Chapter XVI: I Can Take Her

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They rounded the corner and stopped at a nearby cell. Mayfeld connected a data probe and ordered Zero to open the door.

When the door opened, it revealed a purple male Twi'lek the same shade as Xi'an. Nylah saw Mando's armor clad body instantly stiffen. Mando knew this guy, she realized.

"Qin," Mando muttered next to her. The Twi'lek grinned.

"Funny," he started. "The man who left me behind now my savior." He stood from the bench at the end of the cell and slowly walked toward them. Nylah watched him from over Mando's shoulder. Qin stepped from the cell and stopped in front of Mando.

"Mando," he greeted with a smirk.

Suddenly, Burg shoved Mando into the cell. Nylah started for Burg but was immediately grabbed and thrown in after Mando. Mando had reached his feet when Nylah was tossed to him. He caught her, almost falling to the ground again.

The bandits clicked the button and the door started falling.

Mando helped Nylah to her feet and shot at them but the laser beam ricocheted off the door and started bouncing around the room. Mando pushed Nylah into the wall and shielded her with his body. Nylah felt his body jerk when the shot hit his back.

"Are you okay?" She asked him as she spoke into his chest. He pulled away, his hand leaning against the wall behind her.

"Hit the beskar," He panted.

"You deserve this!" They heard Xi'an shout from the hallway before they ran down the hall, leaving them locked in the cell.

"I could do something on my armband but it's gonna take some time," Nylah said, leaning against the wall.

Mando stepped to the door and looked around, "I have an idea."

"Okay, cool...What is it?"

"We need a droid."


"Shhh," He interrupted. Nylah raised a brow.

"Stay back," Mando whispered to her, holding his hand out to make her stay put.

She watched as a droid walked by their cell. Mando shot out his ripcord and it wrapped around the droid's neck. He reeled it in and the droid's back hit the door. Mando proceeded to rip its arm from its body.

Nylah never knew she could feel aroused and terrified at the same time. Mando took the gun from the droid's severed arm and shot the droid in the head. Nylah picked up the droid's arm and activated the data probe. She connected the probe to the door and twisted it. The door slide open and Nylah tossed the arm to the side.

"Control room, let's go," Mando told her while jogging out of the room. Nylah followed closely behind. She looked down at her armband and checked the time.

"Ten minutes," she told him.

They entered the control room and Nylah immediately went to the panel. Mando stood behind her and watched as she worked.

"I'm gonna disconnect Zero's signal. Their comms won't work and he won't have control over the ship anymore."

"You can do that?" Mando asked her.

Nylah looked up from the control panel and smiled at him.

"This is why I'm the smart one."

Nylah could practically hear his eyes roll, "Shut up." She chuckled.

"Let's separate them," Mando said, his voice deep and low. Nylah felt a tickle travel down her spine. She shook her head. Now was not the time, she cursed herself. With a few more clicks, Nylah closed the doors around the four of them. She turned off the regular lights, which activated the emergency lights which turned the white hallways red.

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