💉🩸Who The Hell Are You?🩸💉

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3rd POV

"Bakugo! Sir!" A female immortal was running down the very large halls, pressing onto her leader for some answers, "Is it true!? Are the humans coming!?"

"Obviously, and it's only one!" The blonde ash leader shouted at her. His voice echoed throughout the entire hall, "That icy-hot bastard decided to do this a day early, and now, we have to move faster for preparations! Is the human's room at least done?"

"Yes! We have their rooms set separately in the west wing." She says while reading off the clipboard, "I
made sure to separately put some of our members into the east wing to prevent any incidents that might occur for the humans' safety. Their rooms will be located on the third floor, having the entire hall for themselves. Secondly, the delivery crate arrived a few minutes ago, so we'll only have enough to control our thirst for the next month. We'll need to schedule another order as soon as possible -"

"Are there any updates from shitty hair and his team?" He was growing more frustrated after not hearing from him for a while, "Those morons should've been back here an hour ago."

"The Lycan is currently on his way back as we speak, my Lord." She says, "He said that he brought in an extra crate for our blood supply. It's being shipped to our location at the moment. They'll be here before the humans do."

"Hm. Good." Bakugo walks to the end of the wall and makes a left turn. He opens the door leading to his office and then asks, "You've been saying humans as if there was more than one. Want to tell me what the hell is that about?"

"Well, sir, another human was found and wanted for the fire incident, and Lord Todoroki said that we needed to take in both of them now that it's public. That's why we were unable to finish some tasks after preparing an extra bedroom for the other human." She explains to him after writing down a few extra notes, "I'm sure that he meant to tell you sooner, but -"

"Leave." He said as he sits at his desk, "I need to make a call."


"What are you, deaf?" He looked at her and became angry as the immortal servant cowers before him, "I said, leave already, dammit! You wasted enough of my time!"

"..Y-Yes sir." She quickly excused herself and left his office. The doors closed behind her after she exited the room

The angry vampire pulls out his phone and quickly calls someone. It was a moment before the call was answered, and the first thing he said on the line was, "Oi. Wanna tell me why there's another fucking human on our list? I could just take one and throw the other one into a pit since you want to change our plans at the last minute!"

'Haven't you been watching the news, Bakugo?' Todoroki's voice spoke on the other line, 'Midoriya found another human related to the incident and -'

"Why the fuck are you doing a favor for that shitty nerd!?" He interrupted him, "I thought we agreed on having one human! One! I'm not having another stray live in our base!"

'For the savior of both humanity and immortality, you have an interesting tone of taking in people who are in need.' The hybrid vampire said, 'Y/n will be able to keep the other human at ease since I've already gained her trust. We'll be looking upon her to rely on when we need her for our plan.'

"Tsk. You're lucky that we have another two months before any of our members go thirsty." He huffs as he tapped his finger on top of his desk to cope with his frustration, "As soon as they get here, I'm borrowing your human pet for something that I need. You owe me that much for your last-minute stunt."

Dripping Red (Vampire Bakugo x Human Reader)Where stories live. Discover now