Where is my wife?

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Vusi searched everywhere for Lindiwe. He turned the whole town upside down. He felt his head spin when his men kept on saying they couldn't find her. He should have waited with her he should have brought some guards with him. His reason for breathing was gone. "My prince." Mbuso the head of the guards approached him. "We were able to get some footage from the CCTV across the street and she was taken." He said that with his head bowed. "Taken!" Vusi yelled so loud that passer-by's stopped and looked at him.

He couldn't even sleep. His father was making calls to track down the car. But he was not moving fast enough. Vusi wanted to beat, choke, kill someone. Whoever took his Lindiwe was going to know the full wrath of Vusi. "Baba, we are taking too long!" Vusi was out of his mind yelling at the king but he didn't care. His father just ignored his tantrum and kept talking on the phone.

"Vusi, come with me my dear." His mother pulled him from the study before his father lost his temper. His mom took him to his room and told him to sit. The room felt empty without Lindiwe. He felt like he was drowning and the only person who could help him was Lindiwe. For the first time in his adult life Vusi wept.

Lindiwe finally could breathe properly. The idiots removed the gag and gave her food. She could tell by the little she could make out that she was at some fancy place cause of the expensive furniture. Her mind kept racing every time she heard footsteps or a door open. The men spoke IsiZulu fluently and sounded like they came from the village. Her heart was pounding so fast she feared she would have a heart attack. Was Vusi even looking for her? They had been getting along but would he look for his handful of a wife. Lindiwe couldn't stop the tears from falling as she felt her world crumble.

"They found her." His father said standing at the door way. Vusi had been in a state of disarray for several hours and finally he could breathe. "Why didn't you tell me they found her location?" Vusi said with anger. "You have to have clean hands to ascend the throne." His father said calmly. "Fuck your throne! Where is my wife?" Vusi yelled for the first time in his life at his father. "They are almost here." His father said and walked out. Vusi quickly grabbed his jacket and ran to the door. He had to see her, no hold her, no kiss her.

Lindiwe was beyond traumatised by the events of the day. She somehow fell asleep on the ground and was woken up by gun fire and screaming. She thought she was a goner until she saw Mbuso standing at the door. He picked her up and when she looked around the room was filled with guards. Mbuso told her to close her eyes but out of curiosity she peeked to see and there were dead bodies all over. Her heart stopped beating for a second. So many lives lost for what exactly? Land? All of this for land! She felt lost and broken.

"Lindiwe!" Vusi yelled the second she stepped out of the car. He looked like he had been hit by a truck. His always calm self, looked a bit hysterical. Lindiwe could tell he was very emotional but he kept it together when he hugged her. His vice liked arms locked her in an embrace that took away all the bad. She felt safe and loved. Vusi picked her up and walked away from everyone. The whole family was waiting to see Lindiwe but Vusi was not in the mood of sharing his precious wife. "I am sorry I didn't come." He said with such pain in his voice. "Mbuso told me everything and I am glad the king kept you away. I don't want you to get blood on your hands." Lindiwe said as she rested her head on his shoulder. Vusi knew Lindiwe did not know his dark side and he would rather keep it that way. His father did not tell him cause he knew that if he went, he would have fucked up the place. He had plenty of blood on his hands and his father knew it. But, the old man was afraid of losing the throne if Vusi got caught by the police.

He laid her on the bed and got on next to her. He just wanted to hold her, to make himself believe she was really here. Lindiwe tried to hold it in but a tear drifted out of her eye and the river of tears she had been keeping back flowed out. Vusi just held her tight and let her weep at the what if. Vusi knew from the moment she was taken that he was going to kill the mayor. He just had to plan it properly and as he holds his weeping wife he plans revenge.

The sun kissed her golden brown skin so perfectly. She slept with her mouth slightly open and she smile in her sleep. Such a peaceful sight. Vusi preferred having her like this than the nightmare that tortured her for days. Lindiwe had been so terrified of going out of the house. She kept to herself and he hated that. He wanted his wife back. She has even taken off her wig. Vusi had spoken with his mother and they got her a therapist who diagnosed her with PTSD. They prescribed some medication and she has been doing better. "Babe, wake up." Vusi said planting kissed on her cheeks. "Nooo." She said with one eye open. "We need to get up. Today is dad's birthday celebration." Vusi said. They had moved the celebration after the incident but it could not be postponed anymore. "Mmmm, ok." Lindiwe said as Vusi started kissing her neck. "Come on." Vusi said as he got off the bed. Lindiwe just wanted to stay in bed with her hunk. She didn't want to go to the stupid party.

"Makoti!" The knock at the door was Vusi's grandmother and the woman was such a bore. She was driving Lindiwe insane. "Wake up! The sun is already out! Come make me some tea." Gogo Ntuli yelled. "Vusi!" Lindiwe screamed as the kicked her feet in the air like a toddler throwing a tantrum. "I am sorry love." Vusi said from the bathroom. Oh, Lindiwe was going to strangle this old lady if she didn't back off.

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