« Paintbrush x Tired! Non-Binary! Reader »

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"Im tired.."


this wasn't requested, but i want to do this so badly


My oneshots are usually longer than this, so dont worry.


You yawned tiredly, you couldn't sleep at all last night, so you were tired. Your face was in the soft pillow. You heard the door open for a second, then close. You sat up and turned around only to notice your partner, Painty.

"O/N? Are you okay?" Your lover asked you, heading to your bed and softly sitting on the edge of it.

"I'm," you yawned between sentence, "fine.." you muttered, laying down. 

Paintbrush softly smiled, whilst you softly motioned them to lay next to you.

Paintbrush blushed slightly, then laid right next to you, and slowly pulled the blanket over them and you. 

You put your arms around Paintbrush's waist, cuddling up closer to them. You felt their warm embrace, you softly smile.

Paintbrush couldn't help at how adorable you were being, not like you've always been adorable. It was also helping that you were with your partner. 
"I love you..." you muttered quietly, and considering how close you and Paintbrush were, they gently pet your head.
"I love you too."
You closed your eyes, slowly falling asleep.
You are so lucky to have Paintbrush.
Anyways, i know i would say i would be on break, but i wanted to post this !!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2023 ⏰

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