Broken Mirrors

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A relationship without trust is like a phone without service. And what do you do with a phone without service? You play games. At least, he's playing games.

He, as in Jared Padalecki. Jared, Jensen's Fiancé and best friend, with his perfect smile and puppy-dog look who always seemed to get whatever he wanted, is too busy playing stupid games.

For instance, when Jared wanted to go have a drink with Brock Kelly, his "Dude friend", he'd make sure he'd cancel his plans with Jensen to go get drunk with him. Jensen was totally fine with Jared hanging out with his friends, but when he canceled their 3 year anniversary to go watch a fucking football game at Brock's house? Jensen was done.

"3 Years, Jared! Are you serious?! You'd rather spend our day watching a lame-ass football game with your dude than a romantic dinner with this fine ass? Did I mention that you'd get to have your way with this fine piece of ass afterwards? The fuck, Jared? Why do I need to bribe you with sex these days to get you to go on a date with me? You know what, I'm done trying. Fine, go get drunk with Brock. 's Not like I care anyways." Jensen mumbled numbly, stumbling out of their room long enough to hear Jared's pathetic, "Jensen, wait."

The green eyed man turned around, a knowing look shining behind the hurt in his eyes.

"Jeff used to do the same thing to me, you're no different." Jensen flung, striking Jared at home base.

"Jense, please -" Jared tried, tears stinging at the back of his eyes. His boyfriend shook his head and shot down the stairs, each thud of his feet sending hurt waves through his chest.

"I am nothing like Jeff! Jeff was abusive, controlling and manipulative!" Jared shouted, growing angry at his future husband for comparing him to the bastard who abused Jensen for months.

"Yes, you are! You're the one who always makes the decisions for me! You never have time for me anymore, and that's saying a lot cause I should be the one you spend time with every Friday night, not your dude friend! Come on, Jared; I thought I meant more to you than trash you'd toss aside for a beer and a fucking football game."

Jared sighed, his shoulders slumping in defeat, "You know what? Screw it. I'm done trying tonight, Jensen. You're too much work these days!" Jared

shouted, regretting the words as they spewed out of his mouth.

Jensen flinched back at Jared's loud statement before bolting out of the door; silent tears leaking out of his redden green eyes.

"Dammit, Jensen!" Jared exclaimed, running his fingers through his hair as he watched the love of his life, his freaking soul mate shrink back into the hole his ex-boyfriend, Jeff, dug him in.

Jeff dented Jensen's will to live day in to day out before Jared put a stop to the abuse. Jen had nearly taken his own life because he didn't get morning cuddles or breakfast in bed from his ex. Instead, he was constantly torn piece by piece every time Jeff called him a "Dirty slut" or "Useless".

Jared swooped Jensen off his feet and became his Knight in Shining armor. He was the one who fixed Jensen right up, all shiny and new. He brought back the light in those beautiful, green eyes he loves so much. Jensen depended on him so much, that it felt like he was being suffocated.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2015 ⏰

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