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the full moon stands high in the sky, the city is quiet. two men are walking trough town, their hoods up so their face is hidden.

they walk into a bar.


i take a sip from my drink and look at shigaraki, i took him out of the base to relax a bit he is too stressed at the moment. the man takes a sip and notices me looking, take a picture it lasts longer he jokes.

i smile, finaly he relaxes. about a hour or 2 later we leave, while walking trough a alley i notice we are getting folowed. someone is running at us, before i can react he trows me into a wal. shigaraki tries to fight him, i get up and fire my flames at him. he ducks and i almost hit shigaraki.

in the moment im distracted he managed to get behind me holding me in a choke hold, im trying to get air in my lungs. he then dropps me and kicks me hard against my ribs, i cough up some blood and protect my head.

shiagarki trows him to the side and goes to desintegrate him, his hand starts crumbling where shiggy touched him. he looks at me and suddenly my head starts spinning i sit down, dabi are you alrigt there? i ignore shiggy and try to focus my eyes but then everything is black.


when dabi opens his eyes he feels different, looking around he sees a grey wolf laying motionless on the ground almost burried under empty boxes and garbage bags. weird he doesnt remember a wolf being here.

red is dripping into his eye, he wipes it away. when he does he notices black paws instead of hands. why do i have paws? the rest of him is also not human. the man had turned them into wolves. 

the black wolf stands up trembling a bit, he walks to the other and tries to wake him. shiggy... SHIGGY! he shakes his friend roughly effectingly waking him up. what dabi the grey asks. open your eyes you will not believe this...


after they catched theire breath about now being wolves they decide to walk back ''home'', dabi limps a little his side still hurts just as his head and fore leg. he got you good didn't he? dabi looks at his leader for a moment but then looks away, when they get back to the hide it has been a few days as they had been to a different city and walking with one injured and having to hide on day is not that quick to travel.

shigaraki goes trough an open window and went to get someone to help dabi in but at the moment he nears the living room he hears the others talking.

they talked about him, the words he heard hurt him, he felt a pang in his chest. they dont mean that right? the grey was feeling insecure suddenly. they where planning to kill him and get a different leader. i tought we had a good time together ... does dabi think this too? 

dabi! he was still outside and injured, if they wanted to kill him he should leave right now. he goes back outside, dabi is laying againt the building licking his leg. my fault im not a leader i should have protected my team member... my friend. 

his guilt made his eyes water and he whispers a sorry before running off, dabi stands up iritating his leg but ignores it. shiggy wait up! he runs after him not caring if he is in pain the black wolf is just confused and worried. what had happened in there?

he sees shigaraki run trough a crowd, the people scream and run away from them. the grey stopps for a moment, in that moment a man walks at him yelling and pointing a gun, shigaraki flattens his ears and tries to appear small. he is frozen and terrified, dabi runs faster. he closes his eyes andpushes shigaraki away they hear a few loud bangs, dabi feels a stinging pain in his side.

shiagaraki unfreezes and tackles the shooter holding his arm firmly with his sharp teeth. eying dabi he again feels the guild, the black wolf is laying on the pavement his breathing is heavy but after some deep breaths he moves his head to look at them.

the two lock eyes until a shadow falls over shigaraki, the grey freezes not wanting to let the man go. two strong hands pry open his jaws freeing the man, growling shigaraki tries to free himself from his captor. no dont do that pup, that voice... eraserhead? he stops growling and takes a look. it is the erasure hero indeed.

dabi tries standing up to help but falls back down with a pained cry, this draws the attention from shigaraki again. dabi! are you alright?!! the black wolf doesnt respond, instead he groans a little.

eraser takes out his phone and makes a call, after a few minutes a car pulls up. what happened here shouta? present mic gets out of the car and sits down with dabi. his breaths are stil heavy.

apparently a man shot at them and this one tried protecting his friend over there,  how do you know they were shot and not attacking? 1 the one i am holding has a bullet wound, 2 that one has too i saw when he tried standing and 3 the gun is still on the ground by that car. eraser casually anwsers. right yeah... what are we doing with them? the grey one is very angry maybe agressive  and this one is badly injured. more then just a bullet wound.

all vets are closed and no one would treat them... aizawa thinks for a moment before talking, we should take them home.  hizshi shkes his head grinning, these aren't stray cats shouta. i know but look this one is not acting agressive anymore i think he was just angry his friend got hurt. in his eyes i see no agression but hurt  and confusion.

we cant let them go if a wolf bites someone people might want him dead if he is set free, we could set them free today and over 3 days they are dead.. aizawa i agree with you, you get that one in the car ill get this one.



i feel the hero lifting me up in his arms, his hand makes contact with my hurt rib and i cry out. whoa easy boy, he repositions his hold so he doesnt touch my wounds and then he places me on a blanket in the car.

dabi... yes s-shiggy? im sorry you got hurt becouse of me...he sounds so sad and hurt. it isnt your fault i pushed you away, yes but i froze if i had just moved you had not been hurt again... shiagaraki i dont blame you relax.

i close my eyes a bit.



when we got home i carried the surprisingly cooperating wolf inside, hizashi folded a blanket to lay on for the grey wolf after i treated his wound while i treated the black wolf's wounds,the grey wolf watched me like a hawk.

after im done with the wounds i noticed how swollen his leg is and i heared a rib is bothering him so i took a look at it. a broken rib, his leg is not broken and with some time it should get better.

after all the things are done i take a nap on the couch, i hear clicking of dog nails on the floor and then a wet nose in my hand. i open one eye and the grey wolf is just sitting there with is nose in my hand. his eyes look gratefull, after the eye contact he leaves to lay down next to the black wolf. i close my eye again and sleep.

shigadabi // wolfWhere stories live. Discover now