Party sex

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A/n oh shit things is about to go down up in
This bitch 👀👀👀 anywho back to the story :)

Billie pov:
( me and Jesse is getting ready for a party that Sasha invite us In )
( right now I'm wearing just a black dress with black high heels and a black leather jacket )
( a minute later Jesse came in wearing a black coat with jeans and a shirt and wearing Nike )
J: damn you look sexy
B: thx but let's save this when we go to the party
J: okay
B: oh Sasha text me the location and she said she's already waiting for us
J: well what are we waiting for let's go
( a minute later we arrived at the party and we see Sasha smoking outside )
( we get out of the car and we was greeted by Sasha )
S: BESTIE. ( Sasha said while running towards us )
B: hey Sasha
B: Jesus you smell like beer and cigarettes ( I say while plunging my nose )
S: oh sorry about that I'll brush my teeth when I get home I promise
B: ok you better cause the last time you did you vomit all over the sink cause of how drunk you were
S: oh *sasha giggles * I still remember that story ah good ol times
B: Sasha that was like a year ago before I met Jesse
S: Right sorry my mind is all mess up cause of all the beer I've been drinking
B: ok less chatting more parting let's go to the party
S: yass now that's my girl ( Sasha said while nudgeing my shoulder)
B: cmon guys  ( I said while walking the door and opening it )
B: holy shit now this is what I call a party
J: y'all need a drink
B: I do but Sasha looks like she already got enough drinks
J: ok I'll be Right back
S: um billie
B: yes Sasha
S: i think one of your exs are here ( she said while pointing to a guy standing with a blond hair girl )
B: oh no pls don't tell me that's
S: oh it is
B: ( my heart was racing like crazy what is that cheater doing here )
B: do you know where the bathroom is
S: of course follow me ( she said while I follow her )
(After of calming down I finally went back to the party)
J: hey babe where you go I was looking for you everywhere
B: sorry Jesse something has caught up
J: oh ok but anyway here's your drink ( he said while handing my drink )
B: thanks ( I said while taking the drink )
( after a couple of more drinks we were drunk )
S: damn y'all looking like y'all been spinning for 24 hours
B: oh shut up you
J; hey billie im bored let's go have some fun if you know what I mean
B: oh I totally know what you mean
S: make sure to wear protection alr-
J: yeah yeah cmon Billie I'm bored
B: ok cmon let's go
S: * sigh* they never listen to me even when there drunk
( me and Jesse go into this room we're ppl were having sex at )
( ⚠️smut warning⚠️)
J: now what did Sasha say?..
B: idk she said something about protection
J: ah well are you ready to have fun or what
B: yes let's have fun
( Jesse came closer to me and he slowly remove my dress and my bra while I took off my high heels and my underwear)
( I slowly took off Jesse jacket and his shirt his pants and his boxers )
( I lay on the bed while Jesse was on top of me and he slowly place his dick inside me )
( a/n bro I almost spit out my water after I wrote that what the fuck 😭😭😭 )
J: you like that baby
B: mmm Yasss daddy I do Fuck me harder
( Jesse started kissing me and left hickeys everywhere )
B: ahh daddy
B: daddy I think I'm gonna cum
J: me to
B: are you gonna pull out or
J: is to late for that im already inside you
( me and Jesse both cum and we was tired as fuck )
J: well that was fun
B: yeah it sure was
J: who is gonna take us home
B: I think Sasha since she didn't had that much drink
J: oh ok wanna get dress or
B: yeah let's get dress before someone barges in on us
( after me and Jesse got dress we went back to the party and we told Sasha what happened and she was surprised we stay at the party for a couple of hours and the party was over and it was time to go home
Sasha drove us home we hug and said our goodbyes
Me and Jesse went inside we had sex again and now we just chill and went to sleep )

A/n 🫠🫠🫠

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