One Day Like This

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Dear Readers,

This is just a little smut between Alicia and Germán that I wrote some time ago and finally felt like posting. Be advised that it is a little dirtier than usual, I hope you enjoy it ;)


It was early night and Germán was in his office writing up the last  remarks on the meeting he had just had with a very important client.  There were just a few lines he would like to add before he forgot – he'd  been forgetting a lot lately – but his mind couldn't concentrate on  anything other than his pregnant wife waiting for him at home. Tomorrow  was her Birthday, they had planned to go out for a romantic dinner, but  he wanted to give her something that night too, to party into her  birthday. But what? Will she even still be awake? After trying  to keep his perseverance for some arduous minutes and cursing the  meeting for having taken too long, he wrote three of four key words down  and gave up altogether.

He could blame the late hours for  this little set back, but in reality, he knew well that, in that  particular moment, it was Alícia's face that kept distracting him from  his mundane tasks, no matter how hard he fought against it. If anything,  right then, his urge to see her was inexplicable; he couldn't wait to  have her in his arms, and take her to their bed or wherever her burning  hormones chose to take them that night. Would there be a better way to  celebrate than that? Germán gave himself a coy smile as he thought how  they seemed like two teenagers who had just fallen madly in love with  each other. Putting on his coat and grabbing his suitcase, he gave a  last look around, closed the office up and made a mental note not to get  used to this life because their wild endeavors were about to be  replaced by another kind of sleepless nights very soon.

Once  on the street and advancing with long strides, his attention was  suddenly caught by a small shop that wasn't usually lit up when he  walked around the neighborhood at daylight. Lost in curiosity and with  the excitement that controlled his body by then, together with the  excuse he needed a gift, his hesitation lasted no longer than two  seconds before he decided to change his course and enter the shop whose  exterior walls were adorned with purple, blue, green, white and hot pink  neon lights. A large sign plainly read 'SEX SHOP.'

As  soon as Germán stepped inside and a woman immediately came towards him  he regretted going out of his way. It was already embarrassing enough to  be there without anyone kindly helping him around. The closer the  saleswoman came the faster his heart beat and the redder his face  became. As he took a deep breath and slowly let the air out, trying to  relax, his thoughts went back to a few nights previously when, after  they had made love, his wife told him he might work up his fantasies a  little. At the time he didn't give much thought to the suggestion and,  smiling, just stared at her naked figure while she made her way to their  bathroom and closed herself in, sporting a naughty smile that he could  not see. Now, he seemed to be exactly on the right place after all.

He  wasn't that nervous anymore when the eager saleswoman finally reached  him. Only until she asked the fateful question, "are you looking for  something specific?" He wouldn't have thought, but she was used to  having this type of customer; suited-up men on their early 40s came less  frequently only than slightly younger women.

"I, eh-I don't-" he struggled to speak.

That kind of client was just as usual: Sex-shop virgins. "Would it be for yourself?"

Would it?  He had no idea what he was looking for. He was just curious, and then  Alícia's suggestion to work on his fantasies, however she meant it, all  culminated with him being completely lost in the middle of a sex shop.

Having  spotted his wedding ring, the woman finally understood, or at least  hoped she did. "We have just what you need," she winked and motioned for  him to follow her along. She stopped in front of a wall covered with  toys and reached straight for the vibrators, educating Germán into the  peculiarities of different shapes, vibration patterns, and G-spots and  clit-stimulators. Somehow her casual and upfront demeanor made the  conversation less menacing. At the end of his visit he left with a  thankfully discreet bag that wouldn't attract sideway glances on the  sidewalk or in the metro, and contained one small box encasing heaven,  according to his sex-toy advisor.

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