Chapter one

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Tony and Steve adopted Peter two years ago after his aunt died in a car crash. Peter B. Parker Stark-Rogers and Ned are 16 and Peter has been Spider-Man for 3 years. Pietro, Wanda, and Mj are 17. Shuri is 18. Peter's class gets to spend a weekend (go there Friday at 8 A.M and leave Sunday at 3 P.M) at his home, aka the avengers tower, for a field trip. But what no one in his class, other then Ned and Mj, knows is that the avengers his his family. And what his family doesn't know is him and Pietro are dating (well miss witchy mind reader, shuri, mj, and ned does but no one else does). Which secret will come out first

Editor: I'M BACK

Civil war didn't happen or any thing after that but he does have all the suits bc he is Tony's kid. Now on to the story.

Peter's POV:

I woke up at 7 to my alarm, playing 'Take Me To Church' on full blast. I am very glad I have my own floor but since Clint likes to spy I still made my room sound proof and blocked of the vent to my room. "Shut it off." Pietro, my boyfriend of 18 months, said very sleeply with his accent slipping through. Making his already very hot voice even hotter. It also made me VERY red so I burried my face into his chest to hide my blush. Unfortantly he figured out fast why I was hidding my face. "If you don't turn the alarm off-" He whispered the rest into my ear and safe to say I broke my alarm clock trying to turn it off.

(yes I'm evil, no you may not know what he said) (unless I tell them.)

Pietro's POV:





Friday yell scaring the shit out of me. "Baby Stark Do Do-Do-Do Do-Do I would recomend getting your boyfriend out of your room because Tiny Stank and Stove Rogers are on there way to your floor right now, then they are making their way down to the other floors." And with that I jumped under the bed to the hatch we set up between Peter's floor, Shuri's floor (when she stays over aka right now for 5 more weeks), Ned's floor, Mj's floor (they stay over alot) and mine. Since my floor is 89, Mj's floor is 90, Ned's floor is 91, Shuri's floor is 92, and Peter's is 93
(plus his dad and pop's floor was 94). And we all sound proofed our rooms along with blocking off the vents (bc no one trusts clint).

But I'm pretty sure my luck is worse than Peter's since when I hopped down to Shuri's room her and Mj were making out. Giving 0 shits anymore I yelled at the two who still haven't noticed me. "HEY TONY IS ON HIS WAY SO UNLESS YOU WANT TO BE CAUGHT I WOULD LEAVE NOW MJ!!" With that I jumped under Shuri's bed and onto Ned's floor.

(The rooms aren't perfectly lined up so he lands on the opposite side of the rooms on huge bean bag chairs with lots of covers and pillows to soften the landing they all put under their hatch on the roof but they put their beds over the ones on the floor)

Him on the other hand, had headphones on and was hacking into the FBI Database, The Tower, and S.H.E.I.L.D at the same time. We don't ask anymore. "NED!!!" Then he noticed me. "What?" He asked taking his headphones off. "TONY IS COMING HERE RIGHT NOW SO YOU MIGHT WANT TO STOP HACKING!!" While he was trying to put the three computers away I jumped under the bed with Mj close behind me. Then I heard Tony at Mj's floor (I swear he's getting faster then me) making use my speed to get to the hatch.

Surprisingly I made it down before Tony came into Mj's room.

Peter's POV:

After Dad left I had 20 minutes before Happy comes to get me, Ned and Mj for the class field trip. Which made me rush and not pay attention to what clothes I grab. The clothes were my grey sweat pants, one of my science shirts, black Nike shoes, and a blue and grey hoodie.

(E/N Think flash, from the show flash not the dick in this story, when he ran and his clothes caught on fire so this hoodie doesn't do that)

And this hoodie happen to be the one Dad and uncle Bruce made for my boyfriend.

But I of course didn't know that when I walked into the living room, with the hoodie on. Oh but pops did. "Why are you wearing Pietro's hoodie and more importantly how did you get it?" "All of mine was dirty so I took one of his- hey speaking of the only person who ever got close to beating me in mario cart where is he?" Was my answer back. "He's in the shower and hurry Happy is going to be here in 4 minutes." Dad said as he walked in. BUT WHY DID HE HAVE TO SAY THAT NOW A PICTURE OFF A NAKED PIETRO IN THE SHOWER IS IN MY HEAD- Ugh dude I'm eating here "Hey it's your fault next time don't read a gay man's head." WAIT NO I OUTED MYSELF!!! "DAMN IT WE OWE NAT, WANDA, MJ, AND SHURI 50 BUCKS!!!" Was the scream I heard from the other side of the room.

Then I saw EVERYONE go to pay them. WTF did they bet on. "ALRIGHT LISTEN UP WE STILL HAVE TO BET ON WHO HE IS GONNA DATE!!!" Then I saw the biggest smile on my fellow teenagers. "DON'T YOU DARE I KNOW WHO YOU ALL ARE DATING!!!" After I whisper yelled this Mj and Shuri's faces lit up. "HEY EVERYONE PETER IS DATING SOMEONE ALREADY PLUS ME AND MJ ARE DATING!!!" Then with that everyone payed Nat and Wanda 150 bucks and Mj and Shuri 50 bucks again.

Wait wasn't uncle Happy supposed to pick us up. "GUY'S WE ARE GOING TO BE LATE!!!" I yell as I run to the elevator with Ned and Mj behind me.
Hi so this is the end and this has just been sitting in my notes for months so I decided to post what i had. Let me know if you want this to be a whole long story or a bunch of short ones in one. BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE (E/N he has already choose what it will be but wont tell me which. Bye)

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