changing for love (unedited) Prolouge

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I didnt know how it happened or why they where there but when me and Eric walked out  of the apartment that same black car we were so used to seeing was sitting outside.

With a smile on his face Eric walked towards the car leaving me where I was. when he got six feet away from the car the door opened and out stepped keif. He was tall,skinny,and had hair much longer than erics which I guess was appropriate because he was a, football player when he was a human. He was here out of the blue which only meant one thing ........ Leo wanted to see US.

''so, let me guess Leo wants us.'' Eric said trying to sound like kief.

''yeah smart ass, Leo wants to you and your,umm lady friend.'' he said not being able to except the fact that me and Eric lived together and he hadnt even drank my blood or turned me yet.

"okay then lets go " he said pulling me towards our car.

"oh, no you dont " said kief "she has to ride with me and kurtis so we can make sure you dont try to run off again" he said with a smug grin on his face.

"fine" i said getting into to the back of the car while kief held the door open.

Before he closed eric came up to the door and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Ill see you at the house " he said smiling the fakist smile ever.

"what ever" i said frowning so that he could tell i was pissed.

as i sat in the car with kief and kurtis marcus the driver i couldnt help but look back to make sure eric was behind us and everytime he was.

"so Elle, i see eric still hasnt turned you yet " kief said without turning around to look at me. which is a good thing because after he did i flicked him off.

"nope not yet and why do you care exactly"

"oh i dont you can stay human as long as you want ,but leo is not going to be happy about it though" he said finally turning around to look at me.

"so why even say something about it then and why would leo care anyway" i asked looking concerned.

"oh no reason youll find out soon"

after that little conversation we had in the car when we got to the house i was on edge and completly pissed off. i couldnt wait till eric came up to me i was going to give him a piece of my mind.

"hey baby whats wrong , are you okay" he said when he showed up beside me.

"no, im not okay" i said giving him a deaf stare.

"why what happened in the car."

"well why is leo going to be mad that im not a vampire yet" i asked looking at him waiting for an ansewer.

"well because leo thinks you'd be safer if you where a vampire and thats why were here heis trying to see if you are still human"

"safer around who" i asked confused.

"all of us me, alex, kief, even leo just vampires period"he said smiling.

"but why does he even want me to be ok he hates me" i said looking confused.

"him and alex..." he started to speak but i cut in.

"oh ofcourse i knew alex had something to do with it since he thinks i'm like a bloodwhore or something"

"no he doesnt think that ive never even bitten you before they all know that".

"what ever just keep alex away from me"

when we walked into the house it was just like it was any other time we were forced to come to this hell hole. there where girls dancing and making out with each other, clearly stoned, and there was always that one creepy vampire that wanted nothing more than to stand there and watch the whole thing.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2015 ⏰

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