Episode 1: Anne, Grea, and (Y/N)

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The camera opens to see a stack of books near a window where the sun shines, bringing light into the room as the camera moves to see a room where a ton of books are scattered everywhere, on a shelf, the floor, everywhere. A random girl named Anne wakes up in her pink pajamas with books covering almost her entire body as she moves one of the books and gets up as she tries to walk, but trips on a random book on the floor

Anne: Ouch!

We move to another dorm to see a girl with dragon-wings and a dragon-tail named Grea staring at the closet as she buttons up her school outfit one-by-one as her tail sways up and down as the scene changes to Anne, who is doing her combing her hair as it changes again to Grea closing the cabinet door while Anne puts on her black stockings that covers up 2/3rds of her leg as the scene changes

(Y/N): ...

We then see a person staring at the mirror in his bathroom, admiring his look as he opens his mouth to see his crocodilian-like teeth as he licks his tongue around it. He then uses his tail to clean his Dorsal Fins with some kind of magical item while he looks at his hand for a while until his Dorsal Fins was cleaned up as the scene changes to him getting dressed, with his uniform having holes so that his Dorsal Fins can fit as he walks to his cabinet and picks up a picture with him, Anne, and Grea up there and cleans it

(Y/N): ...I can't let this get ruined.

You then move towards the mirror in your room next to your bed and take a look at yourself in the Mysteria Academy uniform as your Dorsal Fins glowed blue while you went in all fours and went a circle for no reason at all, then you got up in twos and looked in the mirror again, with a weird look on your face

(Y/N): (Why did I do that... Well, I better get going)

The scene changes to Anne panicking and rushes to put on her second black stocking while she hops around until she lands hard on the floor once again as the scene changes to Grea putting on her school uniform as she starts on walk towards her dorm door with a book as she opens it and looks back to her dorm room

Grea: I'm leaving now.

She closes her door as the scene changes to Anne bursting through the door in a panic as she runs down the school's hallway, accidently leaving her door crack as she continues to run

Anne: I'm leaving now!

We then move towards (Y/N) has walked towards his door and opens it to be met with a bright flash of sunlight. You cover your E/C pupils as the flash recedes. (Y/N) then walks to the hallway's window, stares at the outside world, moments later, he stops and calmly walks down the hallway, as the scene turns white

(Y/N): I'm leaving now.


The camera speeds through the entire Mysteria Academy while the sun shines bright behind it as it cuts to a cafeteria where students are having breakfast while chatting with their friends, or studying as Grea walks in, grabs some kind of small teacup as a group of students walks by as Grea turns her head

Female Student 1: Are we having potions class for first period today?

Female Student 2: Oh, that looks yummy!

Female Student 3: I thought the first period was holy magic and healing magic...

Female Student 2: With Ms. Miranda?

Female Student 3: Hey, who are you going to pick as your roommate?

Female Student 1: I'm not sure yet.

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