Blossoming Romance

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"Eep likes Guy. Eep likes Guy. Gross. Right Douglas?" Thunk asks as the group is riding on chunky while Alexis is running in wolf form next to them.

"Alexis honey are you sure you wouldn't wanna ride up here?" Ugga asks as Alexis looks at a fighting Eep and Thunk.

"Uh no thanks. I'm good." Alexis says as she smiles while continuing to run.


"All right pack. Nothing has tried to kill us in the last ten minutes so let's camp here. Gran and Thunk you find us a place to sleep. Sandy, Alexis and Chunky you stand watch. Ugga and I will forage. Guy and Eep? Guy and Eep? You're in charge of the fire." Grug asks as the group stops before he sees Eep and Guy being lovey dovey much to his annoyance.

"No problem Dad." Eep says.

"You can count on us Dad." Guy says as he and Eep leave.


"Look at them! Guy used to have so many ideas. I mean wasn't he the one that gave us fire? Now he's useless! Th-They'd never survive on their own!" Grug says angrily as the group watches Guy and Eep.

"Hungry." Thunk says.

"I know Thunk and we'll eat our ration of dry twigs and bitter roots just as soon as two pack members who shall remain nameless do their jobs and start the fire!" Grug shouts angrily.

"Well there is always the old option of eating." Alexis says as she is eating a small dead bird she found in wolf form.

"Come on man. Just chill." Guy says.

"No you come on man! I'm gonna chill your a-" Grug then gets cut off by Ugga.

"Hey, hey, hey, Grug. Easy. Calm down, big guy. You know Grug eventually Eep and Guy they're gonna wanna start their own pack. Just like we did. It's our nature." Ugga says as Alexis smiles at Eep and Guy.

"Alexis where are you going?" Grug asks as he sees Alexis beginning to walk off.

"Relax. I'm just having a small look around." Alexis says as she looks at Grug.

"But the pack should stay together." Grug says.

"I'll be within hearing distance. Don't worry." Alexis says before she walks off.


"Another glorious morning." Guy says as Alexis sees the others get off him the next morning.

"Not sleep well brother?" Alexis asks as she helps Guy up.

"Very funny considering you slept away from everyone." Guy says.

"What? You know I like not being crushed." Alexis says as she smiles.

"Lucky you. You been feeling okay? You've been a little distant from everyone lately." Guy says as Alexis gives a nervous look.

"Oh yeah. I'm fine." Alexis says nervously.

"Are you sure?" Guy asks.

"Yep." Alexis says as she nods.

"Uh what's that?" Thunk asks as the group hears noise.

"Kill circle!" Ugga shouts as everyone gets in a circle before everyone sees Grug and accidentally attacks him.

"Hey everyone! You'll never guess what I fo-" Grug says as he gets attacked by the group.

"Oops. Sorry honey. We thought you were a predator trying to kill us." Ugga says as she helps Grug up.

No. Never apologize for an effective kill circle. You have to come see this. Follow me! Come on. This way. Whoo-hoo! Yes! You're gonna love it!" Grug says as everyone follows him.

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