say the name, 17

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what happened to yui
i miss her bones she's
too weak to even hold
her hand up by herself

that's what im saying. it
has been exactly a week
after that whole "fight" and
mark is leaving for canada
in three days

damn, not even trying
and fix things between
him and yui??? didn't
expect this from him when
he's the one whose so
desperate to have everything
back to normal again

yui's fine, she just doesn't
wanna socialize with people.
even with me. after i went to
nari's house, she just looked
at me with sad eyes and grabbed
my hand just for her to go home
and that's it.

she at least sent me a text
saying to not worry but it's
making me even more worried
about her. what if she does sum
to herself and i will regret it bc
i didn't saved her again?

c'mon don't overthink this.
ill try talking to mark, he should
at least see her one last time
before going to canada

i tried talking to mark, but
to no avail. he doesn't open
it it's still on delivered, it's
been three days

should we just leave them?
what if it's best if they don't
see each other for now?

nah i disagree. him and yui are
like endgame!!! even though i
have the fattest crush on her
i can still see that she cherishes
mark more than anyone

ur so cute our jisung ☹️☹️

shhhhhhhh i want yui to be
happy so that she'll choose
me and not donghyuck 😝

bitch i thought u was fr nvm

GUYS think of sum to help
mark to agree to what i'm
bout to say bc i'm doing all
of this for yui. quick tell me
what he likes so that i can
pick a place

a cafe nearby the school
he and yui always go there
when she's feeling stressed
or when she doesn't feel
like going to school

pmc? she has nice taste

thanks hyuck ill text u
guys later when it turns
out either ugly or good



heeeyyy there mark,
care for a drink at pmc?

if it has to do with yui
then i won't go

pls mark i really need u to
tell me what's wrong in order
for me to tell yui all about it so
that you two can talk, haven't
you seen her state rn??? she's a
mess because of you

what do you mean by that?

after what happened to the
both of you, yui went to my
house all soaked up in rain
and kept looking at her phone
looking like she's expecting sum
she didn't say a word nor told me
what's wrong. she was shaking
mark, even donghyuck ran all
the way from his house to mine
just to see yui in her vulnerable
state and she just went home like
nothing happened. we haven't heard
from her since, chenle visited her 2
days ago just to see how she's doing
and she's doing bad mark. the house
is a mess, her room, everything. she
looked like she never even bothered
to clean up or eat or even take a shower.

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