuff, I guess. Stressed a bit.”
Ranboo frowned and stared at Tommy. “Why haven’t you said anything?”
“Yeah,” I jumped in, “You know you can call me whenever.”
Tom shrugged. “Uhmm, I-I don’t know. I guess, well, Wilbur, I just thought you’d be busy, y’know, with Jared and Jaime.”
Ranboo pressed his side against Tom. “You can talk to me, y’know.”
“I know, but-” he sighed. “Nevermind. It’s not important. Let’s finish eating.”
The rest of dinner was quiet.
. . .
We watched a movie. Jaime fell asleep with Kristin, while Jared curled into my side.
Tommy sat beside Ranboo. They held a quiet, whispered conversation. I could see the pink on Tommy’s cheeks, both from blushing and from trying not to laugh too loudly.
Ranboo had a soft, loving expression on his face.
They’d better be dating soon.
. . .
The next morning, I was shaken awake.
Jared stood over me, smiling. “Wil, hunny.”
I hummed, lifting my head.
“Can I take the car? I need to run home and change, then head to work.”
I nodded. “Yah. Keys are in my jacket by the door.”
“Thank you. Let me know if you need me to pick you guys up later.”
“I will.” I leaned up to kiss him goodbye. “Have a good day, Jare.”
He stood over me a bit longer before leaving.
I fell back asleep.
. . .
I woke back up around nine.
Kristin and Jaime were in the kitchen making French toast and Tommy stood by watching. Ranboo was still asleep on the other couch. I had no idea where Phil was.
I sat up, stretching and yawning. I found my way to the kitchen and stole a cup of coffee. “‘Morning.”
“Morning, Wil,” Kristin smiled. “Did Jared leave?”
“Uhmm, yeah. He had work. He’ll come by when he gets off to pick us up. If you don’t mind, we’ll stay till then.” I thought back to this morning and my eyes grew wide. I covered my mouth. “Oh, fuck. Oh shit. I need to call him.”
I panicked, running back into the living room and pulling my phone off the end table. Quickly, I called Jared.
“Hi, Wil,” I could hear the smile in his voice.
“I am so sorry. I did not mean to kiss you. I was tired. And I shouldn’t have. And I hope I didn’t make you uncomfortable. And-”
“Wil,” he giggled. “Why don’t you wait until I pick you guys up and you can try again?”
“Try again? The- the apology? Or…” I trailed off.
“The kiss, hunny. You didn’t make me uncomfortable, I promise. I just wasn’t expecting it,” he offered his reassurance.
“Yes, Wilbur,” he breathed out a laugh, “I have to go; someone just came in. See you later, hun.”
I swallowed thickly. “Okay. Bye, Jare. See you.” He hung up.
I heard someone clear their throat. I whirled around, panicking. Ranboo sat, an amused smirk resting on his face.
“So,” he started, “You, uh- you got something to tell us?”
My face burned. “You heard that?”
“The whole thing.” His voice grew higher and he gave a crappy mock english accent, “Oh, Jare! Let me kiss you all over!”
“Ranboo! I did not say that!”
He shrugged. “Who will they believe: me, an eye-witness, or you, blushing in truth.”
I rolled my eyes and pouted. “You’re an asshole.”
“What can I say? It’s my American charm.”
“You’re an idiot. I’m going to eat breakfast. Kristin made French Toast.”
“Great!” He bounced to his feet. “I’ll come, too.”
I groaned. “Say anything and I expose your fat crush on Tommy.”
He paused, turning red. “Yeah, yeah. Screw off, William.”
“PG-13 Bitch,” I stuck my tongue out as we entered the dining room.
Kristin giggled at us. “You two are still children, I swear.”
I blinked at her. “For your information, Kristin, I am almost twenty-seven.”
“True, but age does not make a person's personality.”
She was right.
. . .
It was the longest day I’d ever experienced. Waiting for Jared to arrive was the most agonising thing I’d ever experienced. Don’t get me wrong, I love hanging out with my family, but I had more pressing things on my mind.
Throughout the day, we played many card games and board games, we watched more episodes of ‘Is It Cake,’ and we had wonderful conversations.
At four-thirty, there was a knock on the door and I just knew it was Jared.
Phil opened the door, letting him in. “Welcome back, mate.”
Jaime ran up to him, reaching up and asking to be held. He laughed fondly and scooped her into his arms. “Hello, baby. Have you got your stuff together?”
I smiled at their interaction. “Yep. We’re all packed. Shall we get going?”
We said our goodbyes and went on our way.
. . .
Jaime played with some toys in the living room while Jared and I sat in awkward silence on the couch.
I hardened my nerves and took a breath. “So-”
“So-,” Jared flushed.
“You can-”
“Why don’t-” I groaned, dragging my hands down my face. Why is this so hard?!
Jared giggled softly. “We’re so bad at this.”
I peeked through my fingers at his flushed face and smiled. “We are.”
He shifted sitting up on his knees. He had a confident - and very attractive - expression on his face. With almost no warning, he pulled my hands from my face and pressed his lips gently against mine.
I made a noise of surprise before letting my hands drift down to his waist. I kissed back. After a moment, he pulled back.
I smiled. “I lo-”
“-ove you,” Jared blinked, caught off-guard. He burst into a fit of giggles and collapsed onto my chest.
. . .
Words: 10,948
Hope y'all enjoyed!

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