How childish

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12 years old
A loving room Yuki had , filled with toys and dreams ,his wall was covered with pictures of us and memories we want to relive
"Man I can't believe we're starting junior high !!! Aren't you excited guys!"
He grabs Rin and Nugs him in the head playfully , Rin in protest shoved him off
"What's the point it's not fair that we're being separated!" Rin was angry , angry that I wouldn't be going to the same school as them
"Guys it'll be ok , I'll visit everyday i promise ! Also you guys should come walk me home everyday to make sure of it ."
Yuki smiled "of course I walk you to and from school ," he grabs Rin ear " this guys coming to I'll make sure of it "
Rin grabs his ear back
They start to play fight as usually
Laughter something I always did while watching them
But while watching them i noticed the look on Rins face , how his eyes widened at the sight of Yuki and his smile would be brought to life , his cheeks flushing a nice color of red ,and joy
Everytime I see him with that look towards Yuki my heart skipped a beat
But in fear
Seeing him with that look made me lonely but I had no idea why.
14 years old
'Walking home from school '

The rain , I hate when it rains, I don't like how my hair gets all humid cause of it , or how my walks home takes longer
But I do love that I know somebody is coming to take me away from the boredom the rain gives me
A voice that feels me with immedent happiness,life , and pain
Yuki ,waking towards me by himself ,no umbrella..good thing I brought mine
"Where your umbrella dummy ? Also where Rin"
He laughed then frowned at Rins name
"Mmmm, me and Rin got in a argument ,"
My mind hazes for a bit ,a argument ? About what
About the way Rins lights up at the slight mention of Yuki or the way Rin Intire mood fixed with just a smile from him
The rain was so silently now
"What? About what .."
Yuki give me a nervous laugh
"It was about my girlfriend,I sorta caught her trying to cheat ...but I just anit ready to leave her yet ,so he got a little mad at me"
Girlfriend- when..... ,who , how .....WHO!
I think i finally know why I get that scary heart beat when think of Rins love for Yuki , never cause The thought of two boys was weird I never seen or thought of it that way
Cause Yuki never just been a boy to me
He's never been just a boy to us
He's been , the reason I wake up, the reason I'm never late to getting out the house , why I brush my teeth , eat , sleep ,smile , why I'm able to rest when I get home knowing he's safe , the reason why I don't starve , or end it , the reason I'm not alone , by myself ,
He makes the rain so quiet I just want to hear him speak ,
"Un lee ? Leona-"
I stop "Yuki why would you stay with someone who intentionally has tried to hurt you .." I look at him
Knowing my face was all scrunched up
Tired and lonely
...his smile fading , his face no longer redd of joy but now sadness, that look of shame and , regret
Shouldn't be on his face but mine
How could I ,
Handing him the umbrella I run
I run and run not knowing where my feet where taking me
Till I stopped 
Staring at Rins window
I knock on his door
"Go away "
I knock again
He opens up , his face bead with sweat , I know he's been crying , the redness on his eyes
We look at each other
Staring into one another for a long time ,studying  if we were feeling the same thing
"Look I no I shouldn't have fought with Yuki , that girl doesn't deserve him though... he loves her so dearly "
His voice breaking on the last thing he said
And the tears took over
A not in my throat 
I finally understand him
I grab his hand
He looks me in the eyes
Without hesitant , we hug
We've hugged many times befour
But this hug was conveyed with so many emotions
His love ,pain ,frustration ,anger,lust.....
He was spewing it all into one hug
And I must've to
Cause he whisperd into my ear
"My moms not home..."
That permission we gave each other
Allowed our lips to lock , our finger to intertwine , why we were kissing ?  Was his emotions that personally did I deserve to feel them.
Pushed on his couch he rapidly wanting my touch
Allowing him to touch the places non-ones has every seen
"Lee , I-I'm so worked up for no reason ... it's just a middle school girlfriend ,but ,she didn't deserve his touch like we do ,I-I"
He sobs all I can do is rest his head on my chest
I love you Yuki I'm sorry for overreacting

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