Chapter 1

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"Pleaseee let's go to today's show. It's going to be fun!" She said. "You are going to laugh non stop" she said. Why does ahe keep talking on and on...? "Tina, please i don't want to go to that stupid show"
"Hey! It's not stupid."
"What's not stupid about this whole thing? It's a guy with a microphone on a stage saying cold jokes with a black humor while feeding on people's insecurities. I personally think it's stupid." Little did i know i would be dragged across the city to go there. To be honest i probably should of agreed from the beggining, so i didn't have to get my literal arm pulled out by her. Finally she dragged and seated me on the 8th row. I must admit it was a great seat. Some time passed of those really cold jokes. I didn't want to like them just because of dignity. I mean what would my students think? Anyway some time continues and i start getting lost in my head. "SEE? It's not so bad!" She rudely interrupted me. After i 'politely' disagreed she finally shut up because the show was about to continue after the now 10 minute break. Damn this was exhausting. I mean i love Tina she is my best friend since highschool but she can never really shut up. Don't even get me started on the fact that she just can never be fucking wrong. I mean.. i... ok i'll admit it, the show is fun. To be honest it is more exhausting to hold in my laugh than to hear her talking, clapping her hands and jumping on her seat from excitement like a little child. "Tina will you please stop?"
"Stop what?"
"Stop acting like a little child i have to be around them everyday i don't need you to be one too." I just got to finish my sentence when all of a sudden the whole room went dark and the stage lit up with all the beautiful looking colors and the comedian showing up again.
"Ladies and Gentlemen i'm bak hopefully you guys didn't miss me. I had to go to the toilet real quick hopefully that wasn't too long. With such beautiful ladies in here how could i resist?" The crowd started cheering and laughing whilst i was just being uncomfortable. "Anyway, while were at it let's talk a little bit more about toilets. One day i was just hanging you know. A little bit with my fellas a little bit with da ladies.." Ugh that little smirk is so disgusting. "And as a good little boy i had to go the toilet to.. you know.. but i guess i wasn't the only one cause there was another guy with his girl doing some very funny stuff if i say so myself. I mean she was sounding like a dying horse." As he continued to talk shit my attention was caught by an man around he's 30's and a little girl who were sitting in front of me.
He seemed very touchy. Like how old is she? 9? Maybe 10? And i don't even think they are related.. Well i just decided to not say or do anything it just wasn't my place but they suddenly stood up and left. He was holding her hand pretty hard and she was looking still pretty uncomfortable. I just can't let it go even if it's just a silly little thing. "Hey Valentina, i'll be bak in a sec ok?"
I slowly stood up without making much noise, i didn't want to disturb too much the the show. As i exited from the theater i saw them going together through the backdoor. Pretty wierd. Anyway i continued to follow them without them noticing. Then he stopped. "Princess are you okay? I'm sorry i didn't knew that he would say so hurtful stuff let's go get some ice cream okay?" The little girl agreed they were on their way. "See? It's nothing." A whispering voice said.
"Tina? What are you doing here? Why aren't you inside?" Oh c'mon we have been friends for so long don't you think i know you by now? You saw the men with it's child and probably assumed that he was doing some horrible stuff to the girl. You think i didn't see you staring at them with the suspicion in your eyes?"
"She was clearly uncomfortable what do you want me to think?" I started defending myself.
"He probably didn't knew how that show was and it's humor. Every little child of course would fell uncomfortable with that kind of launaguege. So they decided to leave."
"But they don't look alike at all and if it was so, why wouldn't they leave earlier in the break or something."
"There are a billion reason why the can not look alike and as for the other thing i don't really know but what i do know is that earlier they didn't talk about jerking off and woman sounding like dying horses while they're having sex in a public bathroom. Look Aria, i know what has happened to you and your bother is horrible but you can fight this. Your brother does with his own kind of way. Now you got to find yours."
