after eternity (25 minutes) the sound of liberation (the bell) pierced through the air freeing them of the severe torture (geography) being carried out on them by the iron-blooded monarch (Miss Shapens)
*bell rings*
MIKA- wait it's over already
CHAPA- *DEATH GLARE* don't start
MILES- how many years has it been?
CHAPA- 0.004756468798 years (A/N- i did the math)
MILES- *blinks*
CHAPA- 25 minutes
MILES- well that was abnormally long.....
CHAPA- well at least there's only one more to go before lunch
BOSE- yes just one more to goooooooooo.............................*snore*
C/MIND- he looks cute while sleeping,..wait WHY AM I SAYING THIS,.. I MEAN WHY AM I THINKING THIS !!!
a/n- short but still.......................
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