Imagine This

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if you have any experience with men then i think you'll like this! If not then just try to imagine it....

imagine this - you know they're there, in the background of a crowded room, quiet, not realising what or who they are, but still aware they're there. Your friends and his friends all hang out, getting to know each other running around like clowns on purpose. You still don't talk to him.

Just friends right?..good, then imagine this too - You start speaking to the quiet one, you find out they're really nice, you start speaking more and more often, finding things you have in common (in my situation we had filthy minds and loved muffins!) little things like that, that's what friends are made of........just friends.

So you are now pretty close oui? then keeping on imagining this - close enough to name them your gay best friend...every girl wants a gay best friend. You tell your friends that you speak a lot and as all girl 'BFFs' do they reply....

"omg you snaking?!?" (if your not from wales then snaking means flirting)

"*someone* and *someone* sitting in a tree! K.I.S.S.I.N.G!!"

"ahhh you'd make such a cute couple!!"'re just sat there like "no...I'll repeat best friend"

Okay I lied about the gay best friend thing...imagine this - you actually LOVE them soooooo much that every time you see them your heart stop pumping uncontrollably and you feel like your stomach fell out of your arse!!!! You're avoiding eye contact and just keep walking.................THAT my little bookworms is falling in love......cheesy I know I know.

And this - you don't even care what time you stay up til'! You drop everything to speak to them! You finally think you're close enough to ask him who he likes (obviously hoping he'll say you) 

and "BOOM!!!" goes the dynamite.....

they reply...

"you know your mate? her!! she's perfect!"

You just lie there, paralysed, wishing you never met them, wishing your friend who is so much better than you in every way would just leave and never come back. You pretend you don't care. You never want  to speak to them again. Knowing that there is no chance of loving anyone with someone who always makes out to be better than you blocking your path, leaving you at a dead end, turning back and trying again, all the paths leaving to just another dead end.

you bored yet?...sorry:( but imagine this - you lose all hope, but not love. He speaks to you again after a week of suspicious silence and cowardly ignoring him. He says..

"Where have you been?!:("


"I missed talking to you<3:(!!!"

"awhh haha:)"

You get your mudafucking confidence back and feel like a million dongs B)!!  You go back to how you used to be...but better : staying up later, more complements, hints, stupid but cute flirty quotes like "love you;)", yeh stupid little things like that put a smile ma big old face!...Then to top it all off he says....

"I wanted to ask you something:)!"

"what is it;)"

"will you be my girlfriend:)?"

You're face just lights up like a freaking tomato!!! but tomatoes don't actually light up:/ oh well! so yeh you're there just smiling to yourself like a massive retard!! and obviously you say "YES". 

IMAGINE THIS!! - you're both so happy, you just won't leave each other alone, it's like you're best friends and  boyfriend or girlfriend!! You have silly little moments that you look back on and just smile:-) (for me, when I used to pull away, then he just pulls you back and brings you in closer....i love that::3) You concentrate everything on that one person that you couldn't live without, you'd happily be with them forever until boys go back to being boys instead of this amazing, cute boy who'd talk to you for hours on end and talk to you about all your problems.....boys get bored of the same old toys.

I would sit there, just crying on his shoulder about anything, then he said I should just shut up and stop complaining?....WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?!? WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH YOU BOYS!?!? JUST STAPH!!!!!! He begins to ignore you, doesn't give a shit, can't be bothered, reads messages and can't even take a mintue of his precious time to answer, starts making up all these stupid bullshit excuses. I hold on for dear life, hoping he's just having a bad day....nope.

boom its over I cry he doesn't, he bitches to my friends, makes me fall out with them, I cry some more, i think I'm over it, he isn't , says he misses me, I miss him again then he tells me to fuck off. 

imagine that hey:)

might not seem that upsetting to you peoples, but I'm more upset about how this shit ended than the ending to Lost. 


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