once class started aizawa gave everyone work to do, while the students worked on the assignment the teacher looked around. who might want to help with them? almost everyone he thinks.
his attention turnes to one dual haired boy, he is calm. todoroki can i talk to you in the hall. the class erupts in gasps, calm down he is not in trouble!! always when he takes someone apart they think they're in trouble.
what did you want to talk to me about sensei? mic and u have recently adopted two wolves, his eyes light up at this news. we think they are bored and want to take them t school some time, that would be cool but why did you only tell me?
the tired man rubbs his eyes before speaking, we need to know how they think about children. would you like to meet them some time? you are calm and behaved the rest of your class is not.
the boy thinks about it for a moment before anwsering, yes ofcourse i'll help. tank you, do you have any questions? no sensei. oke then we can return to class.
shigaraki please... dabi im not in the mood, but shiiiiiigg. dabi i said no leave me alone. i push my nose against his shoulder and just lay down next to him. are you alright? i ask him. yes just tired.
a few hours later i hear the door being unlocked and opened, i stand up and walk to the two heroes happily. maybe they want to play im sooo bored shigaraki just wants to sleep.
the heroes pet my head and put on the leash, are we going somewhere? shigaraki you lazy ass ! wake up we are going somwhere!!
black barks at grey, the grey wolf looks at him in anger before shaking his head and joining us. while he jumps off the couch the tv remote falls on the ground, the news starts on the screen.
---the two villains have yet to be found if seen alert a hero. the news reporter hold his hand to his headphone and jumps up. apparently there is a security camera that has captured the two villains figthing a man.... are we aloud to show this? the reporter asks his crew. we are? alright this is the footage,
the screen changes to the alley from that night, dabi and shigaraki are seen walking trough it. behind them is a man running at them, dabi gets trown into a wall. shigaraki tries to fight the man, dabi stands up and fires his flames at him.
the man is holding dabi in a choke hold, he dropps dabi and kicks him against the ribs, the villain coughs up some blood and protects his head for kicks.
shiagarki trows him to the side and grabs the attacker with all fingers, his hand starts crumbling where the villain touched him. he looks at dabi who passes out after that. the same story with shigaraki he too passes out and the attacker has turned into dust.
the video stopps there, dont worry people we have one last video and what is in it explaines the missing men.
shouta did you see that too? yes i did hizashi... i look at the wolves, boys look at me. those boys dabi and shigaraki... you two are those two or am i wrong and talking to animals who might think they get lectured.
the two wolves look at eachother, talking will be inpossible for them love... i know that hizashi... im not 9 anymore. you tought animals talked until your ninth? i dont want to talk about that zashi.
i take a pen and two empty papers, on one i writhe shigaraki's name and on the other dabi. go stand on your name. the black wolf imeadiatly goes to the dabi paper, the grey wolf hesitates before goint to shigaraki.
shigadabi // wolf
Fanfictiondabi and shigaraki get turned into wolves, the league doesnt notice them missing and are talking bad about shiggy. shigaraki feels hurt and thinks he failed as leader and runs away, dabi follows him worried about his leader. while the two roam troug...