Announcement and Summary

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With excitement and joy, I'd like to announce Book 2 in the Capturing You series, Holding on to You!

It is 2024 and Avery Thompson and Joe Burrow are entering the third year of their relationship as well as trailing off of the Cincinnati Bengals' second AFC Championship loss in a row. Months away from graduating from Xavier University with a degree in education, Avery feels more secure in her life and relationships than ever before, interviewing for jobs teaching photography in high schools all across Cincinnati and growing closer to her dad. But Joe, reeling from the pressure of seeking victory under the microscope of fans, the media, and those around him, may be losing his grip on what-and who-he cares about the most.


I want to thank everyone for the love and support you've shown for Capturing You, which, as I write this, is at 98,000 reads! Mind. Blown. When I set out to write the first book, I wasn't sure how long it was going to last and if anyone was going to enjoy BurrAvery. I'm honored that so many of you do, and are still discovering and squealing over the pair to this day, more than a year since I began writing it! I never imagined people would be interested in a sequel, but I'm incredibly grateful.

I have quite a lot planned for Holding on to You and I want to thank you in advance for showing patience and grace as I tackle another book. Buckle in, kiddos, 'cause it's going to be one crazy ride!

The first chapter will be published TONIGHT (2/17) at 6 p.m. Central.

For more content, visit my Tumblr @ joebrrrow.

For more content, visit my Tumblr @ joebrrrow

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