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Jake and the rest of the Sully family had just arrived on the island that Näkaynì had described.

After an hour long search, all they found was Näkaynì's comms device, laying in the sand.

The anger that coursed through Jake was unimaginable, as well as the guilt. He had promised that nothing would happen to his oldest daughter, and yet he had let Quaritch get to her, right under his nose. 

He slammed his hand into the tree next to him out of frustration. They had no idea where Näkaynì was or what was going to happen to her. 

The only thing that was keeping Jake sane right now were the words that Quaritch had spoken to him, that she would be back. He hoped that this meant he would let her go. 

Neytiri was a mess as she couldn't believe that Quaritch had actually gotten their daughter, as she sobbed back in the family's marui, holding Näkaynì's bow in her hands. 

The rest of the siblings all gathered around their parents, trying to comfort one another, but the feeling of loss continued to consume them. 

After the family had taken a moment, Tonowari came to them, telling them that he was going to be issuing a search party for Näkaynì.

Neteyam jumped up at the sound of this, wanting more than anything, to find his twin and have her back by his side, safely.

Jake, Lo'ak, and Neteyam went out on their Ilu, calling for Näkaynì, trying to get any sense of where she was, while Neytiri stayed back with her younger daughters, still in shambles over the whole situation. 

Jake knew Näkaynì was strong, but strong enough to withstand Quaritch and whatever the others had planned for her? The uncertainty settled throughout Jake's body, making him shudder. 

Back on the RDA ship, Näkaynì had been taken into a holding room with mirrored glass and a small table in the middle. 

Her hands were still cuffed, however her ankles had been cut loose as the Avatars had seen that her ankle was injured, knowing that she couldn't run away.

She began to stir, the tranquilizer wearing off now. 

As she began to open her eyes, she was met with the harsh, fluorescent glow of the lights and the buzzing sound that accompanied them. 

As soon as she got a sense of where she was, her breathing picked up immediately, remembering Quaritch looming over her before everything went dark. 

No no no no. She thought, she couldn't be with Quaritch. 

Speaking of the devil, Quaritch had walked into the room, accompanied by two other guards holding electric prodders. 

"She's awake." Quaritch said as he smirked down towards Näkaynì. 

He took a step closer to her, as she continued to back up into the corner, as far away from the colonel as possible. 

She hissed towards him, making him stop where he was. 

"Listen, I don't want any trouble. I simply want information, and then you can go." Quaritch explained. 

The men continued to move towards her, before she took a deep breath mustering whatever strength she had left and lunged at one of the guards, tackling him to the ground before putting her cuffed hands around his neck, beginning to strangle him. 

"Don't come any closer, or I will kill him." Näkaynì said, an indescribable rage flowing throughout her tone as she tightened her cuffed hands around the mans neck as he let out strangled gasps. 

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