✧ Drunk ✧

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She finally looked at me, and when she did, she was shocked. 

Y/N~ "U-uh another beer please.." 

Heeseung~ "No way you're already wasted!"

Y/N~ "Shut up you... you sexy idiot!"

Bartender~ "Uhm... Ma'am you should really get home.."

Heeseung~ "Yep. We're going." I say picking her up.

Y/N~ "N-nooOoooOOoo! Let me go!"

Heeseung~ "Nope." I say as I drag her to her car. I put her in the back seat, laying her down comfortably, then hopped into the front seat and started the car. I drove to her house, and parked at the curb, and carried her out of the car. 

Heeseung~ "Where's your house key?"

Y/N~ "On mY keY tHingY.." I fumbled with a few keys attached to the chain on her car keys, but eventually got the door open. I then carried her onto the couch and locked the door. I looked at her drunk face. She was still pretty, really pretty.


I got lost in Heeseung's eyes. He breaks eye contact to go to the kitchen and get me some water, but I get up and turn him around. I tiptoe up to his lips and kiss them. He looks shocked at first, but then he smiles at me. I lean to kiss him again, this time him kissing me back. He grabs my waist and pulls me closer too him as I wrap my hands around the back of his neck. He takes off his jacket, and we kiss all the way up to my room. I closed the door, then he pushes me onto my bed hovering over me. He looked in my eyes for a second before I kiss him. He kisses me back roughly, full of need. He started kissing down my jawline, and down my neck. I covered my mouth to prevent me from making noise, but then he started gently sucking and biting my neck making me moan. He unbuttoned a few buttons on my blouse, and kissed across my collarbone, leaving purple marks down my skin. 

Y/N~ "H-heeseung.."

Heeseung~ "You're making me want to do more.."  He said as he got off me, and pulled me onto his lap. 

Y/N~ "Like what?" I whispered in his ear.

Heeseung POV

I froze as I felt her breath on my neck. I wrapped my arms around her waist, closing any gap between my body and hers. I looked into her eyes, then my gaze fell down to her lips, then the marks on her neck and collarbone. I get turned on by her even when she isn't doing anything. I let a groan escape my mouth when I felt her lips on my neck. I was left speechless as she kissed down my jawline, and neck leaving soft marks. 

Heeseung~ "Y/N.. I'm losing my control.." 

Y/N~ "Then lose control." She said leaving marks down my collarbone.


I leaned back to his lips, so close that our lips were touching, but I didn't kiss him. He bit my lips. 

Heeseung~ "C-can I.." He stuttered touching the ends of my shirt. 

Y/N~ "Do whatever you want Heeseung."

Heeseung~ "A-are you sure?" 

Y/N~ "You're never polite before, why be polite now?" He smirked and unbuttoned the rest of the buttons on my blouse, taking it off, along with his own. Whatever happened next, I was drunk and had zero control over myself.

Time skip

*YAWN* I wake up to find myself unclothed... with HEESEUNG next to me?!! I got up but my legs were paining so I immediatly got back under the covers. 

Y/N~ "Heeseung, what in the hell happened last night??"

Heeseung~ "What do you think Y/N?" He said with a sleepy voice. 

Y/N~ "Oh god..! B-but I hate you!" 

Heeseung~ "You didn't seem to hate me last night.." He said moving closer.

Y/N~ "Get a shirt on! And pants bro..." I say scooting away from him. 

Heeseung~ "As you wish Princess." He said getting up. Yep he was not wearing anything.. I looked away so fast I thought my neck might break. Oh god.. was I really that drunk? I buried myself deeper into my blanket. 

Y/N~ "Shit....!"

Heeseung~ "What?"

Y/N~ "Hee we have school!" I said panicking. 

Heeseung~ "Oh so we're already giving each other nicknames? Cute.. I like mine how about I call you baby?"

Y/N~ "Yah!! Shut it and get dressed!"  

Heeseung~ "Buzzkill." I glared at him, getting up and walking into my bathroom.

Heeseung~ "Wait, I don't have a clean uniform." With that, my phone started to ring. My eyes widened as I saw the caller ID.. It was Dayeon. I got back into bed and answered the call.

Y/N~ "Hello?"

Dayeon~ "Girl! Where the hell are you?! It's two hours you're late! Also Jay is asking where Heeseung is. He didn't show either, maybe you know where he is? He won't stop pestering me." 

Y/N~ "Uh..... Wait does that mean he's talking to you again?" I said sarcastically earning an eye roll from Heeseung. He was mocking every word I was saying.

Y/N~ "Yah! You stupid idiot who are you to mock me when you're in MY bed?! Hmm??!" I shouted at him forgetting there was a call.

Dayeon & Jay~ "WHAT?!" 

Y/N~ "Shit...!!!"

Jay~ " Ayo Heeseung you in Y/N's bed huh..."

Y/N~ "Ugh... I promise I'll explain when we get there ok??" 

Dayeon~ "You better!" 

Jay~ "I mean.. There isn't much explaining to do... isn't it obvious?"

Y/N~ "Aish..."

Heeseung~ "Ok byeeeeee!" He says and taps decline on my cell phone.

Y/N~ "Yah!!" 

Enemy's to lovers~ Lee Heeseung FanficWhere stories live. Discover now