five: and now?

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summary: the one where we hope the streets of monaco won't betray them again

warnings: google translate french; profanity; tad bit angsty and sad. depending on who you are, you may cry.

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True to his word, Charles left you alone. No calls, no surprise visits, no more waving to each other. Friends to lovers, lovers to friends, friends to strangers. But that's what you wanted right? This is what you meant when you said you needed space and time.

It hurts you, as much as you hate to admit it. Charles' cold demeanor hurts you, stings like you've never known. But you could never bring yourself to right your wrongs, to knock on Charles' door to say that you were wrong and that you need him in your life in some capacity or another. But that felt selfish and wrong. You love Charles too much to ever treat him that way, to ever deduce him down to anything less than what he's worth. Because he is more than your best friend, more than your first love. He is a person worth loving back with as much ferocity as his, worth all the respect a person had to offer. But you're not sure you're ready to give that all back to him. You didn't want to hurt him more than you already have.

2022 was a season filled with challenges, and 2023 was no different. You were fighting tooth and nail in your baby Blue, all while watching Charles completely dominate the season. You watched from afar, every podium, every win, every struggle, and every triumph. You supported him silently, and truly you knew you could never stop. You wonder if he still did the same for you.

Monaco, a full year since you had won the race and set everything in motion. Your greatest win, and your biggest loss. Race weekend goes as it does, with media and practice all in between. You truly felt the pressure of the weekend starting to weigh you down, the judging stares wondering if you were going to pull it off like you did the year before. Your heart felt heavy as you climbed into your car as qualifying started, helmet on and hands gripping the wheel tightly.

"Okay Fleur, Tsunoda, De Vries, Stroll, and Piastri are out on the track. You're all set to go."

The first two rounds of qualifying fly by, you manage a P13 and P7 respectively. Now, your hands are shaking, clammy beneath your gloves as you prepare for the final round. You ask Lucas to read you the top times of Q2, and low and behold Charles topped the field.

"Just need to be ahead of the Mclarens Fleur, that's all we ask."

Lucas' reminder is of no comfort, but it is what he sends you off with. By the time you make it onto the track, Carlos, Max, and Checo were zooming past you on their flying lap. You did your best to stay out of their way, moving left and right to heat up your tires while creating enough space to give yourself a good start. Nerves begin to settle deep in your gut as you approach the starting line. You inhale deeply, pushing full throttle as you speed through your flying lap. The track is engraved in your memory, you could drive the circuit with your eyes closed.

You steer, shift gears, you try to do everything correct. And at the end of it all, by some twist of fate you end up P2.

"I don't know how the fuck you did it Fleur, but you're P2. Charles is P1."

You don't hear the rest of what your team has to say to you. All the congratulatory remarks fly over your head, ears ringing as you pull in front of the number two. Your blue Alpine, splitting Charles and Max. You have to sit in your car for a moment longer, trying to calm your nerves. Slowly, you begin to climb out of your car, slipping off your headgear as you approach the two boys who were in deep conversation. You try to make yourself small as you grab your water bottle and towel, but Max is quick to come over and shake you by the shoulders.

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