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A few days later, y/n could barely stop thinking about Georgie. He was just so handsome and has this natural coolness. Besides she didn't really know anyone in town yet so it would be good to make some friends...

Lucky for her she spilled coffee on her dance leotard before going to practise one morning, the perfect excuse to go in and see Georgie.

It was a bit late and her parents dropped her off as they were going out for dinner and going to see some show at the theatre, so they won't be back until late and y/n didn't have a car to drive home so she had to walk.

She walked in, looking a little better then she did last time and saw him fixing a machine looking good in a blue shirt.

"Hi," she greeted him as she walked in.

"You're back soon." Georgie said, sounding pleased as he turned to face her.

"What do you know about getting coffee stains out of leotards?" Y/n asked and held up the stain.

"You gotta let it soak first." Georgie nodded.

"And that should work?" Y/n asked.

"I don't know," Georgie shrugged. "That's just my answer to every laundry question."

Y/n laughed, probably a little more then she usually would. "I'll probably try it." She said.

"So how were things down under?" Georgie went on to ask as he continued repairing the machine.

"Yeah, great, just school you know and I was a dancer, something I'm still trying to pursue here—hence the leotard." She said.

"Oh, wow," Georgie said.

"And now I'm here working in a restaurant with many customers asking me where I'm from." Y/n continued.

"You're lucky," Georgie said, "I'm working here."

"Mhmm," y/n hummed. "Seems like a great place to meet girls." She smirked.

"I met you." Georgie smirked back.

Y/n had been at the laundromat way longer then she expected.

Her and Georgie were just talking and talking while sitting up on the machines. They were basically swapping life stories.

"You wanna know one of the best things about working here? I always smell like dryer sheets." Georgie was saying.

"I do love the smell of fresh laundry." Y/n said, and the machine started beeping, Indicating her drying was done.

"Oh I'm done." Y/n said, a little disappointed.

"Actually, these machines don't get it dry all in one go, let me buy you another round." Georgie said quickly and hopped off the machine.

"Okay, thanks." Y/n said, joyfully as Georgie started the dryer again.

"How about while this runs I take you to dinner?" Georgie walked back over to her and said with a slight smirk.

𝘚𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯 (Georgie Cooper x reader) Where stories live. Discover now