The cat has a car ?

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————————————————————A soft humming noise, one of soft lullaby ,  was heard throughout a deserted street  , its tune echoed as the noise jumped around from the walls

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A soft humming noise, one of soft lullaby ,  was heard throughout a deserted street  , its tune echoed as the noise jumped around from the walls.

A young man with a black coat walked down the cold path , every light he walked under would flicker before turning off completely .

He held a long blade in his grip that would let our small sparks of friction on the ground as it dragged against the stoney floor where a trail of crimson was being left behind from the blade .

The blade's metal glinted softly under the fading lights .

A calico cat followed behind the young man a few feet away and jumped over or took another route to not step on the traces of blood the blade left behind .

The young man kept placing one foot in front of the other through the path with a small smile on his lips that his eyes did not reflect .

He felt a pleasant and gleeful feeling in his throat, watching the remaining men of the organization he was paid to execute try to drag their wounded bodies away from him .

The men were so desperate to try and escape the cold embrace of death that was so closely following them behind, that they kept leaving behind their own men to try and save their own pathetic lives .

The young boy came across one of the fallen men who kept dragging his body not care that the boy was behind him sobs of despair ripped out his throat  .

The man turned his head towards the tall build that leaned over him with cold blue gray eyes , the lightpost that stood over him only lit up the color of his hair as it started to flicker away .

As he felt his life flash before his eyes, he saw the tilt of the young man's head and the sway of his dark scarlet hair. He let out a small shriek that of a mouse and the tingle of something cold slid through his neck .

With a hard thump something solid fell to the floor and a head rolled on the stony ground with splattered crimson that sped on its floor and the young men's clothing had been splattered with the color like paint  .

The cat grimaced  and stepped away at the scene before jumping away and hissing at the boy who had flicked his blade to get rid of the blood that stained it .

He glanced back at the cat with a plain face before raising an amused brow "what ? the wise cat is afraid of getting his fur stained with blood ? Don't be such a bitch  about it I didn't mean to flick it your way " .

The young boy then turned back forward and kept walking while he talked with the cat."Now, if he does open the wider version of this ability, make sure you help him no ? I'll have to set up  after effects which are a pain since I'd rather not do that to him. But that's a part of the deal and that's how they go you know ?".

The cat stared up at the boy and nodded before he silently trailed after him.

Following his steps he avoiding the splattered crimson that would continue to stain the boy's blade .

I may look like him but I'm not him I'd rather work at a cafeWhere stories live. Discover now