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Reaching the street I realize I have been holding my breathe since I ran off from Matt. I turn around and see nothing but random people walking around. No fluffy brown haired boy in sight. I close my eyes to take a deep breath in through my nose and out through my mouth to calm my nerves. I open my eyes to see the heard of people in front of me moving across the street like cattle. I follow along with the cattle.

The snow falls harder with each step I take. A shiver running down my spine and I notice the temperature has falling and the sun is now mostly hidden by the clouds. I'm a little bummed it's my birthday and I would like to do a little more with my day considering the night us still young. I decide to go back to the hotel to order some food or find somewhere to eat, but it's too cold to walk around and find a place to eat.

I plopped myself down on the bed as soon as I got into my room and I felt my stomach growl at me. Ugh. After 20 minutes of looking for something to eat nothing sounds that good. Bri will know something I'm sure. I go to facetime her. It's almost 5pm there since the house time difference, so she's off work now.

"Hey Liv! I was just about to call you. I just walked in the house." she states as I hear her keys meet the counter top.

"B, I have 2 things for you." I say with a huge smile on my face.

"Yeah I'm sorry I haven't had a chance to read your text yet, but okay tell me!" She says kinda worried.

I tell Bri about the triplets and how Matt was all in my bubble, but I leave out how his presence made my heart flutter.

"He photo bombed you and then came chasing after you and you didn't give him your number? That boy clearly wanted your number or something?!" She shouts so loud and I laugh at her.

"You're insane. If he wanted my number he would have asked. I was right there" I state. I also leave out the part that I ran away from him not even giving him a chance to ask.

"Live. I love you, but you can come off a bit bitchy. So you might have scared him. If you see him again during your trip you better get his number or I'll have to reconsider our friendship." She laughs again. "I am going to get off here, I'm going to dinner with my parents so I have to get ready. Happy birthday Liv. I love you!"

After I hang up I feel tears weld in my eyes and for the first time in a long time because I don't want to be alone. I wish Bri was here to go get dinner with me on my birthday, or to hype me up if I do see Matt again to get his number, but she's not. As I wipe my tears from running down my face my stomach growls again, distracting me from my sad thoughts. We didn't even talk about food.

I try and think about all the places I passed today. I remember a few places just about a block up. I get up from the bed to put my shoes back on. I also swapped my black vest for my black north face jacket. I fix my hair a little bit from laying on it while I was in the bed talking to Bri. I grab my bag from the dresser along with the hotel key and put it in my purse and head down stairs.

The cold air burns my cheeks as the sliding door opens from the hotel lobby. As I start walking I notice the traffic and herds of people are non existent compared to earlier. A couple groups of people walk in front of me and another on the other side of the street. Stopping at a street crossing I examine the building around me, trying to find the trying to find a restaurant or something. A lot of the buildings are only open for the night crowds growing. Bar after club after bar.
I just remembered It's my 21st birthday today! I could go get food from one of those bars.

Music, car horns and laughter fill one ear as music from my AirPod fills the other. As I reach the street crossing in front of me, laughter grows pass my AirPods. I look closely over to the opposite side of the street and see a group of familiar faces. They are all dressed up like they are going somewhere extravagant. Each of them having conversation and laughing together. One of the guys in the group makes eye contact with me and turns towards, who I recognize is Matt.

Great. I pull out my phone from my jacket pocket as Matt looks in my direction. I also shove my other air pod in my ear just in case any of them try to speak to me. I look down at my phone screen before we can make eye contact. Shit.

I hear the street sign beeping loudly above me telling me to start walking towards embarrassment. I keep my head down for the first few steps. Looking up I immediately make eye contact with Matt and my heart starts to flutter once more. He shyly smiles at me, and I can't help but smile back. We hold smiles for a moment as he passes. I break eye contact.

My first step on the sidewalk I let out a breathe I didn't know I was holding in. I put my hand to my chest and rub it in hopes it will calm my heart. I couldn't tell you why I get so worked up when I see him. Maybe it because he's absolutely gorgeous. His eyes are the kinda of blue you that you get when the ocean is calm but the sky is covered with clouds. The calm before the storm if you will.

Losing both of my parents was the worst thing that has ever happened to me and I never thought I would be able to genuinely laugh at something or feel joy ever again, until Bri sent me a TikTok of the triplets and Il lost it. I ended up finding that specific video and watched it. Ever since then I have watched their videos to help me have happy moments in life. Not having social media, I wouldn't have known that they were here. Why are the triplets here? I'll look them up on instagram while I wait on my food.

I find a little hole in the wall restaurant that doesn't look to classy, so I'm not too under dressed in my hoodie. I think eating alone at the table is going to be more noticed than my outfit.

I take my air pods out and I'm immediately greeted

"Hello, welcome to Tavern On The Row, is it just you today miss?" The tall burley gentleman asks me.

"Yes, could I sit at the bar?" I say eyes the empty bar behind him.

"As long as you have your ID, the bartender will ask for it." he smiles.

"I do." I fish it out of my purse and flash it to him.

"Perfect. follow me." he says as he grabs a menu and 1 rolled silver are from stand beside him.

I take a seat at the bar top. This stool is kinda tall for my short self. I look down at my feet dangling below me feeling like a kid again. I look up as a tall blonde hair guy carrying bar glasses gets closer to me.

"Good evening miss! Could I see your ID because you look like you're 12." The bartender says as he places some glasses away under the bar.

"I just knew you were going to ask that." I say with a small smile and hand him my ID that was still in my hand.

He examines my ID thoroughly. His eye brows raise in question before I can ask what's wrong he looks up at me with a smile and says, "Happy 21st Birthday Olivia."

"Thank you." I say as I place my ID back in my purse.

"So Olivia are you having a drink to celebrate tonight?" He says as he pulls the ticket that just printed from printer beside me.

"Well, I've actually never had a alcoholic drink in my life. So what would you suggest?" I giggle as I look down at the menu in front of me trying to find a drink list.

"I have a couple options, but I think since it's your birthday you should go with something fancy." he says grabbing a glass form where he just put them.

"I trust you. So surprise me!" I look up at him. He smiles and nods as he starts to shake a tin of liquid aggressively, making me laugh.

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