The Coffee Shop Connection

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Ahmed sat in the coffee shop, his eyes glued to the laptop screen in front of him. He had been looking for a stable job for months, but nothing seemed to be panning out. His savings were dwindling, and he didn't know how he was going to pay his rent next month. As he sat lost in thought, he noticed a girl sitting at the table across from him. She was reading a book, her face buried in the pages.

Something about her caught his eye. Maybe it was the way the sun illuminated her hair in a golden glow, or maybe it was the grace with which she sat. Ahmed couldn't help but steal glances at her as he took sips from his coffee.

After a few minutes, Ahmed decided to take a chance. He got up from his table and walked over to hers. "Excuse me," he said, "I couldn't help but notice the book you're reading. Is it any good?"

The girl looked up, surprised. Ahmed could see her face now, and he was struck by her beauty. She had large brown eyes and high cheekbones, and her hair was covered with a hijab. "It's really interesting," she replied, "it's about a mediaeval king who lost his queen on a hunt and later on orders the cutting down the entire forest , killing 100s of animals living there in order to find his love"

Ahmed smiled. "That sounds like quite a story of how villains are made. I'm Ahmed, by the way." He extended his hand.

The girl hesitated for a moment before shaking his hand. "Nice to meet you" she said, smiling back at him.

Ahmed sat down opposite to him without removing his eyes from her. They talked about the book and their shared interests for what felt like hours. Ahmed showed off his sense of humor and made Aisha laugh, forgetting all about his problems for a while.

"Do you come here often?"  asked Ahmed hoping to see her everyday. 

"Yes my college is nearby, so between classes i come here for a break" Aisha revealed that she was studying nursing at a local university. "It's always been my dream to help people and make a difference in their lives," she explained, her passion shining through."

"What about you, what do you do to make a living" asked Aisha 

Ahmed hesitated for a moment, feeling a twinge of insecurity about his current situation. "Oh, you know, I work for a big corporation," he replied, trying to sound more confident than he felt.

Aisha's eyes lit up with curiosity. "That sounds impressive! What do you do there?"

Ahmed shrugged, feeling a pang of guilt for not being entirely truthful. "I'm in the marketing department," he said, hoping she wouldn't probe too much.

Aisha nodded, accepting his answer. "That's great. Marketing must be an exciting field to work in."

As two continue , Ahmed found himself getting lost in her beauty, struggling to concentrate on what she was saying. He tried to focus, but her eyes and the way she spoke were too distracting.

As they were getting ready to leave, Ahmed realized that he still didn't know her name. "I'm sorry," he said, "I realized that I never asked your name."

Aisha laughed. "It's okay. It's Aisha."

Ahmed smiled, feeling a flutter in his chest. "It's nice to meet you, Aisha. I hope we can talk again sometime."

As they parted ways, Ahmed couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement. He had just met someone who understood him, who shared his passions and his struggles. He forgot all his problems for the time he was with her, He smiled for something good for the first time this week and he couldn't take off her from his head.

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