𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 2

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Groggily you open your eyes, you couldn't tell where you were as your vision was still blurry. However, once it cleared you still had no idea where you were. You struggle to stand up, looking down you see your ankles restricted with cuffs, as well as your wrists.

"What the hell is going on? Where am I?"

You speak to yourself as you look around the room you were in. It definitely wasn't a frightening or terrifying room. It was well lit and filled with beautiful fancy furniture.

That doesn't excuse the fact that you were tied up in a chair at the end of a long meeting table. Nobody else was in the room but you could hear people passing by and talking.

"What should I do?"

You weren't an idiot, it wouldn't be a good decision to yell for somebody. It might be a fucking death wish for all you knew. Lost in your thoughts on what the hell is going on and how to get out; you almost didn't here the doorknob jiggle.

You eyes fill with terror as they shift towards the door.
The door opened and your eyes were met with another's, seeming to not care much of your conciousness they make their way to the seat at the other end of the long table. Analyzing their form, you took a mental note of their details.
The black hair with blond tips, the feline like eyes, the strong stature in a black and red suit.

He looked very muscular and strong, but not as much as the one who entered behind him, making his way to the seat next to the previous man.
This one was obviously taller and had a stronger build. However, both looked like they could kill you in an instant.

"Y/N L/N"

"Who the fuck are you and why am I here?! Untie me! Why am I tied up?!"

"Would you shut the fuck up?" The cat like superior speaks making you furrow your eyebrows.

"Y/N L/N you are here because your father has commited suicide while in great debt to us."

"And who the fuck are you??"

This time, the taller one with noticible bed hair spoke. Pointing to the latter male.

"Kenma Kozume... Kuroo Testurou." He says, pointing to himself.

"Leaders of the Silver Spades. Largest mafia group in all of Japan."

"I'm the leader, he's second in command." Apparently 'Kenma' says causing 'Kuroo' to roll his eyes.

"What does his debt have to do with me?!?"

"Your father was informed his debt would be passed onto his most immediate family, if not paid before an untimely death, and with that information he decided his best option was suicide." Kenma seems to be amused at the reaction on your face, as a smirk makes his way onto his face.

"You see Y/N, we're assholes...but your father's a bigger one. You need to pay off his debt."

You glare at the two, all you could think about was how much you wanted to kill your father, too bad he was already dead. You'd have to settle for destroying all his belongings.

"How much?"

Kenma opens a vanilla folder in front of him, flipping a paper over before looking back up at you.

"26,286,540,000,000 yen"

Your eyes widen, "HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO GET THAT?!?"

"That's none of our concern, just have it.... In a week."

Kuroo's eyes slightly widen. This wasn't usually how they did this. They hardly gave deadlines and if they did it definitely wasn't this soon for this large sum of money. Especially if it wasn't your debt to begin with.

"Um, Kenma?"

"Don't question me."

"I-i can't get that in a week."

Kuroo looks from you back to Kenma, he could see Kenma had intentions to what he was doing. Kuroo jus didn't understand what, or why.

"Well there's another option... you could work off your debt with us. Obviously I don't trust some random with anything to do with our organization. However, you should be able to complete some basic house work. You will stay in our mansion."


"This option hasn't been offered to anyone else before, but Kuroo here has taken a liking to you. Granted it might not last long.. he's a man-whore."

The bed haired man jumps from his seat, "KENMA!!"

"Don't deny it."

"How long is it gonna take to work off that amount?"

"Once you've done enough house work over the course of year to work off 26,286,540,000,000 yen, we'll let you know and you'll leave."

"Years.... Fine. I'll do it."

"Good, we'll send Yamamoto with you to retrieve any belongings from your place you want to keep."

Kenma pulls out his phone and sends a message, not long after, who you'd assume to be Yamamoto comes in and unlocks your cuffs, escorting you to a black car to go to your apartment.

"Kenma, what exactly are you planning?" Kuroo asks once they are the only two in the room.

"Exactly what I told them, be grateful."

"Mhm, and this has nothing to do with you and your feelings at all?????" Kuroo smirks poking at Kenma to annoy him.

"They're.... attractive. Now leave me alone."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2023 ⏰

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