"I know Tina but it's easier said than done. I am scared to trust men again. They are going to use me as he did." The pain and the memories won't go away but you have to stop it consuming you." I let a slight giggle come out as tears started to form. She really does think i'm stupid does she? "You really think i don't recognize my brother's own quotes?" I said laughing and crying at the same time. She started laughing, hugging me and telling me that everything will get better soon. I want to believe her. I really do. It's difficult. And i don't think i can. We started going back into the theater to pick up our things and leave. We were not in the mood anymore. In our Surprise though the show had already ended. "How long were we out there?" I ask Val. She said it's not been long, about 10 minutes or so. Anyway our things were fortunately still there. We were walking down the stairs wanting to go to the exit when the comedian stopped us. "Hey! My name Kevin. I was the one up on stage." He said with an overly nervous voice. "You girls looked really nice and i was pretty sad to see you guys leave. Pretty worried too. Especially you made me worried." Looking at Tina. "If you don't have a boyfriend or something i would like to have your number maybe." Tina looked really nervous at me not knowing how to tell him the truth. She is still pretty bad at this. I touched her shoulder and give her a reassuring smile. I could see the fear and the courage mixing inside her eyes. "Sorry but i am not the best person for your situation." "Why? I think you're perfect." He made that smirk again i was about to drag her out of this hellhole but she started to talk again. "To be honest even if i was completely straight i wouldn't even look at you." I giggled. "It's okay we can change it..." You could see his eyes going up and down and stopping at her 'area' and then he started moving he's eyes and looking on my cleavage. "And since you are not straight i think your little friend right here would even make it more fun."
Oh hell no. I was about to throw fists when she started talking again. In those situations she is always sad and maybe even scared but this time she was not having it. I mean she is definitely not like me ready to kill, she wanted to end the situation. "Sorry asshole but we sound like dying horses. Especially when we have sex with small dicks like yours." I couldn't control it anymore. I laughed so hard i was tearing up. He left. Finally. We heard another giggle behind us too. It was a cold voice. A nice voice. The one they would give a female detective on a TV show. "Now that was fun" i turned around. She had nice and mysterious eyes. And i think Val liked them even more. She was lost in them. "Sorry about him he's kind of is a jerk." Yeah kinda find that out already. "Btw my name is Ivory. Nice to meet you" "Aria" i said before noticing that Tina was about to fall down. The worst part is that she wouldn't even realize. She is mesmerized. I discreetly try to wake her up from her little trip down fairytale land by tapping her on the back. She immanently woke up. "Tina! Val! no no no i'm sorry eh... Ah yes. Valentina Evans. Hi." Wow now that was a rollercoaster. She was confidant than she wasn't. And than she was...? I mean the 'Valentina Evans!' was so strong and confident. As if she was class president and the teacher asked her to say her name. 'Valentina Evans ma'am!' the only thing missing was the Salute. But then again the little 'hi' was so.. small? Compared to the rest of the sentence it definitely was. Ivory didn't mind tho. I think she might even like it. Oh fuck she definitely did. I started feeling like a third wheel while they were completely lost in each other eyes. By now there was no one in here. It was this big white room. Our voices definitely would ecco throughout the room. All the dust particles were exposed by the sun. It was like snow. Val's favorite. The world was theirs. They were theirs. Valentina snapped out of it. I could see the dissepointed look on Ivory's face. Val couldn't. She was too embarrassed. "Sorry we have to go." She dragged me again. The only thing i could hear were Tina's worried and chaotic steps and a slight 'wait' from Ivory. As soon as we exited Val was breathing faster than ever. Probably making up for all the breathes she lost in there. "She is so hot. Omg." She was saying trying to find room between each word to breath. I giggled and looked right into her eyes. She already knew. "She's behind me isn't she?" I waved at Ivory. She was blushing. Val turned around to face her now with more room to breath. "What brings you here?" That was so bad.. "You" she replied. Wow. She isn't a take it slow type of girl i guess. Anybody could feel from miles away Tina's chills. Ivory smiled again making Val melt even more. "M-Me?"
"Yeah. I think i deserve your number."
"You don't think i deserve it? Are you doubting me?"
"Wait what n-no." Ivory laughed.
"If you don't think i deserve you let me change your mind. What about next Saturday at 10?" She was smooth.
"Sure." Val said, trying to seem more confident.
"Great. I still want your number though." Val immediately obeyed and gave her the number. "I have to get going now, i have class but see ya girls." Leaving as fast as she appeared. I think val broke down by now. I took her back home and then left for mine.

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