The belated wedding reception

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After waking up, Wei Ying and Lan zhan were separated. The team bride members were busy with bathing, styling and grooming the bride. Same could be said for the team groom.

"My baby! Mama missed you." Wei ying held her daughter tightly. 

"You were partying without me weren't me?" Fenghua asked.

"I promise to make it up to you baobei." Wei ying stuck her tongue out.

"You better! " Fenghua threatened. 

"Let's get you ready." Wei ying's mother came with a stylist. 

"That's my literal job!" Wei ying exclaimed. 

"Bride doesn't work today!" Her mother Scolded, Wei Ying sighed sitting in the chair.

"You've such beautiful hair, you must be taking good care of yourself. " The stylist complimented. 

"Thank you dear." Wei ying replied.

"I want to do my hair too!" Fenghua announced. 

"When I ask you, you always say that I pull your hair?" Wei ying asked.

"Yes you do! But this looks soothing! " Fenghua stood her ground.

The three older women burst out laughing. 


"You've been married for eleven years a-zhan!" Lan Huan tried to calm down his panicking brother.

"I know! " Lan zhan gulped another glass of water.

"She is not going to run away!" Xichen said.

"I know! " Lan zhan gulped down another glass of water.

"Then what are you fretting over?" Xichen asked.

"I don't know! " Lan zhan gulped another glassfull of water.


When the bride and her team were ready for the day, they descended down the main staircase, Wei Ying's fathe took her arm and walked her to her groom.

Lan zhan stood still mesmerised, their wedding day from 11 years ago flashed before his eyes.

His Wei ying walked down then aisle, all alone, longing for someone to hold her hand. His sweet, beautiful, kind, loving Wei ying, his mesmerizing Wei ying walked towards him, surrounded by everyone she loved, Lan zhan couldn't be happier. 

Wei ying's party gown

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Wei ying's party gown

Wei ying's party gown

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Lan zhan's look

Bridesmaids' dresses

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Bridesmaids' dresses. 

Lan zhan unconsciously got up from his seat, erupting a wave of laughter from the guest tables, but he could only focus on his Wei Ying's shy giggle.

Soon, his wife was beside him, "what happened er-gege?" Wei ying teased. 

"I was thinking of kidnapping this beautiful bride." Lan zhan replied. 

"You do look like a mob boss today. What did you do to my shy, innocent Lan zhan?" Wei ying asked. 

"Gobbled him to steal his beautiful bride." Lan zhan replied. 

"You always say the darndest thing!" Wei ying hit Lan zhan with her bouquet. 

"Aiyah! Yingying!" Lan zhan pouted.

"You become what you eat!" Wei ying swatted Lan zhan playfully on his shoulder. 

"I'm glad to see all your smiling face on my eldest daughter's big day! For my lovely daughters! " Wei changze raised a toast, earning a wet smile from his eldest.

"Wasn't he a man?" One of the older guest said. 

Wei ying rolled her eyes, Lan zhan ignored the man before sipping his wine calmly, the couple was used to it. 

Soon a few more transphobes voiced their opinions. 

"Are you done? If so then please leave so we can continue to celebrate my son and his family." Lan muyun said with a resting bitch face.

"How could you tolerate this Qiren? This is a sin!" One of the Lan elders yelled.

Lan Qiren simply stood up from his seat and sat on his boyfriend's lap, kissing the man deeply, silence took over the room.

"Next year it would be us." The Lan announced, the entire room erupted in cheers.

"In a few years if I'm lucky enough, I hope to marry Yuan." Jingyi announced against his father's wishes, the latter almost had a heart attack. 

"You're so cute! " Wei ying hugged both the boys, while Lan zhan let them know of their approval. 

"Let's party!" Zhangse broke the champagne bottle with her silver pocket knife.

The homo and transphobic protests died down after being completely ignored in the favor of good food and liquor. 

The couple  cut the cake, danced and overate till their bellies were bloated. 

At the end of the day, Muyun left for venice, while the Wei-Lans and company decided to take a 5 days trip to the Lan villa in suzhou after Wei ying finished her project.

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