7- The Mistress

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Y/N's POV (very light smut warning lmao)

"Y/n, are you alright?" Dabi asked, his hand still holding my waist.
"Dabi, what am i doing? You're a villain." I got up from my bed, pinching the bridge of my nose. This man has killed people god damnit, yet i was fucking kissing him? "Oh my god do i have Stockholm syndrome??" I stared at him, with wide eyes, but he just laughed.
"No, im sure you don't."
"But then why did i.."
"Probably because I'm just so irresistible." He smirked at me, setting off butterflies in my stomach.
"Shut up Dabi." I playfully punched his arm. This man has some audacity.

Ever since that day, i never really mentioned the kiss- i tried to forget all about it. Dabi however, continued to tease me about it, making it completely impossible to do so. It wasn't long before I had been staying with the LOV for a whole month. Damn, time goes by fast. I had gotten to know some of the villains, and even made friends with some. During that time, I had been called out to fight quite a few more times- much more than i would've liked. The public had named that other side of me 'The Mistress.' There were so many different conspiracy theories going round about me, and some of them were scarily accurate and some of them were stupidly insane. Like some of them claimed that i was shigaraki's daughter, which doesn't even correlate to anything at all, and I'm almost the same age as him. Some of them did think that 'the mistress' was me, but my fans backed me up, saying i would never. It made me feel so guilty to look at, so i stopped searching and reading about it. There were still searches for me, and Hawks was still on my case, despite all the other work he has to do on top. I wish i could reach out to him and tell him I'm okay, but that is strictly forbidden. After spending more time around the villains, i feared that I was turning into them. It sounds crazy, but it felt like The Mistress was a different person- a completely different side to me. It almost felt refreshing to be someone new, but thinking of it that way really scared me. Am i really a villain now?

Thunder was restful that night, constantly jerking me awake deep in the night. I loved the sound of thunderstorms- the pitter patter of raindrops on my window was comforting to me, but it keeps me awake. I sighed, rolling out of bed messily. I can't believe I'm doing this again. I tip-toed my way down the hallway, carrying my whole duvet over my head with me because I couldn't be bothered to pull it off. I stopped outside Dabi's door, knocking loudly. Dabi had such a weird sleeping pattern, and i presumed he was still awake, sat at his desk. I guessed correctly, and he answered as soon as i knocked, as if he already knew i was gonna come.
"Well, well. Look who's back?" He teased, as i pushed my way past him into his room.
"Your bed is comfier than mine." I whined, laying like a starfish over it. He laughed, and sat back down at his desk, doing some kind of villain work. I just stared at him from the bed for about 5 minutes, until he turned around.
"You know, I can feel your eyes on me. If you wanted me to get in bed with you then you could've just said so." He had a smug expression on his face, making his way over to me and laying down. I rolled my eyes.
"Shut up." I replied, facing him on my side.
"You know you wanted me here." He whispered in my ear, before turning his back towards me, and presumably heading to sleep. It sent a chill down my spine, and my cheeks burned hot.
"Wait.." I murmured under my breath, his head turning back to me. I cupped his cheek, pressing my lips onto his without hesitation, but this time i wasn't regretting any of it. He smiled into the kiss, of course making smug remarks.
"Kissing me again, huh?"
I shut him up with another kiss, as he wrapped his hand around my neck gently. The passion between each touch we shared grew more and more, turning into a whole make out session. His hand trailed down to my thigh, as he flipped me over, topping me . His kisses became more and more hungry, as he disconnected his lips from mine and began to work his way down my jaw, to my neck. I felt like i was on cloud nine, a mixture of shivers and adrenaline was coursing through my veins. I didn't want to stop- i was practically begging him to keep going.
"I really like you." I whispered under my breath, causing his head to perk up.
"Hmm? I didn't quite catch that. Wanna repeat it for me gorgeous?" He teased, looking down at me, clearly enjoying being the dominant one.
"Nah, I don't actually." I responded, wrapping my arms around his neck. He let out a breathy laugh, which I'll admit was really hot.
"I really like you too. Lucky you~."

I woke up to the feeling of arms wrapped around me, holding me tightly. Memories from last night flooded back to me, causing butterflies to swarm immediately in my stomach. I didn't want to move, in case it woke up Dabi, who enjoys his sleep very much. I could feel his hot breath down my neck, where his face was buried. I laid there, facing the wall with Dabi holding onto me from behind, waiting for him to wake up. Not too long after, i heard a low groan, followed by little kisses that he laid on my neck.
"Good morning~" He muttered quietly into my ear, caressing me with his hands.
"Good morninggg." I turned to face him, giving him a warm smile and a kiss on the nose. He smiled back at me, but it actually looked genuine. I could tell he wasn't used to affection. We held each other for a few more moments, before Dabi slowly parted from me. He began to get dressed, just casually in front of me.
"What?" He said, catching me staring from the bed, "it's not anything you haven't seen before." He laughed to himself, continuing to change.
"Dabi what do I do?" I was wearing very little clothing and I was nervous to get out from under the covers.
"Shy, are we?" He teased.
"Dabi I'm not kidding."
"Alright, alright. Take these." He threw some clothes to me, and I quickly got changed into them. He laughed at how big they were on me- they looked like a dress.

That was when Shigaraki sent out a signal to all of us- telling us to join the fight. But this fight, was like no other.

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