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I tremble, attempting to run, my knees shaking as I'm basically frozen in fear, my legs won't move. Who is this girl? What has she done? Where is everyone else? There's blood everywhere, guess she killed them but why? I can't move my legs still, and fall to the ground as I look up at the culprit, the pretty lady looking down on me, from what I can see she has red, silky hair tied into a nice, basically perfect braid. my vision goes blurry and everything clouds and all that's in my sight is a now foggy picture of the red haired girl, and chains flying. I black out, and my body becomes numb.

I wake up in a hospital bed confused and in a cold sweat, sitting up quickly. What happened? Who am I? Where am I? I rub my eyes, that were blurry from the effect of just awakening as a pretty girl, with gold colored eyes, beautiful red circles swarming in them, and red hair tied into a nice braid walks in, her braid swishes and she smiles at me politely. "Hello, Y/N. I'm Makima, leader and organizer of the Public Safety Committee. I found you, blacked out in a empty hospital, I would assume the whole place got attacked by a devil, It looks like you needed urgent help, so I took you here to heal. Is that okay with you?" I'm confused and, I don't know where I am, or who I am. I seem to have forgotten everything, did a devil really attack? She looks trustworthy, a reliable and mature person, I think she can help. "Sure, can I ask some questions though? It's okay if you don't know how to answer, or forget." She looks me in the eyes, maintaining her comforting and welcoming smile "Of course." 

She answers all of my questions nicely, keeping the same smile throughout the conversation. She told me my name is "Y/N L/N" and I'm at the Public Safety Committees hospitality section. The only thing I seem to remember is that I'm a doctor, and I still remember how to partake in the job, that's a good thing, I can still be a member of society and make good money I guess. I believe I can start a new life, after I find out more about myself, and what I forgot. I wish I knew what happened, though.

Makima smiles at me again "Since you don't remember much, how about you be a nurse for the Public Saftey Devil Hunters? We pay good, and can give you a stable living environment." She speaks with a soothing tone, that makes you feel calm, but also strict like shes directly telling you to imply. "Oh, sure. Thank you, Miss Makima." She laughs a little "Just Makima is fine, but I don't mind if you want to call me that." Her red braid moves elegantly as her head tilts to the side. "Oh, sure."


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2023 ⏰

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