The end of the honeymoon

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A week later

One morning when their honeymoon came to an end and then Alex and Gia woke up and then they had breakfast and they and their things were packed and tickets were bought back on the plane and then Alex handed back the car back to lambart where he borrowed it and they took a taxi to the airport and they plane starts to take off and meanwhile Alex and Gia are sitting on a plane and they go home to the fur power where the circus is located (Oh, it was a good honeymoon for our lives and I'm glad that we're going back home to the circus) Gia said with a smile
(It was really great, but I missed our friends) Alex said with smile. (Just like me, baby. I'm glad to see them again) Gia said with smile. A few hours later the plane landed and then Alex and Gia left the airport, called a taxi and drive to the circus.
When they got there, they took out their suitcases and entered the circus. The first to greet them was Virtodia. (Welcome back home!) Virtodia said as she hugged Alex and Gia.
(I'm glad to see you too) Gia said (Well, how did you rest this month?) Virtodia said (It was so great Alex and I liked it) Gia said (That's good) Virtodia said and they gave her a high five with her hand and then Marty came up and he saw his best friend Alex and he greeted him (Hey man, how glad I am to see you!) Marty said
(Likewise man) Alex said with smile. (So how was it?) Marty asks. (Wonderfully. You should also go to Los Angeles for a month sometime) Alex said. (Maybe if I propose to Molly and marry her and we honeymoon there like you did with Gia. But that's still a long way to go) Marty said.
(Well, how about we do some business) said Windy and they went on different business
A little bit later Alex decided to visit Wadi to find out how to meet Lily (Hi Wadi, I'm back with Gia) said Alex (You're just in time I also had a honeymoon with Lily somewhere in Moscow) said Wadi (And how did you spend your honeymoon with her?) Alex said
(Really great. We went for walks around the city visiting various shopping malls and often went to the sauna) Wadi said as he smiled as he recalled his honeymoon with Lily. (Mine was the same with Gia when we were in L.A. only it was warmer and we went to the beach a lot and we had a private jacuzzi) Alex said with smile. Then they both sighed and looked at each other and said to each other (You had a really great honeymoon. Our wives have brilliant ideas for places) They both said to each other with smile.
(And by the way, it's time for me to go, I have plans for today with my wife now, I'll see you later) Alex said and went about his business
At 17:00 Alex and Gia trained on the trapeze Americano as before (Alex I love trapeze so much as before) Gia said with a smile
And then Alex and Gia went to breathe in their carriage

From the author: yes, it was a good honeymoon, I'm planning to make Alex and Gia parents soon and by the way, if this is the case, Gia will not drink birth control pills 2 weeks before Gia is pregnant and I hope you enjoyed it

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