Character Oc Information

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{Picture of what Helena looks like. We don't own this image. All rights go to owner(s).}


Full Name: Helena Kyle Wayne

Name Meaning: Light or Bright

Nickname(s): Lena, Lenny (by Dick), Ellie, Kyle (by Damian), Huntress (hero alias), My Soulmate (by Talon), Ms. Kyle or Ms. Helena (by Alfred), etc.

Birth Date: October 10th, 1997

Age: 14 years old

Gender: Female

Species: Metahuman

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Mischievous, fiery, independent, daring, charming, charismatic, seductive, beautiful, graceful, generous, courageous, determined, realistic, adventurous, confident, fearless, cunning, feminist, open-minded, kind, friendly, easy-going, etc.

Occupation: Student, Vigilante, Thief (sometimes)

Voice Actress: Dove Cameron

Appearance: Black long hair, blue eyes with slit pupils like a cat's, and she inherited the feline beauty from her mother.

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Powers/Abilities: Meta-human physiology, feline empathy, superhuman senses, superhuman strength, superhuman agility, superhuman durability, acrobatics, accelerated healing factor, peak of human physical condition, master martial artist, skilled markswoman, manipulator expert, gifted intellect, stealth, master thief, indomitable will, high pain tolerance, etc.

Affiliation(s): Batfamily; Teen Titans

Hero Outfit:

Hero Outfit:

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Birthplace: Gotham City

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Birthplace: Gotham City

Residence: Wayne Manor, Gotham City

Home Country: America

Family Member(s): Bruce Wayne (father), Selina Kyle (mother; disappeared), Damian Al Ghul Wayne (younger half-brother), Dick Grayson (adoptive brother), Alfred Pennyworth (adoptive grandfather), etc.

Friends/Allies: Kate Kane/Batwoman, Luke Fox/Batwing, Rachel Roth/Raven, Garfield Logan/Beast Boy, Jaime Reyes/Blue Beetle, Kori Anders/Starfire, etc.

Enemies: Talon, Court of Owls, Talia Al Ghul, Heretic, League of Shadows, Trigon, Darkseid, etc.

Love Interest(s): Various male and female characters

Likes: Her family and friends, music, fashion, being the best, being seductive, being free, fighting bad guys, helping the metahumans and people in difficult situations, sports, stealing jewelry, annoying Damian, dating boys or girls, etc.

Dislikes: The disappearance of her mother, corrupt police, uptight people, homophobes, family in danger, misogynistic, being locked up, Damian being unbearable, Talon's unhealthy obsession with her, etc.

Background Information: Tension rises in her family between her half-brother, who always acts brash and temperamental in disobeying his father's authority. And her father, who sets strict rules that also apply to her.

Helena feels suffocated and by all that is going on. And it seems to get worse when a secret society called the Court of Owls set their sights on both her and her brother.

The young thief will have to make a crucial choice that will affect not only her life but also her family. Her relationship with Damian is always conflicted, due to her competitive and haughty personality.

And Damian seeking every opportunity to upset her, but she always ignores his remarks.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2023 ⏰

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