chapter 1

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Hi I'm sky and this is my story. Now know that this story is my life it might make you cry be sad, angry possible every emotion idk just know that whatever you feel reading this I felt it to. Now to begin the story well I was dorn on February 14 of 2002 to say that I don't know a single person that would like to be born on Valentine's day my parents say that I was a ok baby I always cryed myself to sleep and I never liked naps I would make myself sick lol but you know it's funny how when we are kids we hate naps and all the things but what we become adults we love naps and hate work but sorry getting off track I would I was a good kid but my parents would say otherwise. I think it's kinda funny. I grow up in a small town called Charlotte not a lot of people I don't remember much because we only live there till I was 1 and then we moved in with my grandparents. Your going to say this story is kinda boring right well your not wrong to make it a little shorter for this beginning to get to get good stuff my parents had four me kids of I'm the oldest and well there is 16 years between me and the youngest. We have me,Ben (Benjamin), ocean, ahsoka, and the last little one  Oggy (August) we will see my family a little bit in this story but not a lot so let's get started and let's see if you all want to listen to my journey or the story my of life.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2023 ⏰

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