Chapter 5 the meeting and the battle

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QE:So I heard iron blood and Sakura empire were heading here.
Belfast:Of course your majesty also thanks to Aquarius for summoning ships we can protect the seas better than before.
POW:Can't forget that she added better defenses.
Hornet:Hey guys I heard that there where 2 people she summoned that are like here but for the sky and ground.
Edinburgh:Ma'am the Sakura empire and iron blood are here.
POW:Ok send them here.
Belfast:*I feel as if Aquarius maybe slightly insane considering all of the ships she has summoned I am afraid she will turn it against us until she gets what she wants.A world under one empire a world with no borders.*
10 mins later
POW:Welcome Nagato and Bismarck.
Yorktown:Yes welcome to azur lane I hope the trip wasn't bad?
Nagato and mutsu:No it wasn't I mean besides a few siren encounters it went smoothly.
Bismarck and tirpitz:Ja it went smoothly.
4 axis leaders:We know all of you but who are you three?
Al leaders:Hmm?
Roma:The name is Roma I'm a b52 and I'm in charge of the airforce station at azur lane base.
Abrams:The names Abrams I'm and m1a2 abrams and I'm a n charge of all of the ground forces and defense of azur lane.
America:Im America lead ship of submarine operations(and a mobile base for the GEA).
Axis leaders:Ok well we would like to discuss peace terms.
Backstory time I know you guy are thinking that because that Akagi died they surrendered,well nope it was Roma that made them surrender she bombed iron blood and Sakura empire so hard that they had to surrender or more bombers would bomb.They also surrendered because battleships and carriers were mostly sunk and the destroyers were okay besides a few that were close to the carriers and battleships and the cruisers were listing so bad they were starting to dig into the port.And that's the backstory of why the surrender sorry I wanted to keep it a secret(I also just came up with the idea)
Nagato:I guess that's it we can move to azur lane for more protection.
*alarm sound*
POW:Oh no*she said with a dread look on her face*
Bismarck:Wales what's happening.
POW:Excalibur is firing but she only fires when there is a nuke coming this way.
Meanwhile at Excalibur control center
Excalibur:Targeting nuke ready to fire in.3.2.1.FIRING!!

Excalibur:Enemy nuke destroyed.
Stonehenge:Informing wales.wait we got over 120 bogies inbound.Excalibur prepare to fire again in 1 minutes I'll go ahead and fire at them.In 3.2.1 FIRING!!

Imagine it all eight that is firing
Excalibur:almost every enemy is destroyed that may be the first wave inform Roma to get fighters in the air.
Stonehenge:Ok got it(Hey wales we got multiple bandits inbound I destroyed half of them but tell Roma to scramble fighter jets and interceptors to go handle them.Me and Excalibur will provide support.)
POW:(Roger stonehenge we will tell her but until we can get fighters in the air destroy as many as you can.I'll radio megalith to send yellow squadron to help you in case they go for you)
Stonehenge(Roger wales.Wait...we got more enemies on radar activating CIWS and SAMS.Megalith we got enemies inbound send yellow squadron they got bombers and are heading for me and Excalibur.)
Megalith:(Roger sending yellow squadron to help.)
Meanwhile at area 6
F22:Guys we got to scramble we got multiple enemies inbound scramble every fight jet and intercepter we have destroy as man as you can before heading back to refuel and re arm.
LStrigon:This is stringon squadron we are taking off to destroy as many as possible.
LRazgriz:This is razgriz squadron taking off.
LMobius:Mobius squadron taking off.
LStrider:This is strider squadron taking off.
Skyeye:This is AWACS skyeye I'll be watching you guys from above.
At megalith
Megalith:Yellow squadron scramble we got enemy's heading towards Stonehenge protect her at all costs.
LYellow:This is yellow squadron taking off heading towards Stonehenge to provide support.
At radar station alpha
Helena:Hey Arliegh we got ships inbound should i think we are going to be invaded should we fire vls systems?
Arliegh:No not yet at least tell abrams to get artillery and other vehicles ready for invasion.
Helena:Got it arliegh(this is radar station alpha to abrams we got enemy ships inbound be prepared for ground invasion.Tell everyone else about it and get anti ship guns ready.)
Abrams:(Got it Helena I'll tell everyone to get ready.Also can you contact Stonehenge and Excalibur control center to ask why planes are being scrambled?)
Helena:(Of course abrams I'll do it right away.Stonehenge and Excalibur control center this is radar station alpha why are planes being scrambled I also heard the sirens for Stonehenge and Excalibur go off what happened?)
Stonehenge:(Listen Helena right this down okay.)
Helena:(Ok I got a notepad and a pencil,now what happened?)
Stonehenge:(Okay so we detected a nuke coming here and Excalibur fires and destroyed it but we also detected multiple siren jets heading this way.So we asked Roma to scramble jets to intercept and we have been providing support for the jets but we just now detected a nuke heading here Excalibur will fire again soon.)
Helena:(Okay I got it)
Meanwhile at Stonehenge and Excalibur control
Excalibur:Firing at nuke in 3.2.1 FIRING!!*sighs*enemy nuke destroyed again.
Stonehenge:Preparing to fight second salvo at enemy capital ship.Contact Aquarius about this and tell her to send ships and submarines the and contact Roma to send bomber to the enemy fleet to destroy as many as they can before turning around.
Excalibur:Got it.
10 mins later
At sea
Kestrel:Enemy spotted launching fighters.Destroyers and cruisers fire at will towards the enemy,Battleships fire as much as you can weapons free.
Tanager:Roger Kestral firing at will*fires all 9 16 inch guns*
Jpj:Roger firing at will*fires gun at destroyers and vls at battleship and carriers*
45 mins later
Kestral:(HQ this is kestrel fleet all enemies destroyed especially the invasion force,we will continue to fight but we will need to return to re arm,also we think there is a second wave coming here we I'll lead them into range of the coastal guns if we run out of ammo.)
HQ:(Roger kestrel good-luck and god speed.)
Jpj:Kestrel I'm out of vls and am running out of ammo on my guns.
Tanager:Same here I ran out of 5 inch ammo and missiles along time ago it's also getting hard to intercept missiles as I'm getting low on ciws ammo.
Kestrel:*sighs*head back to base I'll tell HQ we are returning and to send another fleet to deal with sirens.*distance sounds of alarms*Hmm?Is Stonehenge firing at why though?
Tanager:Hey kestrel I think I saw fighter jets from area 6 taking off and heading beyond the horizon.
Jpj:Yeah i detected Aton of planes early but I guess the squadrons stationed there helped took down the enemies as well as Stonehenge and Excalibur.
In the skies
F35:Guys we got more enemies heading our way!They are coming out of the portals!
Cipher and pixy:Roger we will handle the portals!
Arsenal bird:Cipher,Pixy stay away from the portals I'm sending Helios their way.
5 hours of fighting later
Aquarius:It's finally over.Prince of wales how is everyone doing?
POW:They are doing ok some need to be repaired.
Aquarius:That was expected,oh yeah wales.
Aquarius:I was going to modernize some of you guys,if you can convince the top brass to let me that then we will do better against the sirens.
POW:Okay I'll try to convince them that you can modernize them.
Aquarius:Thanks wales.

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