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"Let him go!" Izuku demanded.

Shigaraki smirked, "I don't think I will."

Two other heroes arrived, followed by a swat team. The building was completely surrounded. Still, none of them made a single move. At any moment, Shigaraki could lay tha last finger down and kill Bakugou.

"Damn it, Damn it!" Shigaraki cursed. Even with Bakugou, there was no way out.

Suddenly, a black mist appeared. From the must came multiple Nomu's. The villains were swallowed up in it and disappeared. Izuku noticed what was happening. Disregarding the Nomu heading straight for him, he plunged towards Bakugou.

His fingertip barely brushed the swarming mist before it disapated into nothing, Bakugou included. The Nomu swung at Midoriya, but the hero hardly felt it.

The alpha's mind was blank. He felt like nothing, a terrible alpha who couldn't even protect their mate. Now, there couldn't be a way to find Bakugou.

The Nomu from before sprinted at him again. Izuku pulled himself up, his hair falling in front of his eyes. Guilt was overtaken by rage. The hero pulled his arm back and delivered a strike at the beast. It flew back and slammed through the wall.

"Young Midoriya?" All Might called, seeing his apprentice take such a hit.

When Izuku looked up, there was murder clear as day in his eyes. He was debating on his choices from then on.

The only way they found the league was because of Momo, but what could he do now? They have Bakugou which means every hour is a threat.

A bad feeling swarmed in Izuku's chest. All Might gave him a concerned look. "Young Midoriya, are you hurt?"

Without a second thought, Midoriya took off out of the building, through the crowd and into the night. All Might couldn't follow him with the monsters attacking.

By the time everything was settled . . . no one could find him. However, there was one person who knew where he was.

Inko couldn't believe what her son was saying. "Izuku, that is far too dangerous! You need to let the pros handle it."

"Like how they 'handled it' during the attack last night? If it weren't for a student, they would still not have known where to find them!"

He paced back and forth muttering, "They have Bakugou. I have to save him, it has to be me!"

"Why only you?"

He smiled wistfully and revealed, "He's my mate."

Her eyes widened then went confused. "Bakugou's an omega?"

Izuku nodded, laying a hand on the back of his neck. Inko stared at him before using her quirk to send a pillow at him.

"What do you mean mate? You're only fifteen! And you better not have forced anything onto him!" She chastized.

Izuku, though he was strong, was still intimidated by his mother's yelling. He dodged the pillowed and reasoned, "We haven't done anything, mom! Don't say such things, it's embarrassing!"

She sighed, "Izuku, this plan you have is insane, but," She paused for an aching minuted, "At least I raised a proper alpha."

Izuku assured his mother, "I'll be okay -"

"- Joining the league is the only way to get him back."


Thank you for being patient! I've been sick with some sort of illness and it keeps coming back. T-T

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