Part 3

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Jake looks exhausted and in pain, his forehead creased with a frown. Neytiri sits next to him, peppering him with questions while Ronal tends to his wounds. You and Neteyam sit back, the awkward silence between you palpable. He avoids your gaze, and you can't really blame him for that.

"No, that wasn't fog," Jake's voice catches your attention.

"What then, Ma'Jake?" Neytiri leans forward, her expression curious.

"It was smoke," Jake replies, his breath ragged. "I could smell it. And it was too thick. I couldn't see a thing."

You cover your mouth in shock, as a realization hits you. If the smoke was caused by the sky people, it means the trouble is closer. Ronal throws a quick glance at Neteyam, before shoving one of the balms she just used into your hands. When you look at her, confused, she points to Neteyam's forehead, covered in blood.

You curse Tsireya for abandoning you to assist Tsahik. She never leaves her mother alone, she is the tsakarem! You know that it was exactly her intention to leave you with Neteyam.

"No need, I can do it myself," Neteyam raises his palms to stop you, but Ronal only tsks at him.

He can't even see his wounds, let alone treat them, you think. With your breath shaky, you walk to Neteyam, taking in the damages on his arms and forehead. You hope that by the time you get to it, Ronal will take over, so you don't have to stare at his face. Neteyam looks at you from underneath his lashes.

"Sorry, I wasn't there today," he mumbles, "I know I promised but..."

"You don't have to apologize," you say quietly, "It was fun."

"I told you," Neteyam gives you a small smile.

Knowing him, he can't stay mad at you forever. He knows it's wrong to be petty. Still, it hurts.

You gently shove him to turn around to examine the multiple cuts on his back. He's not bleeding but they look nasty. You take a breath before applying some of the balm onto his wounds, and you see his muscles clench.

"Shit," you hear Neteyam wince.

You remember the same balm used on you when you first arrived, and the burning pain that followed. Hesitantly, you lean closer to blow cold air on his wounds. Neteyam's back muscles slowly relax under the feeling. It is not enough to stop the pain, but it's still a small relief. You blow a few more times before the burning dies down.

"Turn around," you order quietly, and he complies.

You feel blood rushing to your cheeks, as you take one of his arms, to tend to the wounds you saw earlier. Neteyam watches you carefully, wincing as you start applying the balm. Instinctively, he tries to jerk his arm away but you hold him in place.

"Mawey," you whisper. He clenches his jaw but stops moving.

After you finish applying the balm to his other arm, you realize that the adults have slipped away. You heard Ronal being rushed to treat an injured Na'vi, but not Neytiri and Jake leaving.

"Almost done. Now, the nasty one," you breathe out, pointing to Neteyam's forehead.

He closes his eyes, preparing for the pain, but instead of the balm, you take a damp cloth to his forehead. He flinches in surprise underneath the soft touch and opens his eyes.

"It's a big cut," you explain, "I need to clean it first."

"Y/N," Neteyam's voice is low, "About last night."

You gulp down, nervously, not meeting his eyes, instead focusing all of your concentration on cleaning his wound. But he's so close, you can feel his breath on your skin.

All For You -  Neteyam x Ta'unui ! reader (enemies to lovers)Where stories live. Discover now