Day 11 - Baby Names (Fringe)

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| Pairing: Peter Bishop x Olivia Dunham

| Content warnings: pregnancy, spoilers?

| Word count: 432

| Author's note: Set between season 4 finale (Brave New World) and the Invasion of the Observers

     Eight-month-pregnant Olivia Dunham sighed, closing the webpage on her computer. Yet another list of baby names that had all sounded wrong to her had come and gone. Given that she was due in just a few weeks, Olivia was rather anxious to have at least a few possibilities lined up for her daughter when she was born.

The blonde ran a hand through her hair, wincing when her engagement ring caught a few pale strands. She and Peter weren't married yet- they'd agreed to wait until after their daughter was born- but they had begun some tentative wedding plans as well. Just general things- what color the bridal party (Astrid, Rachel, Ella) should wear, what time of year they'd like best, and so forth.

The doorknob rattled for a moment, attracting her attention, and a moment later the door opened. "Honey, I'm home." Peter called.

"That's such a cheesy line." Olivia returned, grinning.

"Yeah, but you love it." He replied, matching her smile as he stepped into the living room. His gaze swept across the coffee table. "Can't find any baby names yet?"

She rolled her eyes in irritation at the issue. "They're all too old or too new or too this or too that." She sighed again. "All I know for sure is I want it to start with H."

"Thank God." He chuckled. "For a minute I thought you were gonna say you wanted it to start with Z or something."

Olivia frowned. "What's wrong with Z names?"

"There's like, none of them, and they're all weird."

"Zoey, Zinnia..." she began to tease, but paused. "That's where I run out. You might have a point."

"Of course I do." Peter joked. "So, 'H' names?"


"Well, let me think. There's 'Holly', 'Hazel', 'Heather'."

"Hazel is an eye color and heather and holly are plants." Olivia retorted playfully.

"Alright, alright. Hannah- with or without the second h, or any version of Hayley." He offered. Studying her skeptical facial expression, he continued: "Uh, there's Hope, Harper."

The blonde shook her head. "Mm-mm, it's a little too modern."

"Old-fashioned, then?" "Helen, Hester, Heidi."

"Those aren't not bad. I'll keep them in mind."

Peter hummed to himself. "Those are somewhat older names, so... Harriet, maybe, or Harietta."

She canted her head. "I like that even better."

"The only other one I can think of like that is Henrietta."

Olivia nodded, her eyes lighting. "That's it. It's perfect. I love it."

"Henrietta." Peter repeated thoughtfully. "I like it." He bent down and kissed Olivia's belly, flooding it with butterflies again. "We'll see you soon, Henrietta."

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