Imber and Matchi Draft 2 (Edited 1)

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  Small clouds formed over his eyes,  he wished they blocked his eyesight. Imber fled to the sky at the sight of Matchi and the other boy, the clouds darkening and beginning to weep, he huddled in his bed of fog and held his knees to his chest. More clouds formed over his shoulders and down his back, dropping rain and small hail along with the rest of them. Imber knew his love for Matchi was forbidden, but he couldn't help but feel deep betrayal, and his heart of clouds sobbing with him. Matchi didn't know Imber was a deity, all he knew was that it rained outside his window. Matchi was the only reason Imber kept the rain away other than showers for crops, and now, he'd be the reason the oceans flooded and washed out the roads, the rivers would run faster and flush out flora, the lakes would no longer sit quietly, they would rush out into the world and meet oceans and seas, all of which of Imber's creation. The clouds broke a gap in front of Imber's eyes as he glanced back down at Matchi, his hand departed from the other boy's, and now he rushed to his home to escape the rain, he was speaking something, something Imber could not hear over his sobs. He caught his breath for a moment and lightened the rain to hear Matchi.
"Imber?! Imber, please! Wherever are you?! Please--cease these showers and return to me!" Imber paused and stared at Matchi, then wiped his eyes and made his way down to land once more. He fell behind a tree, a few feet away from Matchi, then carefully stepped up behind him, his eyes still wet and his cheeks flushed and stained. "Matchi," he said quietly, just loud enough for him to hear. Matchi turned around and saw Imber, then rushed towards him and embraced him quickly, holding his arms tightly; his tunic damp with tears pressed against Matchi's. "Why do you weep, dear?" Matchi asked, still gripping Imber's arms, "Do you wish to flood our river?" Imber held onto Matchi's hand, "However are you aware of my tears and the flood?" he asked curiously. Matchi gazed into his eyes, "I have always known, I have always seen your clouded eyes, I have seen you weep and felt the rain, my darling, why is it you weep now?" Few tears fell from Imber's eyes, as the sky cried lightly with him, "I happened to see you with that boy, is it he whom you love, instead of me?" Matchi's eyes flooded with water as well, as his head shook rapidly, "No, no, never. There is not a soul who has held my heart as you have, I would never dream of holding anyone else."
Matchi lifted his hand and brushed away some of the tears from Imber's face. "You are mine alone, and I am yours." Imber's  eyes widened at what Matchi had just said to him, Matchi smiled softly, "I know you are much different than I, but I promise I shall never leave your side, I will never let you go." Imber's clouded eyes softened, "I am aware, Matchi," Matchi pulled Imber closer to him, "I know you are a god, I know you are immortal, I know you can never die, but I cannot live without you. I cannot imagine my life without you, and if I could, I would imagine it in a constant drought; deprived of both your love and rain."  Matchi looked at Imber lovingly, "You are my sun, you are my moon, you are the brightest star on the darkest night, I need you. You are my life, you make me whole when my hope is absent." Imber placed his hands upon Matchi's cheeks as he kissed him gently, then pulled away and stared into his eyes, "My life is yours." They locked their gaze together. Imber had calmed, and the clouds were no longer raining on them, they were embracing each other, their bodies intertwined. Their lips met again and Imber melted into Matchi's embrace.  Matchi leaned into Imber, then he wrapped his arm around Imber and rested his head upon his shoulder. Imber's heart beat fast as he kissed Matchi again. Matchi's lips tasted sweet as he pressed kisses to Imber's skin.
