Chapter Four - Break a Leg

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CHAPTER TWS: Abvse, gore(?), torture, heavily expressed pain, and a knife being used on a character. If you react strongly to these it is recommended you do not read. Viewer discretion advised.

Test tube sat in her seat, right in front of her was a desk full of files, especially ones with L-1 and P-2. She glared at them. Not only had it been a few days since that incident with L-1, but P-2 had become more violent and overprotective because of the injury. She sighed and stood up from her seat, "Fan? Can you come here real quick? A few seconds later Fan walked in, staring at her perplexedly "Did you need something, Test Tube??" he said, wondering what it was she would require.

"I need you to fetch P-2 for me. Do you think you can do that.? ' She responded in a harsh voice. She showed no mercy to the subjects, so she would show no mercy to anyone who disobeyed her. Fan nodded and hurried off to get them.

Paintbrush sat on the ground hugging Lightbulb. She was sound asleep and couldn't protect herself, so why not stay close? She liked it anyway. They smiled gently, but it turned into a frown when Fan entered. He cleared his throat and spoke with the most authority he could muster. "P-2, come with me. Test tube is waiting for your presence, and we both know she won't appreciate it if you don't make an appearance." The button was in his hand, and they knew that if they didn't go with him he certainly wouldn't play nice.

P-2 grumbled but nonetheless stood up, gently letting go of their best friend. They approached the figure in the door, but he walked away, letting them follow instead of using the leash. Once they both entered the room Test Tube was in, she glared at Paintbrush and signaled for Fan to exit. Once he did was just her and P-2.

' What is it you want? ' P-2 said in a harsh manner. They were putting on their brave face. Test tube chuckled menacingly and P-2 felt a horrible shock. They landed on their knees with a yelp. Test tube slowly walked up to paintbrush with a knife. She stomped on both of their legs, firm enough to earn a snapping noise from both of them and a cry of pain, which was satisfying to Test Tube.

P-2's screams intensified the moment Test Tube shoved a knife in one of their legs. She simply smiled. She sliced off flesh, enclosing it in a bag and storing it for later experiments. Once their cries died down, she picked them up and walked back to the room where L-1 remained unaware of what happened.

Lightbulb was awoken to stare in horror at a brutally beaten up paintbrush and Test Tube glaring back at her. She practically threw them at Lightbulb,  which made Lightbulb check on Paintbrush in horror; only for Paintbrush to wake up and start sobbing.

Then the door slammed shut, leaving the two hugging each other. Sobbing and wishing they were back in the hotel.

..{🍊🥤; Oj's pov}..;

I sat at my desk, exhausted. Not only had Paintbrush and Lightbulb gone missing but Trophy had told me about finding Paintbrush's journal. I glared down at it, the paint stained cover was making me cry.

I took off my glasses and sat there covering my face. Tears were streaming down my cheeks. why haven't they come back? Where were they? Are they even okay?

My stress overwhelmed me to the point where I was probably having a meltdown. I knew I should've made someone else take their laundry instead of them. Heck I should be the one missing, not them.

I heard a knock, a soft gentle one. I cleaned off the tears and snot on my face and hands. Put on my glasses, and cleared my throat. "come in."

Paper walked in, "OJ.. I was wondering if you're alright..? Nobody has seen you for a few hours so i wanted to make sure if everything was okay
"I'm fine, just busy."  Papers brows furrowed but he nodded and closed the door behind him.

I looked at Paintbrush's journal. It wouldn't hurt to read some, right?

845 words

Anddd that's a wrap up!!! Hope you all enjoyed thisz chapter [not like i totally didn't type all of it]-laughtr// ((you be quiet, I edited and extended it slightly))

Paintbrush can no longer walk the walk. Oof. I'll have you goobers know that the concept art for when the book ends has Painty in a wheelchair so that's great. They would absolutely be into cripple punk and you can't deny it. Blinged out chair with art supplies too. Enby flag wheel spokes.

ANYWAY NEW II EPISODE!! LIGHTBRUSH NATION WE WON!! CONGRATULATIONS GUYS THEYRE IN LOVE YOU MAY NOW KISS THE BRIDE IT'S HAPPENING AND THEY'RE CANON!!!!!! Anyway I'm sad paintbrush is gone but they honestly deserve a goddamn break. And also Baxter and a kiss from Lightbulb. Can't wait for their EXIT interview lmao. I just know we'll get some juicy gay content.

Anygays bye and sorry for not updating in a literal month. What's up with that?? Burnout. Autistic burnout is terrible and I made the co-author write the whole thing so that I don't die. See you next chapter that hopefully I will be writing instead of Laughter.

GaysThis book is going absolutely nowhere with the plot and that's what I love about it /jk we have plans for what's next

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This book is going absolutely nowhere with the plot and that's what I love about it /jk we have plans for what's next

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