Chapter one

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The hazy morning

His hands were so tender , emotional, every kiss he gave me was a cry for help , for the longing and loneliness only we could understand .
His hands roamed around my body but they didn't feel like they were feeling me ,but that they were longing to touch him... Yuki ...
The person we love
I don't blame Rin for using me as a cope mechanism we've done this for years , since middle school when we realized our feelings .
We know it was wrong to have this type of relationship , but not being able to express our dying want of need to Yuki made us desperate
neither of us caring for the conquenses
Rin didn't care that he imagined a man while holding a women .

i had no shame holding. a man whom i didn't love , but the emotions Rin expressed through his lips , movements ,groans ,and tears was addicting
i think thats why he has no problem holding me either
each thrust being a feeling he couldn't give to the man he loved
and each thrust that hit me making me long more for Yuki , wishing he could show me ....Us this emotion ..

We cant do anything now , our 10 year love is getting married to the women of his dreams , he's going show her all of her addictive feelings , all of that joy and bliss he gave to us , we wont see again , cause no more can we continue the pain
Oh Rin how i know you love him but we have to end this relationship as its not healthy , we must move on and find people to express our desire to ... every time we sleep together Yuki weighs on my mind , you are a constant reminder of our childhood friendship , of the emotions i wish to show him . your kisses are so hot but make me feel so cold ...this really will be our last time......

5 years old
(Ring ring )
"Leona please get the door for mommy !"
I open my eyes to the hazy morning, hearing the sound of my mother vacuuming
It smelled delicious, she cooked pancakes , the living room felt so calm and duey , the tv playing a commercial about vending machines
Something no one really cared for
I get up to answer the door
Upon Opening it , I find two boys my age
"HI!!!! My names Yuki !!"
They boy had honey blond hair ,and the most pleasing smile in the world , his eye shinned like a gold diamonds ,his face has so much detail ,the redness of his cheeks and the smile lines from being such a happy child ... he's beautiful.
Next to him was Rin , midnight hair and his cold expressions , his face showed a ongoing war ,like he was missing something , when our eyes met I felt a deep connection to him I've just fallen into a hopeless pit .
"Do you wanna play with us?" That question was the start of all our journeys
From here on out it was us

Rin Yuki and Lee
Just us forever

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