"Imber, my sunshine," he whispered before kissing him passionately once more. Their kiss soon became more intimate, Matchi pushed Imber back until they lay together. Imber pulled Matchi closer and nuzzled him as their kisses grew more aggressive and obsessed, their tongues explored each others mouths with infatuation. Imber felt himself growing excited, his heart beating fast. Matchi's soft hair tickled Imber as he pulled at it, as he moaned softly. Matchi pulled away slightly and gazed into his eyes, "You so look beautiful when you desire something." Imber felt his heart skip at those words, Matchi had called him beautiful many times before, but this time it sounded different. It was full of warmth and admiration. "Your body is so warm now; I wonder about your insides..." Matchi started slowly, "Will you allow me to touch them with love?" Imber nodded shyly, Matchi caressed Imber's cheek as his eyes began to brighten. He smiled brightly, his eyes glittered with satisfaction . He moved forward and kissed Imber tenderly once more, Imber pulled him closer and responded passionately. His body flushed with pleasure as his lover kissed him. Matchi pulled away and gazed into Imber's eyes with his own; shining with lust and passion. Imber felt his heart grow warm, he felt his entire being tingle and vibrate under Matchi's gaze. Matchi pulled off his tunic and tossed it aside. Imber's followed suit, and he laid next to Imber as their hearts beat in tandem, their chests rose and fell in sync with each other's, and their breaths mingled in harmony. Matchi's lips grazed Imber's neck as Imber reached up, running his fingers through Matchi's hair once more as he moved to kiss the underside of Imber's jawline, then he continued down Imber's throat, then his chest, and finally his collarbone. "Please let me indulge in your beauty,"  Matchi murmured into his ear, then his mouth closed around his skin. Imber groaned softly, Matchi smiled against his skin and kissed gently on his chest. Matchi trailed his finger over Imber's stomach and ran his thumb gently across Imber's navel. Imber's muscles tightened involuntarily.  Matchi laughed softly. Imber blushed deeply and tried not to react to the look on his face. Matchi's voice dropped lower and softer, "Let me pleasure you, my lord, my beauty" Imber gasped in delight and Matchi hummed in pleasure as Imber's body shuddered beneath his ministrations.  Matchi moved downward slowly, then licked and embraced at his sensitive spots until Imber was shaking, moaning, and writhing underneath him. Matchi pulled back and looked into Imber's once more clouded, yet happy, eyes.
Imber sighed happily as Matchi's tongue swirled about his memberane.  Matchi's eyes were glowing and Imber thought he must be seeing something that he couldn't, or was perhaps too far gone to comprehend. Then he noticed the cunning smile Matchi wore, and Imber felt his heart begin to pound. Matchi slid down Imber's body and held his waist tightly. Matchi's eyes glowed brighter and brighter as he pushed his hips and pelvis against Imber's. Imber's eyes widened and he gasped loudly. Matchi's eyes glowed even brighter as he began to move,  he moved in a manner Imber has never seen before, but Imber found himself loving every minute of it. Matchi's movements were slow and deliberate, he moved his hips in a rhythmic manner that mimicked the movement of an angel on a white horse. his movements soon became quicker and bolder as he rocked into Imber. Imber wrapped his legs around Matchi's waist and pulled him impossibly closer as Matchi started moving faster. Matchi gripped his thighs as his eyes were glowing brighter and brighter as he pounded into Imber faster and harder, his lips were open with pleasurable moans and his hair was flying everywhere and Imber could barely breathe. Matchi moved his lips from Imber's neck to his chest and kissed him fervently. Imber reached out and grabbed Matchi's shoulders and held him close, then he buried his face in his hair and wrapped his arms tightly around Matchi as his body shook around Matchi, he wanted to feel his warmth inside him, he craved his warmth as he trembled and shivered underneath Matchi's weight and his actions. Their moans echoed throughout the woods as Matchi's movements grew more frantic. As Imber continued to pant and gasp for breath, Matchi moved faster and faster until he came undone within his grasp.  Matchi moved back, shuddering violently as he breathing heavily, then he relaxed and fell onto the ground next to him.
Their breathing slowed after several moments, Matchi pulled Imber closer to him, resting his head on his shoulder and gazing at him fondly. Matchi reached out and caressed his cheek as he kissed him tenderly, "I adore the way you blush so easily, the way your lips twitch upwards when you smile, the way your dark brown hair falls over your forehead, the way your eyes shine like stars, and your voice..." Matchi paused for a moment, "I adore how your voice sounds when you say my name," Matchi leaned in to whisper into Imber's ear, "I adore the way your voice sounds when you call to me with pleasure." Imber's cheeks turned red once more and was pulled closer by Matchi, "I love hearing you call to me," he purred, "you sound so divine when you moan my name," Matchi chuckled as he leaned back to look into Imber's eyes,  "Oh, Imber, you have no idea what you do to me." Matchi grinned and pulled him into another deep kiss, Imber wrapped his arms around him and rolled them over so he was hovering above Matchi, then he kissed him softly, "You are mine," he whispered, "And I am yours."

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