Beling Vulnarable is not bad.

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You know sometimes I think no matter how hard you try to keep your mind calm the whole day but you can't. Because there are millions of things going in and out of your brain that make you vulnerable. But it's good because sometimes when we are vulnerable we tend to do something that can hurt us, but also it helps sometimes in a way that you can't explain.

Recently I started a book called "The Secret" by Ronda Byrne, no doubt the book is exceptional. I for instance starting to change myself every day. Doing little things which are creating happiness in my mind. And that's what we want, isn't it?

The book says your mind is the ultimate master. You can create or attracts whatever you want in your life and it also that this world has more than enough for everybody. It is good to hear that we can get whatever we want if we shift our focus to it.

After reading the book I am trying things that I normally pass on to somebody else or I make an excuse. Today's day was good. I read a book. Did all my chores. There was no electricity 💡 for an eternity. Got all soaked up by the heat mostly mom was not happy about it. But at last, electricity came and so did the spirit in our body.

Also, there is this thing I am not happy about. I scold my brother a lot mostly for using his cell phone. 📱 I don't want to but he makes excuses every time to uses his phone. Sometimes lies too. Which is wrong don't you think? We all have been through that phase of life when whatever our elders say we find it annoying and stressful. But I can't handle myself when I see him doing all but his studies. He is average in his studies. I was also the same. And I jeopardized some of my % and time doing what my brother is doing. I try to not but don't know what happens I think I see my alter ego in himself. And that's scary. But he also helps me in my daily tasks so points for that.

I am hopeful in the future I will berate him less and he will try to study hard. And I will keep my patients. Other than that everything is in its place mom is improving gradually which is a super-duper good thing. Dad is doing a lot and also inspiring me every day. Also, today I made a letterhead for my organization which I am hopeful that Mark won't change.

Overall I am thankful for everything in my life.

No of the times I spoke to Mark:- 3 times.  Because of no electricity, my phone went off.

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