Snowy Surprises [Bumblebee X Reader • TFRID *2015*]

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*Cross posted from my 30 days of assorted oneshots book.

Original Prompt: Hidden Injury

Title: Snowy Surprises

Fandom: Transformers: Robots In Disguise (2015) (An AU)

Warnings: Explosions, burns, wounds.

Word Count: 3,936

Author's Note: This took too long, makes no sense, but oh well. It's something. Definitely didn't meet the prompt 100%, but again, oh well.

Synopsis: When ambushed unexpectedly on a blizzardy night, Y/N finds herself caught in the crossfire... only for her Guardian to pick her up a few moments too late...


Snowy Surprises

A cold wind bites against your cheeks as you hastily make your way down the sidewalk, hugging yourself in a vain attempt to keep yourself warm.

It hasn't snowed this bad in Crown City for quite some time, so much so that on this particular day, even your usual method of getting home, walking, was out of the question.

What usually was a rather... lengthy, but enjoyable, walk across the Crown River and down a few small roads back to your Uncle's scrapyard would've taken eons today.

But thankfully, you had a ride.

A certain sense of relief and calm settles upon you, your gaze settling on a familiar black and yellow muscle car as you sidestep around a group of people taking up the full width of the sidewalk, their fancy black trench coats covered in white snowflakes.

It's busy today.

It's always busy.

Offering a small smile as you near the vehicle, you gently grasp the driver's side door, opening it in one swift motion before settling inside, the atmosphere much warmer than where you'd previously come from.

"Hey, Bee," You greet warmly, the vehicle you're sitting in pulling away from the curb and continuing on, filing into traffic. "Thanks for the lift."

"It's no problem," His voice assures, the now comfortingly familiar insignia on the steering wheel in front of you illuminating with the tones. "After all, you know how I feel about you always walking home on your own. I was surprised when you called."

You can't help but chuckle, leaning back against the leather seat with a sigh.

"Yeah, I could get nabbed by Steeljaw and his pack, ran over by an Earth car... You've named off quite a few scenarios."

"I just can't help but have some concern, Y/N," Your best friend and Guardian explains, sighing heavily. "If something were to ever happen to you because our conflict spilled over into your-"

"Bumblebee," You scold, cutting his sentence short as your gaze wanders across the frozen Crown River, the snowy bridge road in front of you. "You can't always be at my side to protect me from every danger known to man. There's a bigger battle to be fought and you have to lead that charge. You can't be worrying about me all the time. You have a Team and yourself to concern yourself with."

Yet another sigh sounds from the Autobot, a certain sadness dropping into the sound.

"I know... I know. I just can't help but feel like something big is on its way... something that I just might not be ready for..."

A frown tugs at your lips at your Guardian's words, catching his meaning almost instantly.

It was no secret that ever since Optimus Prime, Bee's former mentor and leader, showed up to assist, the pair have been butting heads, so to speak.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2023 ⏰

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