To spend my summers loving you.

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Rosie carefully takes Lisa's hands in hers, caresses their backs like they're made of a precious jewel, and in the most sincere, adoring tone Lisa has ever heard, Rosie finally confesses, "I love you. I love you as my best friend and I love you as more- as a partner, as a lover, and I'd love to show you how much, if you let me."

Lisa wants to bawl her eyes out. But there's something she wants to ask, needs to, so she takes a deep breath as she squeezes Rosie's hands, unwilling to let her go. "How long?"

"My whole life, I think?" Rosie lets out a wet laugh and Lisa can't help but to let one of her own out, too. "But if you're wondering when it hit me, it was when we went to your aunt's house that summer before leaving for college," Rosie takes a deep breath before she continues, "I was so afraid. Our lives were about to change forever, but at least I knew you were with me- knew you would always be with me, no matter what. It felt nice, being sure of that one thing. That's how I realized that I wouldn't mind spending my whole life with you, loving you." Rosie leans in to press a quick kiss on the corner of Lisa's mouth and chuckles when Lisa makes an embarrassed noise. "And I wasn't lying when I said I would date you. But I was a cowardly little shit, so I had to find a way to not make that too obvious."

"Wow," Lisa breathes out, slowly taking everything in. "That's... a lot. Not in a bad way, it's just- wow. I can't believe this is actually happening."

"Me neither," Rosie smirks as she tilts her head to the side, eyeing Lisa up and down. "What about you? I think I deserve to hear your story too."

Lisa rolls her eyes, but wastes no time before she starts to tell Rosie everything, basking in the different faces she makes and the surprised noises that leave her mouth whenever Lisa reveals something unexpected.

It doesn't take too long for Rosie's lips to be on Lisa's again. It's calm this time, their giggles blending with the sound of ocean waves crashing against the shore. Lisa is sure she has never felt this weightless before.

"I want to do this the right way," Rosie says when they pull apart, brushing a few hair strands from Lisa's face and putting them behind her ears, "I want to take you out on dates. I want to give you flowers. I want to kiss you in bathrooms at parties neither of us wanted to go. I want to figure this out with you and only you, for now. Can we do that?"

Lisa knows what Rosie means and that's exactly what she wants, too- she loves Rosie, she loves her to death, but she wants to take things slow. She wants this experience, this perfect switch in their relationship, to belong to no one else but the two of them. It's going to be their little secret for a while and the thought makes Lisa's heart race, mind going wild with possibilities.

"We can," Lisa nods, smiling so widely that her cheeks hurt. "And Rosie? I love you too. More than you can imagine." Lisa pauses, puts on a sly grin, "And yes, you have my permission to shower me with your love for as long as you want."

Rosie beams and kisses her again, promises leaving their mouths as their bodies fall over the blanket, legs tangled as their hands dive into each other's hairs. Lisa couldn't have asked for a better Sunday.

Now Lisa knows she can hold on to this, to the certainty that they are going to learn how to give and receive love, together.

In Rosie's arms, Lisa realizes that when summer comes, she won't have a reason to be afraid- at least not anymore.


you've reached the end. thank you for reading this.

every spanish translation of a story i convert, i will look for the english version and convert it as well. you guys couldnt miss out on reading this work of art of story here.


love you.


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