the starks | 1.3

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Wanda and Natasha were in the kitchen, flashcards of recipes on the counter and various dishes of raw meats, eggs, and vegetables lay across the room.

Surely this would be easier if Wanda could just use her powers, but with Natasha here she couldn't do that of course.

"Well, thank you so much Natasha, truly you've been a massive help but I think I have it from here."

"Oh are you sure dear? Many hands make good work- and many mouths make good gossip!" Natasha joked.

Wanda laughed but her eye caught the clock, Lana left about an hour ago and she would definitely be home any time now and she wanted the dinner to be a surprise!

"You are so naughty!" Wanda exclaimed while subtly rushing the woman out of the house. Until finally she was gone. Wanda released a deep breath and used her power to pick up each card on the ground. This wouldn't be too hard...right?

It was.

It was extremely hard.

It had been about twenty minutes and there was flour on every surface, egg shells in bowls, mashed potato splattered on the ceiling and basically raw chicken Wanda had burnt and underdone over and over.

She looked at the mess and let out an exasperated sigh, in defeat silently picking up the romantic night magazine Natasha had left for her.


Ladies? Do you feel as if your marriage is getting weak?

Not particularly...

Well that's no problem you can't fix here! Surprise your significant other with a candlelit dinner. After a tiring day, present them with closed blinds, candles lit, rose petals on the floors and bed, and most importantly a sexy dress;). Spark that flame back into your relationship!

Wanda nodded at this, she wanted everything to be perfect for Lana. Maybe this was the right move, she thought as she used her power to conjure candle sticks and roses, romantic lighting and finally a silky, white dress that flowed like a night gown.

She then stepped back into the kitchen and saw the mess around. This wasn't working out. Maybe less is more?

She opened the magazine again and found a simple recipe for chocolate covered strawberries (the 'perfect valentines treat edition' which basically meant you could also stick some heart sprinkles on there to add extra bedazzlement).

Now, it may just be perfect.


Tony and Pepper were now on their way to the Maximoff household, expecting a clean fresh home, a well made dinner on the table, and nothing but conviction that this job would be Lana's.

Yet when they walked in, they could barely see. It looked like a hippie threw up in there with all the candles, Tony thought. Until he couldn't see anything.

"Guess who?" A voice spoke with her hands on his eyes.

Suddenly, the front door opened again? This time the lights were turned on revealing a very shocked Lana, (who also had mountains of groceries in her hand.)


"Lana?" Wanda turned around shocked, a jumped back with a gaping mouth when she saw the man in front of her.

"This is excellent hospitality.." Tony joked to himself smirking, Pepper shoving him slightly.

Pepper had furrowed eyebrows as she looked around. "What is the meaning of this?"

"The meaning of this, uh- you want to know the meaning of this! Well, this is just the- the traditional Sokovian method of introduction!" Lana stammered as she raced across the room to Wanda.

She put her hands over her wife's eyes and demonstrated to make it look more believable. "Uh- guess who?"

"Oh is that my host behind me?" Wanda acted out.

"It certainly is!"

"Lovely to make your acquaintance!"

They turned to each other and shook hands dramatically until looking back at the older couple, their hands still intertwined and slightly swaying as Lana gulped. "I forgot to mention my wife is from Europe."

Tony nodded, mainly unconvinced. "And this dress?" He gestured with his head movements.

Lana looked back at Wanda and was almost stunned by the sight. She hadn't had the time to even notice with everything going on. "The dress! It's so so-kovian is what it is!" She chuckled for a moment.

Wanda breathlessly laughed as well to play along until  speaking to Lana subtly. "Can I see you in the kitchen for a moment sweetheart?"

Lana nodded frantically before picking up the bags of groceries and racing to the kitchen.

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