Chap 1

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As part of a sneaky dare, Hetty and Granger each made New Year's Resolutions to give up their favorite beverages for a week, which was tea and coffee. They almost threw in whiskey, but Hetty thought that was going a bit too far.

Within 2 days, both were starting to get a bit withdrawal crazy.

'Not that it's any of my business, but your partner has been a bit more moody then usual.' Callen said.

'Oh, he's trying to give up coffee for a week. It's probably getting to him.' Hetty replied drinking her water.

'You trying to give up tea as well? Because I don't think I've ever seen you drinking plain water at your desk before.'

'Yes. And I must say, it's been quite refreshing.'

Given how much she loved her tea, Callen didn't really believe her.

On Day 3, withdrawal was really starting to bug Granger, so much so that he randomly lashed out at Eric for asking a simple question, and while on a stakeout, Sam almost had to restrain him to keep him from running to the nearby coffee shop!

Then on Day 4, he was mysteriously fine.

'I just had to get over the withdrawal part.' He said.

That afternoon.

'Ah ha!' Hetty exclaimed when she opened the janitor's closet.

'Oh crap!' Granger shouted as he splashed coffee on himself.

'I knew your behavior today was too good to be true! And before you say anything, I caught you on hidden cameras I snuck in here to catch people kissing when they're supposed to be working! Got anything to say for yourself?'

'Just 1, how do I know you haven't cheated as well? You've been awfully calm about not drinking tea for a week.'

'I have better will power then you.' Hetty boasted.

Then Granger pulled out his phone. Turns out, he snuck in his own hidden camera in a sneaky place: The mail room.

'Figured the burn room would be too obvious, so I took a guess. You didn't last 2 days, did you?' He asked after showing her the video.


Heavy sigh. 'Fine, you got me! I didn't last a full day. You happy?!' Hetty grumbled.

'Since we both cheated, what does that make us? Pathetic?'

'Oh no, don't go calling me pathetic! I bet you didn't even last a few hours without coffee!'

(laughs). 'You can't prove it! My will power is obviously stronger then yours!' Granger boasted.

Hetty eye rolled.

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