Pt: 1 wake up

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Y/N's POV:
I finally wake up, the sun. Blaring in my eyes, I wished I didn't need to go to school, for me to just stay in my bed, for me to just not see him.
I scroll through tik tok. Seeing all the cute girls, and handsome guys, and the cool looking non-binary people. I sigh, questioning why I can't look like them. Why can't I lose a few pounds. Why can't I actually look good? I'm so ugly...
I get up from my bed, my alarm finally ringing, ringing, and ringing. Blaring in my ears. I hate that sound, making me finally realize I need to get ready, I look at myself in the mirror. I'm so fat, I'm so gross.
I look at my scale, I feel my eyes start to water, I hate scales, they lie to me.
I finally get out of my pajamas, and into my normal school uniform, I'm actually glad my school has uniforms, because if my school didn't, the students would just laugh at how pathetic I dress.
I walk to the bathroom, I start to stare at myself in the glass mirror. I need to brush my teeth, I can't have bad teeth. That's the only good part about me, even though they're crooked.
I turn on the sink, wetting the toothbrush, I just stare at the sink, wetting the toothbrush. I don't want to brush my teeth today.
I place my toothbrush back, and start wiping my hands on a towel because they got wet.
I heard my mom yell for me downstairs.
I run down my stairs, sounding like a hoard of elephants. My mom made breakfast. Pancakes, my favorite. I struggle to eat them, I don't want to gain more weight, my mom looked at me. She looked worried? Why? Is she scared that I will gain more weight? I stop eating, I don't want my mom to worry about that.
I tell my mom I will be heading to school, she offered to drive me, but I told her I could walk.
I need to lose a few pounds. And I don't want to embarrass her, if people see how ugly her child is.

I Hope this chapter was good! I tried to not make it sound depressing, if there is anything I could fix about it, please tell me!! ^^
See you guys later!! ^^

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