Episode 1 chapter 4

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I rolled over a Z with my knife at the ready. I found two bullets, a radio, duct tape, and batteries. I quickly slipped them into my back-back.

 I turned around to scavenge for more when I saw Doc attempt to pull a knife out of a downed Z, key word...attempt. The zombie jumped up and grabbed him by the shoulders trying to bite him.

 While Doc was trying to avoid the kiss of death. Addy, Mack, Cassandra, and I were trying to find an opening to end the Z's never ending story. When none of us could find an opening I had an idea, was it smart?

 no. Would it probably get me killed? yes. "doc stay steady" I yelled running at the Z and jumping on its back trying to pry its mouth away from docs arm. "I can't get a clear shot!" Mack yelled panicking.

 The Z got a little too close to doc's face so I wrapped my hand around its throat and pulled as hard as I could. I heard the satisfying POP of its neck breaking. All of a sudden I heard a gunshot and a giant hole was torn through the Z's head. Before I could react I was falling to the ground with the dead wait of the Z.

 I hit the ground and looked in the direction of the bullet and saw a boy about my age duck down on the rooftops. "Jesus Christ you okay kid?" doc asked pushing the Z off me and offering me his hand. "yeah" I breathed out, ripping the knife out of the Z's chest and handing it to doc. "Come on guys we should probably get back to the others" I said walking away.


I turned the corner to see my dad, Warren, and B/N standing outside the school with their backs to the door. "what the hell happened?'' I asked my dad as he came in for a hug. "where is the baby?" Addy asked.

 you know now that she said it out loud I noticed the baby was nowhere in sight. "Turned'' Warren said with her hands on her knees. my heart clenched. "b-bu-but how?'' I asked on the verge of tears.

"I don't know." my dad said rubbing my back. "surprise, surprise!" Murphy said, raising his arms. I whipped around and slapped him across the face. I heard a very satisfying SMACK sound and his cheek started to turn pink. "you know what...fuck you Murphy!" I said grabbing b/n's hand and storming away to the truck.

 Before I had even made it 3 feet from the truck my dad had grabbed Murphy and slammed him against the wall to the school. "Let him go! Or I will send you to walk among the dead." Hammond said, aiming his pistol at his heart. I turned around and aimed my rifle at his heart in return.

"same goes for you" I said calmly with a tear running from my eye. my dad turned to look at him with pure rage written all over his face, but nonetheless he let Murphy go. so I cautiously lowered my gun once Hammond had lowered his. "Let's get in the trucks." Hammond said angrily.

 I quickly picked b/n back up and walked up to the truck, jumped into the bed lowering my rifle and back-pack as I did so. Once I sat down b/n curled into my lap hugging my waist and falling asleep. A few minutes later I heard screaming then the door to the school slam closed. I looked behind me to see the rest of the group gone. probably went to mercy the baby I thought.

 A couple seconds later I heard a bunch of gun fire, I hugged b/n closely and grabbed my rifle just in case. 

Once the group had made their way back to the truck Murphy opened his stupid fucking mouth again. "You know nothing would have happened if you would have just left that damn baby." he said with his hands on his hips. "I didn't tell Hammond to go get eaten by a baby." 

my dad said slowly, walking over to the side of the truck to massage my shoulders. "Never mind that now. we need a plan." Warren said. "My plan is I'm taking this truck and I am forgetting about vaccines and labs, and all of you. I wanted off this train from day one, and now's my chance!" Murphy yelled.

 "wait...wait...wait you can't just go. What about California? what about the vaccine?" doc questioned. "what if it's real?" Addy paused "what if there is a chance and what it's you?" she said hopefully. "Addy'' Mack snapped, "How do we know this isn't all just bullshit?" he finished.

 "How does anybody know anything anymore?" Murphy yelled. I grabbed my handgun out of my holster and jumped out of the truck. I aimed my gun right in-between Murphy's eyes and said, "You're coming with us whether you like it or not okay? because if there is any chance of getting my family vaccinated...I don't care if I have to track your sorry ass all over the fucking country. It will happen even if it ki-." I was cut off.

"delta x-ray delta?" I heard from inside the building. "What the hell is that?" warren asked. "delta x-ray delta this is northern light. operation bite mark do you copy?" i heard as Addy walked back into the building. she walked back out with a blood covered radio. "It's Hammond's radio" she said walking out. "hello?" she said into the radio.

 "I copy you delta x-ray! this is-this is northern light! who am i speaking to?" the garbled voice said. "Addison carver" addy said. "okay. I need to talk to lieutenant Hammond." the voice said. I walked over to her and grabbed the radio out of her hand.

 "Hammond's dead." I said, swatting a fly away from my face. "I'm sorry...I didn't copy that, delta x-ray did you say that Hammond is dead?." "yes." I said monotone. 

There was a long pause and then, "is the package safe?" northern light asked. "package" I asked confused "What package, who is this?" 

"Listen, I need to speak to whoever is in charge!" he said. "Who is it?" warren asked leaning towards me. "I don't know they won't say they want to speak to whoever's in charge" I said handing the radio to my dad. Everyone looked at my dad. "you are" Warren said, facing my dad.

My dad grabbed the radio and said "this is Sargent Garnett of the national guard. who's this?" ohhhh shit he used his status shit is getting real. I thought with a slight laugh. "Sargent Garnett," the voice said. "Lieutenant Hammond was transporting a civilian named Murphy to California. Is he alive?"

 "yes he is still alive" my dad confirmed. "Good, good, are you aware of the operation bite mark?" the voice asked. "Do you mean the lab in California?" my dad asked. "Yes, yes listen to me! It is imperative that you get Murphy to California. I repeat. It is imperative that you get Murphy, alive, to California. Do you copy?"

 "but we don't know how-" just then the radio cut out. "Who are you?" he yelled in frustration. "It's dead," he said, messing with the antenna. "so?" Warren asked, hands on her hips. "so..." my dad continued. "So it looks like we will take Mr. Congeniality here to California." 

"says who?" Murphy challenged my dad. "says me," my dad said, throwing the dead radio on the ground. Everyone stared at Murphy for a second waiting for him to challenge my dad again, before getting in the trucks.


After about two minutes of driving I felt the truck start slowing down I grabbed my hand gun, pulled b/n onto my lap and wrapped my arms around him protectively. "hey, hey there you're that sharpshooter that saved y/n and I's asses aren't you?" I heard doc say. "oh man...I want to thank you! do you need a ride?" he asked.

 I heard nothing but silence and then the boy was jumping into the back of the truck with me. He walked up and stood next to me, reached out and tapped the hood of the truck letting doc know we were good to go. I looked at his gun and realized he was also a sniper. ohhhh this will be fun! I thought as the truck started moving again. 

The badass chronicles: A tale of Zombie slaying and undying Love.(10k x reader)Where stories live. Discover now