Chapter 2: The Vanishing Glass

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Privet Drive had not changed in the nearly ten years since the Dursley family discovered their nephews waiting for them on the front step. The Dursleys' living room looked almost precisely the same as it had been the night Mr. Dursley had seen that fateful news report on the owls. The sun rose on the same neat front gardens and lit up the brass number four on their front door. The only things that actually demonstrated how much time had passed were the pictures on the mantelpiece. Dudley Dursley was no longer a baby in the pictures taken ten years ago when he appeared to be a large pink beach ball wearing various coloured bobble hats. Instead, he was a large, blond boy riding his first bicycle, on a fairground roundabout, playing a computer game with his father, and receiving hugs and kisses from his mother. There was no indication in the room that there were two other boys residing in the home.

Harry and Y/N Potter were still present, but they were currently dozing off. Not for long though. The first sound of the day came from their Aunt Petunia, who was up and speaking in a loud tone.

"Up! Get up! Now!"

Harry and Y/N were rudely awoken. Once more, their aunt banged on the door. "Up!" she screeched. Y/N heard her entering the kitchen, followed by the sound of the frying pan being placed on the stove. He turned over onto his back and looked over at his brother. "Good morning, brother," Y/N said in a sleepy voice. "Good morning," Harry said back. Y/N made an effort to recall the dream he was having. It was an excellent one. In it had been a flying motorbike. He had a strange impression that he had previously had this dream.

Their aunt had returned to the door. "Are you two up yet?" she demanded.

"Nearly," Harry said.

"Well, get a move on, I want you to look after the bacon and eggs. And don't you dare let them burn, I want everything perfect on Duddy's birthday."

Both boys sighed.

"What did you say?" their aunt snapped through the door.

"Nothing," both boys said.

How could they have forgotten Dudley's birthday? Slowly getting out of bed, Harry and Y/N started looking for their socks. After removing a spider from one of them, Y/N pulled a pair out from under his bed and put them on. There were many spiders in the cupboard beneath the stairs, where Harry and Y/N slept, so they became accustomed to them. After getting dressed, they entered the kitchen down the hallway. Under all of Dudley's birthday presents, the table was almost completely obscured. In addition to the second television and the racing bike, it appeared that Dudley had acquired the new computer he had requested. Harry and Y/N were puzzled as to why Dudley wanted a racing bike given that he was obese and detested working out unless it involved hitting somebody. Harry was Dudley's favourite punching bag, although he wasn't always successful in catching him. Although Harry didn't appear to be speedy, he was. Due to the fact that Y/N was bigger than Harry and could better protect himself, Dudley didn't enjoy picking on him as much.

Harry had always been little and skinnier that most his age, perhaps it had something to do with living in a dark cupboard. Because he was only wearing some of Dudley's old clothes and Dudley was nearly four times bigger than he was, he appeared even smaller and skinnier than he actually was. Y/N was noticeably bigger than Harry but he, too, was notably skinny. Harry was short and had black hair, knobby knees, and piercing green eyes. Y/N was (description of yourself). Due to the numerous fights they had with Dudley, they each wore a similar pair of round glasses that were held together with a lot of Sellotape. On their foreheads, each of them had a thin scar that was identical and had the same lighting-bolt shape. For as long as they could remember, they have had them, and the first thing they ever remember asking their aunt Petunia was how they had acquired them.

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